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Show I A FINE COLLECTION FROM OLD PIOCHE Sharing the attention that was lavished upon the show-windows In the house of J. P. Gardner yesterday was a collection of ores from the property of the Pioche-Nevada Con. Mining company com-pany out of Ploche, Nev.. that afforded one of the most instructive lessons on the resources of the camp. The collection, col-lection, which was obtulned from various vari-ous shafts along the ledge, tells of the presence of ore affording as much as S80 ounces silver, with another variety va-riety showing lead In big crystals, while associated with thess metals are copper and gold. An etching of the enmp rc-vlvea the Ptory of the old Raymond Ray-mond ar.d Fly, Meadow Valley, and other mines from which ores of the value of so many millions were raised at an early day and that are now undergoing un-dergoing another examination that should be followed by another campaign cam-paign of profitable development. The lesson. Indeed, Is well worthy the attention at-tention of the student, young or old. |