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Show I'" WANT ADS" CASH RATES: . 10c per lino first insertion. 5c per lino each subsequent insertion. No nd to occupy less spaco j than two lines. Your "want ad" will bo accepted ac-cepted and 'phoned to The Salt Lake Tribune office at regular rates by the following agents: BRANCH OFFICES. dodbe-Pitts Drug Co. 101 MAIN STREET. W. H. DAYTON DRUG CO,, 5 corner Second South and State, j SHERWOOD PHARMACY, 502 South State. LEAVER DRUG CO., Grand Pacific Hotel, corner Third West and South Temple. VIRMILLION'S PHARMACY, PHAR-MACY, 511 West Second South. 'Phono 1838. WASATCH DRUG STORE, corner Second South and Third f East. W. R. CLARK DRUG STORE, II Eleventh East and Twelfth South, Sugar House. I FUNERAL DIRECTOR, EBBR W. HALL, UNDERTAKER md c.nblnmer. opposite P. O. "Phone 1019. Hf MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES. R. M'KENZIE, REMOVED TO 422 S. H State. Large stock to select from. rSW FLORISTS AND SEEDSMEN. TEXAS JASMINE BUDS 1 Most beautiful and fragrant flowers, i pure whin-. Lovely for -weddings, par- 1 lies, decoration day and commencements. Hfl Packed to arrive In perfect condition; 1 i-vergreon foliage, $1.50 per ICO; $2.50 per 100, express prepaid. $10 per thousand. Season closes June 15th. Send postal or H express order, The Pudor Jasmine com- H pany. drawer 197 Houston. Texas. w!356 GRASS. GARDEN AND ALFALFA seed arc the best. S3 E. 2nd So. U2S25 SCHWARZ & HEINCKE, FLORISTS. seed men. Si E. 2nd So. Tel. GG3. rSOl M FLORAL DESIGNS A SPECIALTY, j Richard E. Evans, SO Main st. Tel. 961. l MONEY TO LOAN. WWW F. G. WOOD. 149 MAIN ST.. ROOM 310. loans $10 to $500 on furniture, horses, vehl-clcs, vehl-clcs, etc., etc.; private; easy payments. ON FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC.; any quantity; easy terms. 210 Atlas blk. CHEAP MONEY 1 CHEAP MONEY! Any amount on furniture, pianos, valu-nbles valu-nbles or any good security. Sec us If you need money: lowest rat.es In city; easy terms. 129 Kelth-O'Brlcn bldg. t2623 MONEY THE DAT YOU WANT IT; H no red-tape; no delays; partial payments H allowed any time; any amount without notice. The Home Trust & Savings Co.. C West First South. ON CHATTELS: ANY AMOUNT. 67 F. Peterson. 53 W. 2nd South. ul230 ttM ON MORTGAGE: NO COMMISSION. Pomeroy, 26 W. 1st North; 'phono 2331-v. uSSl ON IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. Thos. W. Partridge, 5G Commercial block: telephone 743-x. u693 CITY AND FARM PROPERTY: LOW-rut LOW-rut rates. P. L. Perkcs, room 0 Masonic block, West Temple. t220 DON'T BORROW TROUBLE; JlOR-H JlOR-H row money. Salaried men or ween ac-1 ac-1 omniodated on their note, without mort-1 mort-1 dgo nr indorscr; easy payments; confl-ilcntlal. confl-ilcntlal. Cherry, 407 D. F. Walker bldg. H e!517 00 TO $25,000 ON CHATTELS OR REAL H estate; private. Equitable Loan and Tn- vest. Co.. tiVj W. 2nd So. p742 ON ANY PROPERTY: YOU RETAIN 1 pacsslon. The Stringer Co., 70 W. 2nd S, 1 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS. EL- j met- E. Darlln &' Co.. 6 W 2nd So. M 51000 to $E0,C00. ONE TO FIVE YEARS; 1 farm or city property. James IC. Shaw. 1 under Walker Bros. bank. p&) M ON UTAH AND 1 DAHO FARM'S, j Miller-Vellc, 503 McCornick bldg. ON FURNITURE, PIANOS OR GOOD H security, without removal; private. E. F Stolzenbcrgcr, 15 V. 2nd So,, room 28. R. L. TRACY. 11 E. 1ST SO.. LENDS money; no commission, expense or delay. WH LEND MONEY TO BUILD B houses. It is not necessary to have the house built llrst. We will advance the B money as the houso progresses. Lowest rates. Part payment any time, and Intcr- tst reduced accordingly. McGurrln & Co 32 and 21 Main street. misss Hj ACCORDION PLEATING. SUNBURST AND ACCORDION IftVHj pleating. Mrs. Jonnens, 47 E. 1st So. m412 COMlrnSSION HOUSES. UTAH POULTRY AND EGG CO VH headquarters for fancy poultry. Buy and eell ail Uracs. Fancy live and drcsBed. Al- ways reliable. Fancy egG for settlnc. C A Holbcrg. Mcr . m W. 1st South! t20a Hj "4"1J ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES."" J ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND CON- itructloa; lcrgo stock of latest chande- H Here. Intor-Mt. Elec. Co., -tS E. 1st Bo. CLAIRVOYANT. THIS WEEK ONLY'. J Wc glvo a full reading for half price. I Remember, wo tell everything, name In' I eluded. Free unless correct. Arnold- KJKfl Dickson's, 150 'A Main st. wHKM SPIRITUALISTIC MATERIALIZLNG 'cancc Sunday night. All can sec and talk with their aplrlt friends. 