Show city and bounty cottings jottings Jot tings PURE and reliable drugs at smoot drug co t MINK owners can get exemption blanks correct forms from skelton jo provo file one on each blaime tf AN immense bale of remnants at S S jones CO H old stand POUND KEEPERS reports already ruled and printed kept in stock at ENQUIRER office 1 KINDLING WOOD for sale at city lumber go delivered to any part of the city telephone 31 or P 0 box bays sails and at carl oater lobs FRUIT growers and bee keepers can got their at the lowest prices at geo V mill Provo city AT 0 D glaziers you can find a co molete lino of bucks stoves io the line of heaters parlor stoves etc THE main building of the woolen mills was cloried today on account ol 01 the cold stock taking commenced this alvernoon alter noon and probably the mills will be closed for a few days KINDLING wood cheap at smoot coal yard EARLIEST fruit and vegetables at boagard Saxe ys opposite poet office ROAD supervisors reports at skelton A co e t A NEW chinaware department has been introduced at S 8 jones gos old stand t atad glaziers and examine tho fine line of bucks new steel ranges which are daisies PROVO chop house is the place exactly to get a good square meal open day and night basement of excelsior block center street win Il MENS and boys shoes cheap at carl IN spending bour earnings these hard times call at boshard and beet the full worth of your money FAMILY washing 5 cents cpr pound at the troy steam laundry of provo paint paint paint ready mixed pained at warda sonn 1 fsr gallon can CALL at C D glaziers for fol loea rims tongues hardwood i ir you want a good meal or a good bed go to mrs snyders opposite the opera house Ranch mens patronage especially solicited rates per day 1 or 5 per week R S HINKS has filed suit in the first district cuart nathaniel williams efa al to collect 1500 on a promissory promis sary note secured by a mortgage on provo real estate in banding material and contractors cn uve money by their o ilaff bior kiil work to GO W provo butali t READY maia suits at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO IT takes eves and fingers to appreciate the burgains bir gains at S joness old bland t everything below cost and the biggest kind of bargains at carl oater lohs FAMILY trade solicited goods delivered promptly by the popular grocers boagard licenses have been issued to rocco rita aad maria madanna eliz abeth Be nechio bath of provo and wm A gay of lake shore and clara A stewart of provo FLANNELS dresa goods and cash meres upwards at S S jones gos old stand t ALL kinds of produce wanted in ex chilso for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO HAVERCAMP A co are making three to five years faun loans interest 10 percent call on or write them at provo t KINDLING WOOD for sale at provo city lumber co delivered 0 o any part of the city telephone 31 or PO box WILLIAM harding the old reliable carpet weaver ia always prepared to make first class carpets at to auit the times all kinds of pay taken residence corner of E and 11 streets it is now dr F W 0 hathenbruck according to the boele trans and he is working for shores shores with phenomenal success dr will be in provo on of next month chueh remedy is famous for its cures of bad colds it opens the secretions relieves the lungs and aids nature in re storine the system to a healthy condition if freely used as soon as he cold has been contracted and before it has became settled in the system it greatly lessens the ee verity of the attack and baa otten cured in a single day what would have open a se vere cold for sale by smoot drug co ans culmination of the grand charity ball is another relief society n provo called the rulief committee tho ladies who conducted the ball met yesterday and partially organized with mrs S as president other officers ware named but it is not yet known that they will accept the position so the publication of their names are withheld for the present the ball netted cash besides donations of coal wood and other nece earies of lifo |