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Show NO MORE WIRES INTO POOLROOMS NEW YORK, May 20. President dowry of the Western Union Telegraph company said today that tho abolition of tho company's com-pany's racing department, announced by him on Thursday, is to be permanent. Ho also said that the company will not lense wires to poolrooms. The company a branch offices at tho racetracks will be maintained for tho transmission of such messagefl as may bo offered in the ordinary ordi-nary course of business. Yankees Won't Compete. Mi.-n? --rr T." Mou CO TTlinrrt In llltrlv tr be no American representation In tho international in-ternational cup raco In Germany on Juno 17, tho ruclng committee of tho automobile automo-bile club of America having decided to rocommend no representative, after the scheduled trial of tho entries for tho team cn tho Empire City trotting track had ended In a greater fiasco than the earlier trial of tho same machines. Only ono of tho American cars attempted attempt-ed to carrv out tho programmo arranged by the committee, but after covering 03.4 miles It was withdrawn both from tho trial and from tho team becauso tho owner own-er objected to being the solo American representative abroad. Representatives or a Western company wore present, but upon ndvlco of counsel declined to sign an agreement absolving the automobile club of American from claims fro injuries or damages during tho H had been planned by tho commltteo to gU'o tho proposed entries a 200-mlIc test on the Empire track and a largo crowd of enthusiasts Journeyed thlthor Thoy expressed ex-pressed considerable dissatisfaction over the outcome, Eiglit Straight for the Luckys. Nino ball-tossers from the Union school were tho victims In a game yesterday afternoon af-ternoon with an aggregation called tho Lucky Nlncj When hostilities ended thn Luckys had a total of fifteen runs to their credit, while tho Union team bad but four. This Is th(j eighth consecutive victory vic-tory for the Luckys, who arc anxious to cross bats with any baseball team in the city of their class. A return game will be played next Friday on the Liberty pnrk grounds. Young nnd Klnghorn were tho battery for the winning team. "Chick" Wright Wins. SAN FRANCISCO, May 20. In the olaw A billiard tournament at fourtecn-lnch balk lino In this city H. A. (Chick) Wright has defeated H Sfgourney by a score of S00 to 2tf, Wright's avcrago was 15 and that of Slgournoy 1315-19. In tho ser en of five gamos during the tournament Wright made a grand average of 141, which la tho highest average over made by an amateur for a series of games. |