139 '6 Main st. All Invited. W1U remain in the city. WANTED. I BY LADY, LARGE. UNFURN. ROOM and board, ' prlvato family. Add, M 35, Trlbuno, W1859 NEAT MODERN HOME; GOOD LOT; about J-1000 cosh. Add. M 23, Trlbuno. W1732 SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE FOR the summer, or thrc or four dcslrablo housekeeping rooms centrally located: reliable re-liable party: no children. Address, with complete information, M U, Tribune. TO BUY A CARLOAD OF GOOD SEC-ond-hand furniluro To ship to new mining camp. Address L 57, Tribune. W1079 YOU TO GIVE YOUR CAST-OFF clothing, etc. to tho Salvation Army i social-relief dept., for uso in Its salvago room. Call 'phono 18S3-X. or send postal to Staff-Capt. David Miller. 35 Franklin ave.. whoso signature will bo on card car-ried car-ried by our collector. t2S UNCLE SAM LOANS THE MOST MO-ioy MO-ioy on diamonds, watches. Jewelry, guns. Instruments, tools, clothing, seal sKlns, otc . at y, rate Intorost. Phone 2170-Y; 30 E. 1st South. Also great bargains In unredeemed diamonds, watches, rings nnd musical Instruments. ul297 HIGHEST JfRtCF. 1'AID FOR MEN'S cast-off clothing, hats and shoes: ocnil postal. 65 Commercial Bt.. ToL 2125-X. uh SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND rtovoR. See Matstn, 219 State. 'Phone 2123-K. h97i FURNITURE OR ANYTHING SEC-ond-hand; nothing too large or fine. L X. L. 2nd-hond store. Tel. 490-3. 28 S. State. m3470 SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND stoves. S. L. Furnituro Co.. 23 S. State. sU60 WANTED SITUATION. ROUGH CARPENTER WOR7C. IN OR out of city; have tools. M 32. Tribune. wl79ii YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK OF ANY kind. Address M 31, Tribune wlS12 COOKING AND GENERAL HOUSE- 1 work, by Japanese, In prlvato family. M 29, Tribune. W1735 TWO LADIES WANT WORK BY THIS day. Address 4G2 So. West Temple. wl2SS 2 JAPANESE COOKS, FIRST AND second, want situation In camp. Address M 13. Tribune. wlM3 BY YOUNG WOMAN TO CLEAN OF-llces. OF-llces. A'dd. L 63, Tribune. . w50G WANTED INFORMATION. REWARD FOR ADDRESS OF DAN Cameron, formerly of ShoweH's ranch. Bingham canyon, now In Salt Lake, I. X. L, Furnituro House. 18 E. 2nd So. wl8(M WANTED AGENTS. COUNTY AGENTS. CALL OR write. Agents' Supply Co.. 169 S. State, Salt Lake, Utah. W12G1 WALL PAPER CLEANING. LEAVE ORDERS AT THE SMITH Drug company. 'Phone 23S. u693 AUCTION SALES. NEW FURNITURE EXCHANGED for second-hand goods. E. W. AVashburn Furn. Co., 3o W. 1st So. 8t- TeL 2021-Y. U2S13 FURNITURE OF 5 RESIDENCES will be sold at their original price, contesting con-testing of fine bedroom suits. Iron nnd brass beds, carpets, ranges of standard mal;e, carpets, drop head sowing machines, ma-chines, leather couches, and everything for complete housekeeping. These goods arc almost now. Cash or credit. Nebraska Ne-braska Furniture Co., C2 E 2nd So. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. WOMAN SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN. Lulu Brooks, M. D., Constitution blk. 81272 JUNK HOUSES. WESTERN JUNK AND METAL yard, dealer In rags, scrap Iron, bottles, metals and rubber; hides, pelts, furs, wool. 123 South State st. and 104-3 South State et. 'Phone 1383-K. u!71 UTAH 'JUNK CO., HIGHEST PRICE paid for Iron, brass, rags, bottles, rubber. coiVjer, etc G3 E. Sth So. 'Phone 223. b312 TO LEASE, BRICKYARD AND STONE QUARRY privileges. See Perkins, 643 12th E. U1112 COLLECTIONS. JOHN J. WALLACE & CO.. D. F. Walker Bldg.. Salt Lako, collect debts everywhere; reference. Walker's bank. U2197 ALL DEBTS BOUGHT AND COL-lected. COL-lected. COS Auerbach bide. tl MERCHANT TAILORS. SUITS TO ORDER, J13 UP. FIT GUAR-anteeiL GUAR-anteeiL Sorcnaen & Lorsen, 145 W. 2nd South. km: SEWING MACHINES. GRAND SALE. New 7-dr. drophead Singers, $34.50. New 5-dr. drophead New nome. 535. Wheeler & Wilson store, 29 E. 1st So. ' W1270 - -i PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING. WE WILL FURNISH IT ALL THE labor and material ffar tho decorating of your home. Paint, painters and wall paper. "Alwayo the beat." W. A. Duvall. 124 W. 2nd So. 'Phone 1145-k. t2)3 AUTOMOBILES. UTAH AUTOMOBILE CO., 67 MAR-ket MAR-ket st. Come and see the finest automobile automo-bile house In the Wfest. Wc sell and rent the llncat autos made. We also have a full line of auto supplies. Do you want a second-hand auto? 