Show courtesy of tile senate BY A SPECIAL mi n who printed the book Mormon of dead brooklyn strike washington D G jan 26 special lo 10 delicate eleft frank J cagnon ia in washington acla thie afternoon no the capitol am was taken in chaise br senator dubois who introduced him the yena tors and representatives mr cannoa int a carai reception and receive his victon in last november he was accor dec thu rare privilege of baini admitted upon the floor 0 the senate by a special resolution pained thia morning Hpe ain to a post ra porter mr cannon aid concern iOK tho constitutional convention the convention will ba controlled by republicans there haa been an attempt t adopt methods and count thi in awo great questions 0 national im parlance por lance anre in the minds 01 our people continued mr cannon rue ia silver and tha other relates to the irrigation of arid lands we believe abat silver hm been unjustly stricken down and the country deprived of one half of ita circulating medium 10 the detriment of the east quite as much as the epst tue cauce of silver ia broader than the inter tBt of the laine owneta it ia the causa of civilization itself 0 human progress sg and prosperity the arid lands to be under irrigation and the areat power of the government should be invoked to con this work aad thereby fur niah homes to tens of thousands of families famil iee Mil liona of acres that now lie wane can ba rendered fertile and pro durrive duc rive and thousands of poor men from the centers of the east cm be made happy and aalf bui |