Show THE MONDAY john E booth president john henry smith vice JO Graham 0 D Gla ziti W D robinson A singleton Sir gleton oscar walkine Wil kine MH graham lohn 0 entered at the postoffice Post office at brov BE second alres matter TERMS OF subscription 37 MAIL POSTAGE edition one in advance sa s1 aarts farts of a ye arper mon thin advance SO advance TO CITY daay ie livered sanday excepted except pd 80 cants par month in advance or 25 ceas cea s H week address THE ENQUIRER go provo city utah whua delivery is pleass atako complaint at the office or throne h no 27 S P A PRY pt on nia a I belio 1 B 0 dadea AC agency 64 and sa merchants ex francisco oal where contrast can be made aror U ana haa circulation hat every week exceeds that of all iha other newspapers in central and southern utah combined in utah scanty it asa a circulation that es of all the other territorial ps pr combined for over I 1 s mrs ivi ui forber lift car by millir iii of for their while with perfect suc s it the child softens the sumi allais all anin curfs turfs colic hosit raniel rt niel for it n ill relieve the poor little bold bi Drun gifts in berv part of the horld twenty file cants he sure and tor MM bilya ni lya boething Boo thing syrup and take no oilier eliud au old soldiers li nuon in the late war I 1 wes a foldier in the first maryland volunteers company G during my term of service I 1 contracted diarrhoea since then I 1 have used a great amount of medicine but when I 1 found any that would give me relief it would injure mv atom ich until chamberlains 1 olic cholera and diarrhoea remedy was brought 0 o my notice I 1 need it and will pay it is the only remedy that me permanent relief and no bad results bokow I 1 take cleasure ole asure in recommending this tion to all of my old comrade sw ho while divine their services 0 o their country contracted his dreadful disease as laid from eating unwholesome and uncooked food conra truly A E oregon for eale by smoot amr CD tite WISH to employ a few rood t men to make 50 to a week bellini conr home electric muter rune sewing machines prosser pr ossep ven fans pumps etc everybody buys them steady easy situation and bond wa es V P harridon Har rixon co clerk no 14 columbus othio A 15 horse horizontal cozine and cp feht boiler almost nw n w can be purchased together or babar chrisp bv applying to P 0 box provo city cr allies rain fills ane ceat a boso doso ia in phiny tae regular annual m erinc rif thi of the irrigation company will DO held in ane city marshals office at the county court bouse on monday february Feor uary 4 1895 at two pm or tho of such business as nav be JAMES W secretary buy imported me alb aud lard when the home cured ia cheaper and better KOTICK MY hams lie per B breakfast bacon lie dry sc dried beef lard he pails aki pails pails 20 fc pails pails Bp eckart t athe butcher center st t phone no 39 Chris liti is at call and eee the fine stock of opera glasses watches jewelry dilver waiR optical etc of which gensea he h e the hargea t variety and beat kind call and examine our stock get conr pi ices which are the lowest ache bargains equitable eui table for the holiday trade bunns JENSEN provo sale the entire eatock of the late wm ribon tinsmith will be sold in aulk or job lots at a great sacrifice bida will be tor the next 30 dan W 0 II arrison spanish fork or provo city box 5 am W C children cry for pitchers cassorla Ca storla SS for enfante and children B do you that parc batemann batemans Bat emans drops godfreyh godfreys God freys cordial many so called soothing syrups and most remedies or children are composed of opium or morphine t yon know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons T do yon know that in most countries druggists ara not permitted to sell without labeling them poisons T po yon know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your abd unless you or your physician know of what it Is composed T po yon know that castoria is a purely vegetable preparation and that a list ot its ingredients is published with every bottle T yon know that castoria is the prescription of the famous dr samuel pitcher that it has been in use for nearly thirty years and that more castoria is now sole than of all other remedies for children combined T do Yon Know that the patent department 0 the united states and of other countries have issued exclusive right to dr pitcher and his assigns to use the word castoria and its formula and that to imitate them is a state prison offense do yon know that one of the reasons tor granting this government protection was because castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless do yon know that 35 average doses of castoria a furnished tor 35 cents or one cent a dose f po yon know that when possessed of this perfect preparation your children may be kept well and that you may have unbroken rest T well these things are worth knowing they are facts the fac aimino la on ovary signature of araw Ghi Edren cry for pitchers astor DR ONE PILL POR A DOSE movement of each day I 1 fe these pills supply atin the lacks to jt c it they cura the yeb nd clear th completion better than co bettas they beet mildly aripa nor tuc ther pilli do to convince vim of their mants r tul cical f or it fun ax for as annta sole vc ca sold by pyne kaiban OF rd basting DIRECTORS A 0 SMOOT president W R PIKE vice JOHN 0 GRAHAM GEO GEO Q CANNON