'Phono 2320-Y. w493 MOVING AND STORAGE. KUBALL'S TRANSFER VANS. MOV. Ing, storage and com'c'l hauling. 19 W. 1st So. ZlfcS-X. u903 REDMAN VAN AND STORAGE CO.. moving, packing and shipping. Phone ES3. l OXfica 126 and 125 S, W. Templs. fcl&iS WANTED HELP, A. FEW SALARIED POSITIONS TO offer ladle or gentlemen of not less thaji forty dollars per month. Inquire of Harris Barton, 9 Kendall square. GOOD COOK. APPLY 737 EAST Brighom. W1977 SOLICITOR EXPERIENCED IN hounc-to-houso work, good appearance anil good talker; nothing to sell; advertising adver-tising work; good salary. Call Sundav. Dr. pakcr, No. 3 .Pleasant ave, wl992 S- PREPARERS IN MILLINERY dept. Keith-O'Brien Co. wl99l i FIRST-CLASS CARPENTERS. HON-erino HON-erino M, & M. Co., 214 Atlas block. wl9S9 GOOD IRONER. FOR1 THURSDAYS. 239 Sovonthvst. wlOe-S GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 332 T BtrocU W199J FIRST-CLASS WAIST AND SKIRT-maker. SKIRT-maker. Apply Dressmaking dept., F. Auerbach. wl9S7 UNCLE SAM WANTS HELP 14,000 Appointments Ap-pointments last year; frco examination paper pa-per and catalogue giving positions and salaries. sal-aries. Dept. S. Western Correspondence University, Golden Gato ave., San Francisco. Fran-cisco. tl3M A FIRST-CLASS BARBER; .MARRIED man preferred. 14 E. 2nd South. wJ912 GIRL TO ASSIST IN SMALL FAMILY. G Covey court, 339 So. Cth East. W1907 WAITRESSES; GOOD WAGES. NO. 9 officers' mess, Fort Douglas. W1878 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family. 614 3rd si. W1901 A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, AT 9S3 South West Tomple st. YOUNG GIRL, ASSIST LIGHT housework. Call 203 Douglas avenue, end of First South car line. wlS03 CHAMBERMAID. APPLY WHITE House hotel. wlS27 MAN HUNTING IS OUR BUSINESS. If you aro competent to fill a strictly high-grade position, call or write. Hap-goods Hap-goods Inc., 91G Chemical bldg., St. Lauls, Mo. COUPLE BELLBOYS. KENY'ON HO-teU HO-teU IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD COOK. AP-ply AP-ply COS E. 1st South. wl52 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, mum bo good cook, city refcrenco; call mornings. Mrs. S. B. Mllncr, 6S5 2nd st. wl379 LADY TO REPRESENT EASTERN firm on salary, whole or part time; sultn-blo sultn-blo to widow or teacher, but not necessary. neces-sary. Call between 9 and 12, No. 129 First North. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. HOUSE-work. Apply W4 South 2nd East. wl25G RELIABLE PERSON TO CARE FOR 19-mo. child at home. 223 W. 1st So., rm. 7. W1257 MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGES OI' ios Angeles, Cal.. Salt Lake City. Utah. Dallas, Tex., or Denver, Colo., will pay railroad fare for a limited number of students stu-dents ns the demand for our barbers is greater than the supply; wo tench tho trado in 8 weeks and giiarantco positions. posi-tions. Write nearest branch for particulars. particu-lars. wl201 ARE YOU COMPETENT TO FILL A hlgh-grado executive, clerical, technical or salesman position paying J1000 to $50007 Call or write. Hapgoods Ins., 916 CbeirJ-cal CbeirJ-cal Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. A GOOD GIRL FOR COOKING, GEN-eral GEN-eral housework. 152 West 3rd South. w423 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family; good wages. 230 Sixth East. GOOD NURSEGIRL. CALL AT 4S G st. wS26 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Hotel, restaurant and household help. Headquartera for laborers. t5 W. 2nd So. Tel. 464-2 rings. o712 ROOFING. ROOFING REPAIRS. REASONABLE. S L Qravel Roofing Co., 449 W. 1st No. t20l MACHINERY. ELECTRIC MOTORS, HOISTING, EN-glncs, EN-glncs, steam engines, gasoline engines, boilers up to 100 II. P., pumps, pip.' from 2 to 9 inches, pipe fittings, blacksmith tools, blowers of all sizes, rails, shevo wheels, sheet 3teel, Ingcrsoil drills, boxes, hangers and shafting, pulleys, elevator engines, laundry machinery, belting, wlro rope, asbestos covering, bottom dump cars, lot of timbers. Clark Mills. I buy old plants of machinery of all kins. J. M. Sw.em. K S. Srd West. wllS9 ATTORNEYS. FRED T. M'GURRIN REMOVED from D. F. Walker bldg. to 527 Atlas blk. uKl CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. A C RAINEY, GENERAL CON-tractor CON-tractor and elevator work, work guaranteed; guaran-teed; rear 12S So. Main. Tel. 2191-X-1052-55 res. ullio ROY WATROUS. G7 E. 3RD SO. ELB-vator ELB-vator and Job woic. Tel. 1G75-Z. oS79 CONTRACTORS. UTAH SCREEN AND JOB SHOP general contractors of all kinds of now or repair work, stairs, store fronts, flxturca and bulldlnno. R. S. Brock &. Son. Props.. 