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Show KANSAS KLUB HOLDS ENJOYABLE BANQUET Members of Organization in Utah Do-light Do-light Hearers With Familiar Reminiscences. . ' Seated at a table which formed a giant lotter "K,'' tho members of tho Kansas KJub of Salt Lake City enjoyed a dolicious banquet and au entertaining programmo of toasts at tho Commercial cltiD last evening. It was one of tho happiest spirited affairs that havo taken placo in tho big banquet room of tho club this winter. Tho banquet bogau at 6:30 o'clock and was served to nearly a hundred. A musical entertainment was given during the dinnor. Tho menu was an elaborate ono. The tables woro prettily decorated, deco-rated, largo bouquets of pink carnations being the center of the scheme. JSverard Bioricr, Jr., president of the Kansas Klub, introduced tho toast-master toast-master of the ovening, .ludgo Charles W. Morse. After a happy introduction to tho programmo tho toastmaster presented pre-sented Judge Edward F. Golburn, vice president of tho oreanization. Judge Golburn talked on "The Smart Kansaus of Utah." filling tho placo of .ludgo J. W. N. Whitccottou, who was unable to be present. "Kansas Kinks" was the novel title of a clever toast responded to by Dr. E. W, Mills. Mr. Mills related some of tho great things which Kansas and Kansans had accomplished. "Reminiscences" "Rem-iniscences" was the subject of an entertaining en-tertaining talk by Judge Morris L. Ritchie. Ho delighted the former Kansans with recollections of his earlier days in Kansas. Mrs. Nancy A. Leather-wood Leather-wood concluded tho programmo wjth an inspiring discussion of "The Kansas Woman as a State Builder." In addition to musical munbors by the Ronald Bobbins orchestra Miss Mildred Knight. Miss Edna Gohn and A. E. Eborhardt delighted tho banqueters, ban-queters, with vocal selections, which wcro froquentlv encored. A brief business busi-ness session followed the social pro-cram pro-cram me. |