S y E F DA SWAN cashier CaB hier exchange drawn on new york chicago san francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards ORDERS SOLICITED PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES satisfaction RAN first door east of coop co op store estimates and designs furnished upon application COITY AD WILL SELL YOUR FRUITS BERRIES VEGETABLE POTATOES HONEY FISH GAME STOCK kuklies HU KliES SHEEP HAY it will pay you to call at their office corner ath anuj streets P doniny of toe officers for any information desired t no middlemen to take a iare if we beell for yon P H boyer evan provo beof clinker lake view D M smith pleasant grove john amiller spanish fork georae t y W H kesey krefl thoa leonard vice prea F J covert provo secy J E booth frers successor to provo L M B co WHOLESALE AND DE IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and 6 flooring lil aale sa hicl ast isa lumber order scroll saving and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and yard opposite R R depot P dam 79 telephone no 20 f tnuva B W 6 y y delivered to any part of the city bock springs lump castle gate pleasant valley lump winter quarters lump rock spring nut castle gate nut anthracite 1100 YARD TELEPHONE 17 IT agents SAVINGS BANK main st salt lake city open saturday evenings from 7 to 8 5 percent interest paid on deposits 0 or more and compounded four times a year ORANtE IKS TRUST 0 capital full paid JE DOOLY president W S me CORNICE A L secretary and casbier yon can get the finest and most durable ciotus made at home as yon can also get the best tailoring bone gall and see if what I 1 say is not true S PETERSON tailor one door south of deseret telegraph office J street reopened re opened in boshard opposite post office choicest meats in their season send in your orders delivery prompt oar old patrons are invited to renew acquaintance best of treatment guaranteed mm BROS mgr AlI NEKa outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT AND FOB all kinds of miners supplies TONS giant powder caps and fuse fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 box 1466 SALT LAKE CITY CAW I 1 A PATENT for a prompt answer and an honest opinion write to M U NN CO who nave had nearly eltty years experience la the patent business alons strictly confidential A handbook of in formation and bow to obtain them bent free also a catalogue catalo eue of acal and books bent free patent taken ilium co receive pedal notice in the and ahn aro braueht widely before the public irith oat coat to the inventor this paper issued weekly elegantly illustrated has by far tha circulation of any scientific corti in tta world sa a year sample copies sent free edition 1250 a year single cop leala cents every number contains beautiful plates in colon and of new homes with plans enabling builders bui to show the latest destros and secure contracts address CO MEW THE dediw RIO mm railroad scenic line of the world the only line two through fast trains daily to LEADVILLE ASPEN PUEBLO COLORADO SPRINGS AND DENVER 29 1894 train no 2 haves h aves 9 26 a m arrive at pueblo a m colorado springs a m denver 1030 a m cripple creek a m train no 4 leaves provo p m arrive at palblo p m colorado springs p m denver p m connections made at springs and denver with all lines east day coaches chair cars and pullman sleepers on all trains take the 0 B Q and have a comfortable trip and enjoy the finest scenery on the continent line to Gr ripple creek colo rados graat gold camp train no 2 haying pro yo at a m ai rives at cripple creek next morn ing A b H 8 K HOOPER traffic manager G P T A denver coo denver colo B general agent salt lake city tat trav pass at WESTERN COLORADO ATCHISON TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAYS the only lice which runs pullman palace sleeping cara between salt lake city and chicago without change and ogden palace reclining chair care between ogden g salt denver and chicago THE SHORT LINE SUPERB SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed RE YOTT GOING EAST if so be sure and reading SANTAFE over the grandest and greatest jy leave railroad on earth ogdene salt laa city or Provo ithe i aee the moat beautiful scenery in Aia anca on s eveking train in order train leaves bio granda western depot provo at p m H 0 dooly building general abens passenger department SALT LAKE UTAH y PLYMOUTH PRICES PANTS TO TO 1075 SUITS TO TO OVERCOATS TO ORDER 1100 TO over three hundred and fifty patterns to select from latest spring styles now in domestic english scotch and french goods full dress suits in very latest cut 30 to 75 41 so salt lake cily atah ATT THE ENQUIRER during alie past eleven years has given to every one of its subscribers who has paid for one year in advance one years free subscription to the well known magazine benc armer THE ENQUIRER was the first home paper to introduce thi popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to send postage pie paid THE semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY ENQUIRER aud THE AMERICAN FARMER for one year to any subscriber re siding re in the united states who will forward to us we have recently introduced another feature to our premium department one that is of te tonny subscriber inthe in the states hostager prepaid for one EN and fet h va hi AD entertaining monthly ifune If lne that has already become a home the ladies of utah |