41 6outh west Temple nUU LANDSCAPE GARDENER, WALTER WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR for miking now lawn3 . Lawn cutting promptly attended to. Phono 1318-Z. u2602 CARPET CLEANING. UTAH CARPET AND WALL PAPER Cleaning Co. Carpets cleaned on tho floor, feathers ronovatod. 'Phone 17S7-K. sll43 CASH REGISTERS. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. OS-car OS-car Groshell, sales agent, No. 221 Main at Expert cash reglstor repairing. Second-band Second-band registers always In stoclc nlSSO NEW OR 2ND-HAND. CASH, TRADE or terms. Sorronson-Stoutt Co.. 43 E. 2d So. ORE SHIPPERS. WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTER-est INTER-est to bo represented at sample mills and amolters by the Western Ore Shippers Agency, 163 Main fit.; P. O. box 457; tele-phone tele-phone 2000. W1745 WHERE TO STOP. LINCOLN HOUSE, 63 E. 1ST SOUTH. sn rooms; rales, S& And cento jb1& FOR RENT. FIVE-ROOM! HOUSE, BATH, CEL-lar, CEL-lar, etc. 31G B street. wlOSl $12.50;, TO SMALL FAMILY, FIVE-room FIVE-room houso with bath. Phono 902-,. 518-S-ROOM MOD. AND CELLAR; lawn and shade all round. 31 Alanvida ave. (no children), wlSSS 4- ROOM MODERN BRICK. ELEC-tric ELEC-tric light. 653 W. 1st No. wlS7l TWO .MODERN HOUSES. FOUR rooms, pantry, bathroom. 45Ha South Main; ?20. , wIMO 441 S WEST TEMPLE. R. K. THOM-as, THOM-as, 67 Main. DOUBLE MODERN BRICK. 9 ROOMS each, 703 South Main, lnqulro Room 13, Eaglo block, or 51 East 7th South. wl600 .1 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING; walor, porch, private entrance; 14-block Main street; very desirable. M 34, Tribune. wlSW THREE ROOMS, PANTRY AND closet. Inq. 4 N. 2nd West. W1749 2 NEW H-ROOM MODERN HOUSES. 675-677 So. 5th East. W1733 fl-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. C20 SO. 2nd West, 'Phono 2113-X. W1670 6-ROOM HOUSE. WITH ALL CONVE-nlcnccs. CONVE-nlcnccs. lnqulro 412 East 3rd South. three: large modern rooms and cellar, fit). Inq. 164 Oak ai. wl253 2 ROOMS, PANTRY, CLOSET, CEL-lar; CEL-lar; no children. 255 East 5th So. W12M NEW 4 ROOMS, PANTRY", CF.LLAR. outbuildings, corner 10th East. 10th So., on car line, $12. W1271 CLOSE IN: 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK. $30. Homo Trust &. Sav. Co., 610 W. 1st South. W1200 FLAT OF 4 LARGE ROOMS, CLOSE In. East side, $18. Frltsch, No. 12 E. 2nd So. st. W10C2 FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOME. 249 E. 7th South, ket at 247. Rent $18. w583 2 MODERN HOUSES, 6 ROOMS EACH. 446 W, Sth South; rent $16. 6-ROOM HOUSE, ALL MODERN. 139 W. 6th South. U1936 THREE LOVELY" MODERN ROOMS, ground floor; no children. 543 E. 4th South. 1 LARGE BRICK BLDG.. SUITABLE for factory or warehouse, on Sth So., bet. Main and State. Inq. Utah Bedding Mig. Co. 'Phono 3S3. LARGE BASEMENT, 67 Main street U1292 4 AND C-ROOM COTTAGE ON WEST plde. Jas. K. Shaw, under Walker Bros, bank. u267 5- ROOM THOROUGHLY MODERN. No. 120 East 2nd So. Inquire at house from 3 to 6 p. ra. ulO OFFICE ROOMS. HOUSTON BLOCK: suite of 2 or 4 rooms. t264o FURNITURE PACKED FOR shipping; cut rates; expert packers of cnlna, bric-a-brac, furniture, etc Redman Van & Storage Co. 'Phone KZS. U6S3 6- ROOM BRICK COTTAGE. MODERN. 156 W. 4th So. Apply Wilson-Sherman Co. tS23 LARGE STOREROOM ON MAIN ST.. bet. 2nd and 3rd So. Houston Real Estate Es-tate Inv. Co., 261 Main. plOSS CO HOUSES. ALL KINDS. PRICES and locations. Tuttle Bros.. lO Main st. WE WANT SOME HOUSES TO RENT. Hill Invest Co.. 156 So. W. Temple. mllO 7 AND E-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; steam and hot water heat: close in James K. Shaw, under Walker Broe. bank. nl5S3 THREE ROOMS, NEWLY PAPERED. Inquire 464 E. 2nd South. w7C3 MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE; Positively Posi-tively no children. 122 West 4th So. w934 GOOD ROOM FOR MAN AND WIFE, tine rooms for dressmaking, housekeeping. housekeep-ing. 349 S. West Temple. wS20 o-ROOM: HOUSE AT 214 CENTER ST. Lnq. 426 So. 6th East. wll&2 DENTISTS. J. F. IRVINE. DENTIST. HAS nE-moved nE-moved to 200 W. 2nd So. st wl400 DR. A. W. JOHNSON HAS REMOVED to 3U-312 Atla3 block. u25SO DR. A. SCOTT CHAPMAN. DENTIST. K6-0 Scott-Strovell bldg. 