Show and compounded at smoot drug co As immense depes enids sale at 8 S jones coa old stand t CaRisT MAa candy at the best in town at the provo city bakery theiL ometer r 12 degrees bolota zero at 5 this it was the lowest yet reached here this beason for sale at provo cita lumber co delivered to any part of tha city or P 0 box STOP at C D glaziers for stoves ranges hollowware and t desesa trimmings end fact s at bargain at carl kins notified noti tied deputy marshal fowler today that he would hold a session of court this evening to set the criminal cases of the next term of court HOLD on to your money tight until you reach S S jones coa old egand then baand it freely while the big cleafe sale is going on THE millard county progress which is much improved under its present management has a cock crowing in the last issue in hobor of its success to the progress SOME time ago mr simon goldband Goldba nm i of san luia key cal was troubled tiou bled with a lame back and rheumatism he used chamberlains pain balm and a prompt cure was effected he cays he has since advised many of his frienda to try it and all who have done eo have spoken highly of it it is tor sale by smoot drug co SMOOT spafford have authorized tha committee who originated and managed the charity ball of last week to issue eight orders each for pounds of coal delivered to designated families in this city |