Show TJ KNIGHT LAWYERS booms 1314 and 15 union block provo GITY UTAH mm cwm ATTORNEYS AT LAW bank building calvo SAMUEL A KING AT LIW rooms 5 and 7 bank Bail dine PRO VO CITY UTAH J W H AT LAW rooms 11 and 12 corn and savings bank building PROVO CITY UTAH JOHH AT LAW block up basira Bt sira PROVO CITY UTAH J F floyes M D physician and sargeon block over pyne maidens Mai bens drug store PROVO CITY UTA H E E attorney at law room 9 bank building PROVO UTAH DD AT LAW rooms 4 and 5 aeed smoot block UTAH S K KING attorney at law rooms 1 2 3 and 4 martina bunk bid PROVO CITY J E AT LAW OFFICE 23 N J street provo city W B SEARLE CIVIL ENGINEER irrigation and water power plans special city surveyor of provi deputy U S mineral office at court house ciry UTAH JOSEFS E CROOK AT collection agency office bank Build mx PAYSON CITY UTAH ROBERT ANDERSON ATTORNEY AT LUF booma 4 and 5 reed smoot block PRO VO CITY UTAH R G architect and superintendent corner M and ath st PROVO office honra 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m A me curtain physician AND office palace block 2 blocks east bank corner telephone no 46 office no 28 PROVO UTAH SAM landscapes sign painter UTAH coraor V anil ath street PATENTS treat ana kc diw mark lat Bred and at uther paten i awis in the i tonj before tho couett promptly apon bior of ID eattoni eAt lonI make examination and mi fsr as ta un trw ci with my offices directly fran the arri nt beine in peni tb ere it 1 apparent that I 1 have ta laci liue for prompt lor ans more vigorous anu to all to mv are ID the obort eat lime to bateni information was reference on request J R LITTELL V ithol and attorney in patent causes washington D 0 U office J D JOINTS attorney at law la thurman bauk building CITY UTAH DR W GILLMAN DENTIST gates block provo cily utah tain leaa dentistry Dentist rT a specialty by the celebrated Odon tander method no gas ether or chloroform especially ally adapted to persona buffering from heart disease or lung trouble all work warranted S H ALLEN chua y physician Pays ician surgeon R 1 W Eail vay offida at residence smoot brick house 1 block east of tabernacle PROVO UTAH F H SIMMONS and surgeon off ce old office bickford elai oi block kooms I 1 and 3 UTAH t S J L jonka knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO UTAH F F REED dentist save all modem instrument a for the practice ol 01 operative ana prosthetic artificial CROWNS ann BRIDGE A aau work guaranteed guaran teea room excelsior block provo A LADYS TOILET Is not complete without an ideal ea yOW DESt combines every element of beauty and purity it is beautifying soothing healing healthful and harmless and when i rightly used is invisible A most J delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate insist upon having tha genuine IT IS FOR SALE g capita surplus DIRECTORS reed smoot prest D T dark vice preat john jones alamaa A bean anger farrer E R eldredge L chilia SH ilIa J R general banking business transacted 5 per pent interest on savings deposits compounded four times a year AND ALL KINDS OE MUSICAL AND SEWING tuning and repairing done on the shortest notice leave orders at taylor bros furniture store ANDREW SWARD I 1 THE st louis globe democrat EIGHT PAGES TUESDAY FRIDAY SIXTEEN PAGES EVERY WEEK beyond all comparison the bigmeat big seat best and brightest newa and family journal published in america PRICE ONE DOLLAR A YEAR will be sent FIFTEEN contus FOR ONE DOLLAR to adv of thia paper not new a to THE fahs BLANK muff BE to benent of this extraordinary offer etya i ai it ia worth months free fill in your name ijiri II 11 lloil post offida ana state and mail with ONE DOLLAR bank A vu draft pot office or express money order or registered letter DIRECT TO GLOBE PRINTING CO st louis mo sample copcea of will be sent frei on application to GLOBE CO st louis mo find 1 00 for aind to addrena riven below GLOBS DEMOCRAT twice very for FIFTEEN MONTHS as oer your special offer to readers of THE ENQUIRER published at city utah name of subscriber post office state ba sure to use this blank it is three months free subscription pioneer newspaper of central and southern IN ITS TWENTY SECOND YEAR only daily paper south of salt lake containing the telegraphic news of the world vigorous aggressive and fearless our semiweekly edition has a larger circulation throughout all the counties the first judicial district than all other combined alie is alie oran of utah republicanism protection and the encouragement of home industries for terms of subscription see top of arst column on second page ti J L FRAGRANT VAN aty FAI R cigarettes WE FINEST VIRGIN 6 THE HIGHEST SKILLED WORKMEN IN MAKING theae tre amen can tobacco 0 o no MORE BACKACHE v Q THE PEOPLES blacksmith general blacksmithing and waon repairing done on the shortest notice HORSE A SPECIALTY first clasa work at living prices