'Phono 1854-Y. STRAYED OR STOLEN. A TEAM. BAY AND BLACK. NEAR Sth So. and 13th West; weight about 12C0 each. Return to D. G. Garrison, 104 Na-vajo Na-vajo st. Roward. w!260 A TEAM. BAY" AND BLACK, NEAR Sth So. and 13th Wcst; weight about 1200 each. Return to D. G. Garrison, 104 Navajo Na-vajo 3t. Roward. wlOTo m FREE BUREAU OF INFORMATION For the benefit of those Salt Lake Tribune Trib-une readers who will visit the Louisiana Purchase exposition at St. Louis, This Tribune, in conjunction with tho St. Louis Star, lias established In the Star building, corner of Twelrth and Olive streets. St. Loula, but a few blocks from the Union etatlon, at which all trains arrive, a freo Bureau of Information, where will bo found a list of all respectable hotels, boarding-houses. restaurants, rooming, houses anil prlvato housos at which World'B fair visitors will bo accommodated. accommo-dated. Competent attendants arc in chargo at all times, and uniformed messengers continually on duty to glvo Information regarding rooms, places of amusement, street car lines, arrival and departure of railway trains, connections, etc., and to personally conduct parties to rooms, street airs, railway trains Any person going to St. Louis armed with a card of Introduction Introduc-tion bv Tho Salt Lako Tribune will bo promptly and properly given ull possible information absolutely without cost upon presenting it at the World's Fair Information Informa-tion Bureau. St. Loula Star building, Twelfth nnd Olivo streets, St. Louis, Mo. ELOCUTION, PHYSICAL CULTURE PIERPONT SCHOOL, COMMERCIAL club bldg. Miss Pierce and Miss Davis. UI7B PLUMBING. H. B, DAVIS. PLUMBING. HEATING, sower work. Tel. 1371 -Y. 123 E. 2nd 8a. BICYCLES AND REPAIRING. THE LEADING WHEELS ARE IVER Johnson. Racyclo and National. League Cyclo Store, 325 So. W. Temple. U103 NOTHING BUT PIERCE BICYCLES. F. I. Carter, SO W. 3rd So., cor. W. Templo. tao ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS. WARNER & POWELL ROOMS IP and 17, ovor; Walker's bank, (,wl332 FOR RENT FURNISHED. THREE PLEASANT, MODERN housekeeping roomH, also cosy alnglu rooms. 263 E. 4th South and 128 B. Tel. 933-y. wl91 1 TWO NICELY' 'FURN. ROOMS. NO. 11 Phlpps place. wJS95 A NICE FRONT ROOM FOR 1IOUSE-kceplng, 1IOUSE-kceplng, $7.60 month. 33G So. 7th East. W1S93 2 ROOMS AT NO. S WHITTAKBR court, on 3rd South. wl&Sl 4 MODERN ROOMS; ALSO FURNI-turo FURNI-turo for sale cheap; no children. 723 E. 1st So. wl8?0 ONE OR TWO ROOMS, FURN. OR unfurn., modern, close In; private family. Address M 33, Tribune. W1S17 ELEGANT FRONT PARLORS, SU1TA-hle SU1TA-hle for two; board If desired. 143 E. So. Temple. wl&Ol THE BROCKBANK FARMHOUSE and grove. Inq Mrs. K. A. Brockbank on 'premises, County road, SVj miles Houth P. O., Murray. wlSOO 4 ROOMS EN SUITE. NICELY FUR-nlshort; FUR-nlshort; housekeeping. 161 E. 2nd South. wlGCf. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. FOR gentleman, cheap. 377 S. 2nd East. wlC13 NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 1 or 2 gentlemen. 122 W. 4th So. wl606 TWO CLEAN. NEWLY-PAPERED housekeeping rooms; cheap. Rear 23 S. 4th East. w-1521 AN S-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE; reasonable. 1D0 E. S. Temple. Strictly mod. cm. W1026 FURNISHED ROOMS CLOSE IN; reasonable. 33 S. 1st West. W1509 LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; modern cottage, nice lawn; private family: 1 or 2 gcntlcnicn. CM S. 5th East. W1197 rooms for Light housekeep- Ing. 25 S. 4th East. wl42S ONE NICE CLEAN FURNISHED room; private family. 313 7th East sU wllOO ELEGANTLY FURN. MOD. ROOMS; Closo In. 222 W. 2nd South. W1493 ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room; sultablo for 2; modern, rent reasonable. reason-able. 6 Dubci av., E. 2nd So. bet. 3rd Sc 4th East. W1504 FINE FURNISHED ROOMS, STRICT-ly STRICT-ly modern; references. 325 So. 2nd East. W12-S5 TWO NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In now modern terraco. 21C West 1st So. W1277 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. NO. 1 Kendall Ter. wl06G NICELY" FURNISHED SUITE, OF rooms, also single rooms, with or without board. 37 South Main. wS&5 5 MODERN. NICELY FURN. ROOMS. ground floor. 523 E. Sth So. w!97 NICELY" FURNISHED ROOMS. NEAT, light, bath and telephone. &7S South Stato w426 THE PLEASANTON. NO. 0 KEN-dall KEN-dall square; handsomely furnished rooms, single or on suite; all modern conveniences; conveni-ences; close In. 'Phone 1295-z. w296 THE REST; NEWLY FURN. APART-ments APART-ments by day, week or aionth; all modern mod-ern conveniences. 