Show printed alic insook ot N Y jan 27 maj or john gilbert aged aj died last at his home in palmyra major gilbert was known from ona end of the united B ates to ahe other aa the man who printed the first mormon B ble II 11 ajor gilbert ai born in Colu roDia county in 1802 and when 16 he learned the printers trade and moved to pal mra air gilbert was a few 5 ears ago the possessor of the fira mormon bille when be printed the book he preserved served the first true printed and kept the whole together unbound disposing of them a few yeara KO to ajon puny the of pal nira r gilbert won his title of in alif old training trai fing days when the lical li cal militia ID ita K ory fur the lew veara ln tal leen leading le adini ft aery quiet life hia health began to fall aume monalia ago he buffered from a emrole of paralysis some three weeks which hastened the and |