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Show I CUSTOM MILLING II PLMFOR PARK H;:jr Graselli Zinc Mill Is Pur-j Pur-j IJ ' chased by Salt Lake ' I People. H IS TO BE REMODELED j New Concern Has Five-year Contract for American Flag Ores. . John Plngrec. president of the Mcr- I 4 chants bank of this city. lwa bought tlio CJrasselll zinc plant on the flat below ,J Park City and It la to bo remodeled and converted Into a custom mill for tho Park f City district, A company of local peo- pie Is In process of formation to finance ' ' ' and carry out the work planned. George H. Sclblrd of tho Western Ex-Hj Ex-Hj 1 ploratlon company aa general manager of the new concern, will have charge of the Hj , remodeling of tlio mill and Its subse- , nuint oporatlon. Tho Grassclll plant is j a well-built and well-equipped dry con- lentrator representing an original invosi- inent of about 120,000. It has a good power plant, plenty of wator, a railroad spur and complete laboratory, office and - other buildings. Hl" Manv changes In the mill will of course 4 be necessary, and It is expected the work , of making them vlll begin before the i end of next week. ' Crushing machlnory, roasters und leach- ing machinery Is to be added, and It is believed this can be accomplished In nlne-tv nlne-tv duys. The mill la Intended to handlo 1 ' those ores of the district of too- low evade to be sent with profit to the val-, val-, i Ley smelters, and that have been found . I extremely difficult to concentrate with-' with-' - out a loss of values that was prohlbl-1 prohlbl-1 , . I Three or four vcars' experlenco and ob- 1 I nervation in the" Park City district, and 1 espedallv with the American Flag mine, led the Western .Exploration company people to see the need and seek a so-lutlon so-lutlon of tho problem. Mr. Sclblrd. a I i metallurgical onginoer, has been employed H. r for the last seven months in cxperlnient- ' in? with tho ore and Investigating treat- mcnt methods. The first step taken In 1 the Investigation was to decide, once and for all. that no process would bo consld-i consld-i ercd which had not. been carried to a ' successful and practical stago by others. , Hence the work was confined to narrow limits. While It had been known for some time that tho mill ore, constantly " being added to by development, whs pe- cullarly amenable, both physically and chemically, to the new chlorinatlon proc-chs. proc-chs. vet this method of treatment was not looked upcii with favor, because It was until recently In an experimental stage so far as successful appliances were t concerned. H, While a description of this new process is not permissible at this time, it is a. , matter of common klowledgc that. It is a : modernization of the old Augustln proc- ' ess. wherein the metals are converted to t chlorides and subsequently leached with ;-tillable solvents. The process as now H" perfected, has overcome the previously existing difficulties in volatilization, low extractions, and high costs. Whllo the management of the American Flag was watching the development of tho chlor-(nation chlor-(nation process, It was carefully study-ing study-ing the results to bo obtained by con-j con-j ' centratlon. and concentration followed by cun!datIon. Without going into detail In regard to the tests, It was found that con-1 con-1 centra tlon alone was unsatisfactory, and that a recovery of 36 per cent of the sil-vcr, sil-vcr, VJ pur cent of the gold, and practical -( " ly all the lead was the best that could t' ho expected. A combination of ennccu- (ration and cyanldatton gave a final ex- . traction of 02 pur cent of the gold and ' 74 per cent of the silver, consuming 3.4 t pounds cyanide. Leaching with sulphuric 1 acid before cyanldallon also gavo a fair j recovt-ry, with a reasonable cyanide con- sumption. Chlorinatlon promises a re- covery of S3 per cent of all the metals t at a cost of ::.no a ton, and ulnce this I method of treatment is In practical op- , em tlon, Its adoption lias been decided As a starter for the new mill, which at the beginning is to be of thirty tons ' dally capacity, it has a very favorable i t'ontnict with the American Flag mine to furnish It thirty tons of ore dully for H-i . liv years. This assurer the mill a profit l from the start and five years' business, ' as the American Flag now has blocked 1 1 out about 100,000 Ions of $12 ore on j ' ' which tho cxplm Itnonts above detailed I were made, ll Is the purpose to enlarge i the. mill as snun as It Is a demonstrated - j siieocss to whatever capacity may bu ' called for by thu demands of the district. Hp , j The procefa Is practically thu same as i 1 that employ in the Mines Operating company's mill at Park City and the new I Knight mill at .Silver City. It is con- 1 bldcred sufficiently tried to be a proven success. There is a wldr. field hi Utah j ) for operations along this line as the ton- ) nage of ores that can ho handled best and I 1 most economically by this process is verv large, not only in Park City, but In other camps of the state, j The Grassclll zinc plant was built to 1 handle the Daly-Judge zinc middlings, hut when a process of separating tho zinc at the mine mill In the course of concen-' concen-' t ration was put into operation the zinc ' plant was left with nothing to do and has H been idle for two or three years. Mr. Hclbird Is a master of metallur-l metallur-l . glcul practice and an expert In the tech-nival tech-nival braiu-hes of mining science. JIc has had wldo practical experience, hav-1 hav-1 ' i ing manaRcd mills at Dc Lamar, Falr-l Falr-l view and Wonder, Nev., and made a con-feplcuous con-feplcuous success of each. |