69' W. 1st So. SUITE OF 2 OR 3 ROOMS. WITH OR without housekeeping. No. 133 Eth East. , ulGOO TWO ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, $3; rear 29 South Fourth Ep.t. BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS BOARD, ROOM. BATH, piano; rates reasonable. 437 E. 3rd So. W19-S0 ROOMS AND EXCELLENT TABLE ; new and strictly modern; lawn, shade. 411 So. West Temple, wl976 COOL, PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, modern, with board. 270 E. 1st So. wlSS-l TRY OUR PLACE FOR ROOMS AND board. 14S So. 2nd West. W1811 LARGE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED room and board; ground floor; strictly modern; beautiful lawn. 101 N. W. Temple; Tem-ple; 'phone 503. wl03 ROOMS AND EXCELLENT TABLE; new and strictly modern house. 265 E. 4th So. wl730 ROOMS, TABLE. THE BEST; EXCEL-lcnt EXCEL-lcnt location, lawn and shade. 137 No. Main st. W139S DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS with first-class board. 137 N. W. Temple. Tel. 1727-X. u2423 BEAUTIFULLY" FURNISHED ROOMS, excellent board. 124 Gtb Banc tU23 LOST. DARK BAY MARE. 1100 LBS.. WHITE strip on foreheud and on nose, scar on left hind leg. Return to Citizens' Coal Co. and get reward. wl973 PIN; HALF-MOON WITH THREE pnnslcs; name on back. Return Wilson hotel; reward. wlSSG BAY HORSE; SADDLE MARK ON back. Return to 250 S. 11th East; reward. W1S74 A WHITE SPOTTED TERRIER WITH black and dark spotd on head. Return to 6S3 Srd st.; roward. wl&03 TWO DACHSHUNDS; WILL PAY $10 reward. R. Stcnzel Fur company, 79 East 3rd So. w-1279 FOUND. ON STREET CAR, UMBRELLA. GET it at Tribune and pay for ad. FOR SALE OR TRADE. OR TRADE, 3-ROOM HOUSE AND I lot, 2GxlC5 ft., well fenced; lawn, shade trce.s, fine chicken-coop; house lino eon- ' dltlon; for lot, about 2'xlO rods; small house of 3flr 4 rooms will pay $J)0 to flOO difference. 931 E. 4th So. wlS02 OR TRADE. 4-ROOM BRICK HOUSE? pantry, closet, hall, summer kitchen, bath, hot and cold water, electric light, lot 24 xlO, alley way, shado and lawn, property in rirst-clasa condition Inside and out, 641 South 9th East Will trado for 3 or 4 acres land or vacant lots south or southeast south-east part of city. w70l BUSINESS CHANCE. T WILL SELL ONE-HALF INTEREST In a good mercantile business, located In a coining country and surrounded by honest trade. Write me for terms and particulars. T. L. McCarty, P. M., Groen-rlvcr. Groen-rlvcr. Utah w!S73 OPTICIANS. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO.. 2C0 MAIN. Wholeal and retail mnnuf. ooticlana. SAFES. NEW OR 2ND-HAND. CASH, TRADE or tcrnui. Sorensun-Stoutt Co., 42 EL 2nd S, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FORCED SALE OPPORTUNITIES. Double houso, 10-r. br., payB $30 per mo., large, lot, coment walk to Main st., 3trcct car, etc., snap at $2700. t t bricks, largo lot. rents over $700 yearly. 1 tako It for $4000. ' y Fine 7-r. mod., lino lot. barn, $3000. 1 Close in, neat G-r. b., onlv J1SC0. Mod. 7-r br., S2C-0 cash. $23 mo., $2700. Lot snaps on E. 1st So., 2nd So., 3rd, Brlghnm or N. bench, 'IV- rods up. Realty Co.. 05 W. 2nd So., 'phono 760. ROOMING-HOUSES, ' See GODDARD. under Walker's Bank. urrn HOUSTON REAL ESTATE 1NVEST-mcnt 1NVEST-mcnt Co. Real cHtato and loan brokers, 251 Main ntreet. WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S all. Tuttle Bros., 113 Main; red ball slgna. 25 YEARS ABSTRACTING 23 YEARS! We have mado abstracting a life's study. Save time by coming to our records rec-ords Instead of wasting It Going to tho city and county hullding. They aro absolutely abso-lutely correct and up-to-date. Wo are always al-ways at your nervlce. Homer Abstract Co., Main and First South (under Doseret bank). w201 SPECIAL-7-ROOM MOD. FRAME, adobe lined. 4th nt., $2300; very neat; snap. H. G. McGown Co.. room 3, 131 So. Main, over Bon Ton theater. w31C REAL ESTATE. RENTS. LOANS, INS. Hill Invest Co. ICG S. W. Temple. ktJ15 B, B. WESTERF1ELD, 63-69 COM'L blk. Houses, lots and business property. t&73 OUR BUSINESS IS REAL ESTATE and loans. C. W. Miller & Co., 112 W. 2nd South r2163 RANCHES, FARMS. ACREAGE; BIG Hat of our roal estate paper freo at office. Harrington & Courtriey, 15 W. 2nd So. m3O10 DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN? WE hayo a benutiful suburban home. 7-room modern b., good born and chicken house, elegant flowing well, hot and cold water In house, abundance of all Ulnls of fruit. 