Show dr prices cream baking powder worlds pair highest medal and diploma smote liniment hamilton ilia aasc I 1 bud zhe 80 bad I 1 could not mv annd to my head liniment haa enit rely urd me I 1 la ia informing mv aft and frienda what it has dona hi me bhae handler clerk for lay lyman kewanee ilia advisee as banow liniment cared him of rheumatism why not try it it will aurely do yon it cures all inflammation ronnda sores etc bold oy smoot drue co 4 children cry for pitchers highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report when baby waa sick w gave her when she waa caud ahe cried for castori athen sha became liaa ebe clung to when aha had childryan Chil dran h NUT SHELLED great till ll 11 U I 1 duill eat book out ALL about this wonderful subject whatever bour views are on hypnotism yon will find this book of great value pu price 50 centa sent free transportation por tation prepaid pre paid if you remit 25 cents for subscription to HOME AND HEARTS the elegant household monthly HOMES AND HEARTS publishing CO new york both the method and results when syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and davs made it tha most popular remedy known barup of figs is for sale in boc and 1 bottles by all leading druggists any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG CO SAN OA KY HEW YORK HV m ail i in connection with our general book and stationery business we have mad arrangements range ments to take up any old book used in the public schools or B Y A and give new ones instead for a slight difference in price bring your books before the close of the school year ROBT SKELTON ar ASI largest assortment and lowest prices lovo anre prompt curs for impotence loit l oit of manhood seminal emissions nervousness self distrust loss of memory ac will mahe you a vigorous van price floo 3 boxes 96 00 directions with each box address euail 07 ce asia at LOUIS MO STREET keeps constantly on hand all kinds of cs caad towi adji Ps cash for fat live bioc PHIL PROP r THE LEADING GROCERY OF PRICES no 2 western aps vps nug mac cimei 4 40 all kidds of p n ik i in ti 1 boot krutiy email 5 celery chantri cran tri in rei re i medium 7 ban annaa t wc t 0 o i ak i sweet klea c s rn 1 i 1 aril lut ami 1 or in afi r fun ltd 0 O utah busar 2 lal large 1 fo utah guitar pur satik pails and 40 tree tea three caners art canneil tomatoes per caa 10 coffee per packet 25 string beans 10 Rai ains five pounds 25 canned corn 10 cheece per pound 15 salt per keg java coffee per pound from 15 to 40 one gallon oil cans 50 canned ealmon good per can 10 t ain oil jana 25 mustard carlinea ear linea per can 10 coal oil per five loose 75 oil ri ardines four cans 25 best oil per case nickel 30 bakers per Ii undred 1 25 1 graham per hundred straight grade corn meal patent bran 60 shorts SO keep alii LI RT and ped in your malac ORDERS FREE DELIVERY to adv part ot the cita telephone 29 P P hindmarsh V centre st peoro CITY LUMBER GO W J roas manager WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN NO 1 KED CEDAR SHINGLES LUMBER LATH SASH and DOORS PLASTER LIME HAIR AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL square dealings our motto wood for sale all orders delivered by team to fork and lake shore when requited telephone no 31 P 0 box provo city lumber yard dealers in all kinds of LUMBER SHINGLES LATH PLASTER HAIR GLASS PAINT SOILS and combination FENCE ALSO manufacturers OF SSI BOOKS dmd ornamental CORNICE PORCH STAIR WORK YARD corner ath and J st MILL corner ard 3rd and H st telephone no 32 OB albl M fea w are positively going out of the clothing business and will sacrifice their LK A grand clearance sale commencing and continuing from day to day until sold out we mean what we say and jon will have ane opportunity of buying fi ka S fc A sa ra I 1 E BB B raffal raff cl W fac sat 2 these are only a few quotations everything goes mens suits for mens 1100 overcoats for ST 00 mens 9 00 suits for mens 1300 overcoats for mens 1000 suits for boya suits for mens 1150 suits for boys suits for mens overcoats boys suits sor boys overcoats at prices just as low dont elliss it you cant afford to the above arices are strictly for gash 00 axxe S beia acye t ED WORLD I 1 E by the desire for riches or the dread of poverty we quote the following prices jt high patent ber ib sack whole wheat per ib sack baker s no 1 per ib sack CO OF A al ig t w 1 sy ip t i dr prices cream baking powder 1 awarded gold medal midwinter fair sa |