J street 1 bocks north let national bank city DAVID iVi NOTICE TO CREDITORS notice la hereby given byllie ad the estate C deceived to the s 0 nil persona navan the raid estate to exhibit bliem with tha necessary to ard utah co urah willan 1 ur from the first pub ion bilu notice died at broo city ann 12 john GS nider r of the estate ol 01 ledla C J E anth attorney IF YOU ARE GOING to CITY ST louis or any point east and wish to enjoy a daylight ride through the grandest scenery of the rocky mountains be sure to a ticket that reads via the no tiresome layovers Lay overs close connections in and positively the quickest route to the great avera and atlantic seaboard and thoroughly mo aern equipment and reclining chair care in which the seat are free to holders of regular train call on or address S V DERRAH commercial freight abt boom 21 morlan block salt lake OR H OTOWNSEND general st louis mo NEW SERVICE taie R C W ry evening train leavina Lea vinc provo 8 50 p m connecting daily with burlington ROUTE train no 2 at denver lor omaha kansas jita st luis and chicago trough T rough pullman sleepers free reclining Chair Cara dmitr care A la carte secure lic Lets at RG arv office R F W F mcmillan art pass gt geneal assist room 11 over no 10 V benth st salt lake city utah caveats aad trademarks trade marks obtained and apt S enthus icsis conducted lor atts i oua s u S ad we can secure patent in less time i remote from i or photo anth acil pi S afoo wo adrice if paten tab ori not free I 1 ceareo our fee not due till fa lent is secured A ilow obtain patents asa ol 01 same in the hustind US tind foreign bent diee A ess i sk hi s t us va 5 aa w vw C CC 0 O C J ain i in ww DAILY JANUARY as 1895 fithen yoa fisli sail lake alij call at the agency of the brovo woolen brills no 36 main street and order a suit of homemade bome made clothes wear belter and are much cheaper in attic long run than east rn Good sAIso see their stock of ets FaH tarns acus ano flis aad baade lions and trust company salt per annum donahy dep oeita you malse write for particulars gao M CANNON preat Os abier AT pyne ia Mui bens drug store ivery QI keci py loess LOOK OFT FOR big stock of holiday goods spectacles illy adjusted to all without extra chabre WE THE fariest LA RiEST AND MOST APPROVE H aba s Ms aX sis IN THE of the fesi attorneys and all others biauce will find it to their advantage tu order from us awl stock of supplies wholesale ea well as retail will receive the bust attention COMPLETE af everything IN assortment OF E THAT LINK our prices are way down prompt attention to mail orders PROVO BOOK AND stationery CO I CITY GEO STAYLOR manger sio ro ass manufacturers of and dealers m guaranteed 2 J W HOOVER IF YOU WANT information ABOUT A OB TO THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY JOHN wedderburn managing attorney P 0 box washington D C honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served ninety days or over in the late war are entitled if now wholly disabled for ordinary manual labor whether usability was caused by service or not and regardless of their pecuniary circumstances WIDOWS of such soldiers and sailors are entitled if not remarried death was dae to army service or not if now dependent upon their own labor for support widows not dependent upon the irown labor are entitled if the soldiers death was due to service CHILDREN are entitled if under sixteen years in almost all cases where there was no widow or she has since died or remarried entitled if soldier left neither widow no child provided soldier died in service 0 from effect and they are now dependent upon their own labor for gnp port it makes no difference whether soldier served or died in late war cr in regular army or navy soldiers of the lat ewar under one law may apply for higher rates laws anny rights thousands of soldiers drawing from ato ro per month ander the old law are entitled to higher aratea ander new law not only on account of for which now pensioned but also for others whether adne to soldiers and sailors disabled in line of duty in regular army or navy since the war are alao entitled whether discharged for disability or not survivors and their widows of the black creek Chero feea and Senu nole or ids indian wara of to 1842 are entitled ander a recant act mexican war soldiers and their widows also entitled it sixty two years of ace or dible diblee 4 or dependent old claims completed and settlement obtained whether pension has been granted later laws or not rejected claims reopened and settlement secured if rejection improper or illegal certificates of service and discharge obtained for soldiers and sailors of the late war who nave lost their original papers send for laws and information no charge for advice no fee baless successful aadree Ad dree THE PRESS CLAIMS JOHN wedderburn managing attorney washington OC |