14 ocrcH of land with 4 aires adj. tnnt can be bought at a bargain, and this beautiful beau-tiful homo can Uo bought for what tliu house alone would cost to build. A nice G-r. house, lot 0x140, Iron fence in front, near 9h AV. and 3rd So. $1200. 8- r. mod. on east side, 2x10 rd?. $2850. 9- room modern 1. p. ., southeast. 00x110 ft- $5CO0. Elegant homo on easy terms. 4-r. p. b. collage, samo location. $1650. 7-r. mod. p. b.. r ew, 3x8 rds.. $3650. Vacant lots In all parts of city on good terms. Reno Realty Co.. Phono 1635-K.. S Went 2nd So., rooms 16 and 17. wjtll LANDS FROM 1 TO 1000 ACRES. Write us stating where wanted and wc will send list or property for sale in that localltv. Williams Bros, Murray, Utah, box 327. 'Phone 155-Y. W1734 5 ACRES OF LAND. WELL 1M-provrd; 1M-provrd; four-room brick house, cellar, stable; on easy terms; location west corner cor-ner of 15th South and lltli East. wlSlO FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ROOMING-HOUSE. 14 LARGE ROOMS; bachelor headquarters; modern; rent only $45. Price lease and furniture, $1500. Tol. 1614-X. M 27, Tribune. wl97J HENS WITH CHICKS. PIGEONS. Belgian hares with bunnies. Hopkins, rear 15S N. Main. wl99l RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUN-ttr, COUN-ttr, doing a' good, paying business. Address Ad-dress M 36, Trlbuno. v1900 BALED HAY BY THE LOAD; slightly bleached; special price. 'Phono 973-k. wlOll OAK APOLLO. $133; SLIGHTLY USED. Seo at one, Cicwn oiuslc Co.. 109 Main . U2403 FURNITURE OF THREE-ROOM house; house (or rent, if wanted; very reasonable. 144 W. 5th So. wISSo A FARM HORSE, 1100 LBS. '&, SO. 7th East. wlS87 NICE, GENTLE FAMILY BUGGY" OR surrey horse, at a bargain; lady can drive. 417 East 1st South. wl82 LIGHT SINGLE BUGGY" ; GOOD CON-dltlon; CON-dltlon; cheap. 157 So. 7th East. W1902 NO. 2. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. $12.0). 46 So. 3rd East. wlS70 LIGHT BRAHMAS AND W. PLY-mouth PLY-mouth Rock eggs, $1 a sotting; also birds for sale. No. 15 Currant st. wlS72 SELECT LOT OF DRIVING horses and one child's pony. lnqulro 24G East FlrstSoulh. W1S20 BICYCLE WHEEL BUGOY; GOOD condition; 'very cheap. 123 E. 4th So. CIGAR STORE, IN GOOD LOCATION: must sell at once; greatest snnp in Salt Lake. John Q. Crltchlow, trustee. 222 Commercial Club bldg. wl742 SHETLAND PONY' AND BUGGY". IN-qulrc IN-qulrc Utah Junk Co: C3 E. Sth South. w!729 RESTAURANT AND WHOLESALE Ice cream plant for sale at $1100, or will sell restaurant for $650. Address M 21. Tribune.- wl0:6 FURNITURE OF 4-ROOM COTTAGE: close In. 249 S West Temple. wlG51 LIGHT TOP BUGGY. RUBBER TIRE.' or trade for good surrey. 110 W. 2nd So. w!4t3 TOP BUGGY AND HORSE. INQ. 937 West 2nd So. wllIG FINE STANDARD-BRED FOUR-year-old marc. 261 4th st. w!254 SPLENDID DRIVING HORSE, SU1T-able SU1T-able for surrey. Inquire U. U. Hlskey. 201 McCornick blk. wl2il SMALL CAFE. DOING FAIR Business, Busi-ness, reasonable. Address Y 54, Tribune. W1265 A COMPLETE SALOON OUTFIT. AD-dress AD-dress James Gilbert. Fay. Nev. W1273 ROLL TOP DESK FLAT TOP DESK, offico chairs, leather chairs, copying press, 135 South Flrsl West. wl205 A NATIONTL CASH REGISTER ON easy payments. P. O. Box SS2. wll32 22-ROOM HOTEL. NEWLY FUR-nlshcd, FUR-nlshcd, with flrst-class restaurant, for 6alc; failing health reason for selling. Inquire In-quire Granstrom's Cafe and Oyster house. Baker City. Or. wllSO BICYCLE: IN GOOD CONDITION. AP-ply AP-ply room 17, 17 E. 1st South. wlOOl C2-ROOM MODERN ROOM1NG-houso, ROOM1NG-houso, best location In city. Address P. Q. lio :S9. w733 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK. R. C. Rhodo Island Reds (Cushman). White Wyandotte (Duston) egg. $1 per 15. Cress Brook Ranch. S510 S. 7th E. w343 SEWING MACHINE; LIGHT DOUBLE harness. Apply 744 State at. ull63 A BUTCHER'S ICE BOX. 210 SOUTH Stale. U1937 AN AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE cheap. Address K 37, Trlbuno. ul257 PICTURE FRAMES AT COST. Bring us your pictures for framing. Rivers Riv-ers Bros.. 140 Main street. t763 HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD. IOWA stables. 129 W. So. Templo. ullto FIVE HOUSES AND 43 BUILDING lots at Bingham Junction. Inquire Mrs. Cutler. 905 E. 5th South, city. wl3S3 , REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. U. P. R. R. lands. E. J. Wills. 