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Show Send of utah j tellsabout her HOYT, a Boston mining en-rjneer en-rjneer and manufacturer, Is spendinff a few days at the Kc-nyon hotel on Ills way home .-California. Utah Is undor obllga-ittr obllga-ittr fil0 yr. Hoyt for missionary work Slfcln the far East. Ayhere ho has ftiL'n eflUBhtenins the natives as to the paijxLj social and climatic advant-iftiof advant-iftiof 'this State. He was in Utah for ttv? days two years ago and a friend -jMjelI. Mass.t who knew this fact, JnW that he deliver an address on rraCikf btforc a Iowell educational so-N&irhlch so-N&irhlch was making a systematic ttS.k of the various States. 1 jJL Pope of this city, who hap-to hap-to be in Lowell, heard tho paper land was eo pleased with the ac-ite ac-ite ay Ih which his native Slate inscribed that he wrote to his Salt "(i friends) and indorsed Air. Hoyfs -f jj Bs the best short nccount of if c-iS hJ had ever heard. Fortunately, r-Ho)t brought his manuscript with "iii (am this trip that ho might see how a Ms memory had served him. Ex- It in a few Inconsequential details it 'A i'ferfectly correct and a trcainiry of H Wtt-'sd Information and vivid de- ?p nis to bo regretted that other casual (kits to Utah have not taken equal lj jij to gather facts, and scatter them 3 ice sufh information is so badly &i kM. Mr. Hoyfri paper might well i'prlnftd by the Commercial club and fcri&uWd among tourists, ft iEeaj'S that, when he Informed tho C i:;lt of Lowell that Utah was larger M to all fix of the Now England Ji (ite, they were Biirprl?d and when S4 fbM Ihem that the streets of Salt Ki ih vtrp 132 feet they gasped for f cilb. ;wtbe Utah climate Mr. Hoyt said: tW word describes it and that word i. !,-trfctIon ' It iw Indeed a land of H phln? and pure air. Weather bu-? bu-? m statistics show that on an aver-l aver-l (theEjn shines more than 800 days sdi year. The pure, dry air from the j. balalna Js met by the salt breezo T from the great Inland sea, ! ii&s a mixture of seashore and a ntaln resort that Is both delightful ii edbtalthful. It Is a natural cure for SiflKtlons of the throat and lungs, 3 i'K dkeaae has not gone beyond its U d!er Etages." i ;Vr. Hoyt will remain here until Sun- |