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Show WESTERN LEAGUE. Three Triples Win. OMAHA. May 20. Threo of Omaha's hits today wore triples, which, with errors, enablod tot 1ome team to easily defeat U?a Sioux' City men. McCarthy's hits were well scattorcd nnd he was of-fectlvo of-fectlvo at critical times. Scoro. R. II. E. Omaha 2C0 003 OP-6 5 2 Sioux City 000 Oil OCO-2 2 Batteries McCarthy and Gondlng; Kos-tal Kos-tal and Hess. Cubs Are Beaten, ST. JOSEPH, May 20. St. Josoph won from Denver this afternoon. St. Joseph tied the score In tho soventh and hit 'l-lendyrf 'l-lendyrf for two safe ones In tho eighth, scoring the winning run. Attendance, 300 Score: R. IT. HI. St. Joseph ...100(00 310-5 13 5 Denver 000 031 (004 11 2 Batteries Hodson and McConnell; Vol-lcndorf, Vol-lcndorf, Lucia and Hessler. Millionaires Defeated. DES MOINES. la., May 20. Des Moines won tho first game of the series with Colorado Springs today. Score: R. II. E. Colorado Springs 100 051 (O02 9 2 Des Moines (01 020 30-6 S 2 Batteries Lelfleld and G Clark; Skopcc, Savage and Baerwold. |