15 W. 2nd So. mlS37 BICYCLES. $5 AND UP. MEREDITH. : 164 So. W. Templo. t2352 A FINE BUSINESS PLACE. HAY rancli, cattle and range. For particulars apply, to H. MqCaln, HullecJ Mov. u7T3 EOR SALE REAL EsJ ATTENTION. RAlLROADnajff ' TION. You can buy, from us, a flne ft wo-story. well-built home, w 1th v 5i L... 6 closets, pantry, china cin,, ilk v th 3xl0 rods of ground, ffi fcf M blks. from O. S. L. denoL I PL lust think of It! pou i Llttlo & Little. No. 4 W 2nd t$ QUIET COUNTRY HOMl I have Just the place vou 1 7r been looking for. Not ten fa PU away, but near car line" only a short drivo to towri.1 'j acres of most land-In lucei ! garden and hearing orchard C V spring, on the placo tlio" Ji round. 6-room brick cotti t which would make a ple(t; country residence; barn ulth? paclty for. 13 tons of hay Thii ir an Ideal spot for orchard, chf i;ns and trout. Near 11th East! v 12th South. $4000. Thlnk!-4 $32o per aero for land! 'M o o o j. Ti Brick cottage of 3 large roo - porch, shade, cow-shods. chlcV z coops; lot 23x165 foot, 7th y S' near 1st South-$I500, fit EDAVARD M ASHTON'MBm 201-303 Doseret News BldgjW A. RICHTER. t 19 West Ut South St . f ' ijn f6 Tel 611. g& 2&xl j-ods near 1st West and Soutl plo st., $500. t$ 6-room brick cottage, 2'.rxl0 rods' in front and paid for, cn Q -t. ne W 517(0; renting now for $15 per 'mon 3x10 rods and splendid 4-roora ut cottnge and summer kitchen, large tho houso is in flrst-clasn reparJi?; 3rd EaHt and 7th South, $100, $;,' bal. $10 per month Wai A. RICHTER, r5u 19 West 1st South St "TaJI Tel 6U, ABSTRACTERS OF TITIJSjj? THE SECURITY ABSTRACT C( Salt Lakfi and Tooele county ahj St Atlas blk.. 36 W. 2nd So. Tel. 299 J, r PATENTS. J 0 PATENTS FREE. CONSULT & cfflce. 25 EbrIo blk.. 2nd Ooor. i SECRET SOCIETIES. 'I f ATTENTION. MODERN WOOt All noignbors arf requested to in the Modern Woodmen hall on Sat May 21, at 1:45 p. m . to attend 't neral of the late neighbor. Samrie ler. which will be conducted at th donee of Neighbor M. A Daucher N street, at 2:30 p. m o( said day; J. M. TRI ITT. V C ; G. M SULLIVAN. ClerkS G. L. McKEEVER, V. a A. D. McGITRE. CIcrk.t a ARGENTA LODGE NO jrV,and A. M At Maaonlc hal TTTuesday of each month. Mi vof sister lodges and sojoi brethren Invited. 4 FRANK P. SHERWOOD, Vf MOSES C. PHILLIPS. Secretary.! WASATCH LODGE NO. 1 F. Ai M. Masonic hall, second Frldayj month. Members of sister lodgesiii Jourhlng brother In good standli vlted A BROWN, 1 A. J. LOWE, Secretary MT. MORIAH LODGE NO. 2, F A. M. Masonic hall, second Monda; month. Members of sister lodges' a Journlng brethren in good standlr .vited. JAMES H. BROWN. V! CHRISTOPHER DIEHL SecreUl EL ICVLAH TEMPLE. A, A. OS S. Third Wednesday of each month sonic hall at 8 p. m. All nobles sa lng Invited. 7 C. F JENNINGS. Potenfl A. BROWN. Recoider I WOODMT3N OF THE WORLD!! WOODMEN OF THE WORLdI DESERET CAMP 4 MEETS EW Thursday nlrht at S o'clock In KnlgJ Columbus hall. Jennings block, 21 VJ South, WM. F. LANGENBACIvBR, O Commander ' fL T. E. NEWMAN. Clerk- -K WOODBINE CIRCLE NO. 41 Ml every Tuesday, S o'clock, at I, O.J' hall. SILVER MAPLE CIRCLE NO meets ovary Friday night at I. O hall. FRATERNAL UNION OF A3IER1 EARGREEN LODGE NO 151 'Ml every Monday at 1. O O F temple T. B. HARPER,' H. J. HESS. Sccretarv 'M ODD FELLOWS. "j UTAH LODGE NO 1 E Thiirsdnv. S p. m . T. O. O F. ttmplj SALT LAKE NO. 2. EVERY FBI S a. m.. at I. O. O F. temple JORDAN LODGE NO. 3. EVERY) day. S p. m.. L ". O. F. hall. jj ENTERPRISE LODGE NO. 15. Wednesday. 8 p. m . I. O- O- P- tem FIDE Lin LODGE NO 17. I Oji meets pvery Wcdneslay night at o.i L O. O. F. temple Visitors welcori E. B HENDERSON. J. C. SMITH. Secretary ) REBBICjMI NAOMI L0D52 (D. R.) No. L E-crv necond and fourtfl undav. S p. m i. O O. F- temple, t MIRIAM LODGE (H. OF R- Every first and third Saturday s p.l O. O. F. temple. Rebekahs invitea.'fr KNIGHTS OF PYTIUAS. ATATHErYRTTB every Monday. K. of Igj Q. S. THOMSON. K. of R. & - LINCOLN LODGE NO. 23, & meets overy Tuesday evening. 5 oo K. of P. hall. Jl ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE M Evcr- Thursday evonlngK. otr- ICNIGHTS OF THK MACCABg "jCoTrrMAL Even- Thursday. I. O. O. F. hall. Vh Knights Invited LADLEf TI25 'ALT LAKE'ciTY HIV13 Nj n,eetF every n.t and third Tucsdajg m.. I. O. O. F. hall. FRATERNAL ORDER CF EAGU SALT LuVIvE AERIE NO. 7. -Eg Friday. 8 p. m.. A. O. U. W. hall. :j FRiVTERNAL BROTHERHOOJj GOHGE NO. 2. 5 nd third Tucadi. S p. m.. A o. hall. Mi ROYAL AKCANUM. 8 L. COUNCIL. 1517. 2ND AND? Thursdays, JcnnlngaBlk. E. L. JONES. Sc. DANISH BROTHERUuOU 0& and, Srd Thuridajr. JK Q. Ov |