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Show MERCHANTS READY FOR COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS Special lo The Tribune. LOGAN. May 20. Tho commit too in churgo of tho first of Juno holiday, when in commorclal travelers of Utah will cross bats with tho merchants of Cache valley In this city, hold aji enthusiastic mooting nt tho Odd Fellows' hall last vonlng. Tho reports were, extremely satisfactory, sat-isfactory, and showed that tho work wits well under way, so that the commercial men nnd their frlonds will bo given a roval reception, and from the spirit and determination deter-mination of tho business men, will bo given giv-en a good walloping on the diamond. Tho committee on parade reported that It had selected Seth A. Langton, Esq., as marshal of tho day. and that the city fnthers would lead tho procession from tho depot In a special float. Fifty-five dollars In prizes will bo awarded by this committee, as follows For best Uoat, $16; for best turnout, outsldo of float. J10; for bc3t mounted horsemen, gentleman $5, lady $5; best decorated bicycle, $5; beat turnout of mechanics, J5, best appearing soldier, $5. The colors red and white wero chosen for tho occasion and $100 was appropriated for the decoration committee to use In displaying dis-playing the colors for tho occasion Tno committee on line-up reported that It had more than enough men, nearly every merchant In the county having lately late-ly become a baseball player, and that it was arranging to try some of the, men out, nnd asked for a few days to sift out tho laige crowd of merchants eager to get a chance to do tho men that have been doing do-ing them so long The commlttco on refreshments reported that It wm doing Its best to find out what the travelers liked, with soino success, and that It would provide sufficient quantities quan-tities to seo that the visitors lost tho game. The committee on ball reported that It had secured tho new Logan pavilion for the evening, and $100 was appropriated to pay the expense. Three o'clock p. m. was set as the hour for closing business houses. Tho Odd Fellows tendered tho use of their commodious quarters to the reception recep-tion committee, and thoy wero accepted. Tho following were named as commlttco commlt-tco on reception and entertainment: Moses Thatcher, Jr.. Capt. Styer. Mrs. M. S. Ormsby, Ilnttio Smith and Zcpt Thomas. The business men mean business; they are going to win tho game and at the s?.mo time show the travelers a sample of Cache valley hospitality. |