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Show Jewelry Taken From Coffin in Tomb Large Quantity Stolen From Grave in Albany Cemetery Has Been Found. ALBANY. N. Y.. May 20.-A large quantity, of Jewolry, undoubtedly that taken from the coffin of "Lady Mary" Livingston In a recent mysterious mys-terious raid upon the Livingston family tomb and valued at thousands of dollars, dol-lars, has been found by the police ln a raid upon a "growler gang" In a low resort re-sort on South Lansing street. Thomas King and othera arrested, classed by tho police as "hoboes." who refuse to givo any place of residence, hnd the Jewelry upon tholr persons nnd concealed about the house. The Livingston vault wan entered en-tered one night several weeks ago and the coffin of "Lady Mary" broken open. |