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Show I'll ORGANIZE COMPANY OF 4j UTAH NATIONAL GUARD $r ' vcttl to Tribune. !S OGDKN'. Vtah. Ma' -0 Lieui.-Col. v ; Cr(enftWBld and CnpL William C. West 'the Utah Natlonut Guard wero In the My tonight and organized an infantry ml ho' upward of 100 applications, but only jlf 'cny vero present to be sworn In, Chl (Jorpe A. Graves of tho Oqdcn fire deli de-li -jrlmcnt van ssolcclcd as contain. W. E. iJi'r.WJ3 0 rn 14 J-iiimukj nils be- ' jfcjtd as tlrfet lieutenant nnd J. L. Louder fCcond lieutenant. iffUt-Col. Orcenewald and Cnpt. Wt .Aj as must.vlng 'officers and eworo in nien presont. Tho organization con-,,!- ome of the most prominent young -J'nlii the city and overy offort will bo Ejdt to make It the crac'x company of tie Guards. , . Tfcs corner-stone of tho new Hermitage hflttl In Ocdcn canyon, to bo built by I TVIIIIam G. "Wilson, wna laJd today, and Jr the work of construction will bo pushed tte'f S rapidly us possible. 1 Y Judge Rolapp today Issued a. citation dl-ik dl-ik ..JIcp R- H. Weatherby to appear In ''rAcoTt ft I" o'clock tomorrow morning and WAsmow rauso why ho should not bo pun-VAVved pun-VAVved for contempt of court. Tho cita-vftlVjn cita-vftlVjn is the outgrowth of a dlvorco case HliLusiit bv Mrs. Wetherby against her Cj 'jfesband and js rnado returnable tomor-b tomor-b "1 row rnornli;r J Simeon Farley today reported to the 5? that he had been held up and robbed j I early this morning by a masked man who 9 sabed a gun In his face and went through I kisporkfts Farley was so badly scared 9 , (kit he had to b taken home In the J? patrol wagon. 7, , " rf- ' 1 Tbe firo department was called out this A t coming to the residence of Gcorgo A. Loire The blaze waa n trivial one, with 5 jj damage. It started from a tlnner'a ft rjlfit, a small sheet-Iron stove having v ; Ufa placed too near a can of gasoline. . a e ') The funeral of Ethel Mnudc FtcIwcII ifll be held at 2 o'clock tomorrow af-"i af-"i tfrnoon. I 4 s ' Clark Gibson and R. L. Davis have been " Itli to answer to the District court on J ' the charge of resisting an officer. Their tosdj are flxid at J3CO. |