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Show ISSUING YEAR BOOK.' Students of Snow Academy Devoting Much Time to Compilation of Work. Spocial to Tho Tribune. EPHRAIM. March 4. And) S.tringham and Emellus Chrlstcnson are In charge of compilation and publishing of the year book of the Snow academy, soon to be Issued, The edition will consist of sov-oral sov-oral hundred copies and Is to cost several sev-eral hundred dollars. All departments of the school, now fifteen In number, will be represented under un-der Its cover and many Interesting nnd beautiful sights of tho city will bo shown. The body of the book will bo devoted to the- activities of the school within the present term. The athletic, social and Intellectual aides will receive the greater attention. All the businesses of the city will be represented In tno form of advertisements. adver-tisements. , The staff members who have operated the work so successfully are as follows: Ernold Jenson. editor: Ancll Strlngham, business malinger; Gladys Chrlstcnson, socretarv; Claude Robins, trcasuror; Daveda Olson, assistant editor; Jesse young, assistant business manager; Edgar Ed-gar M. Jenson. designer. |