Show DAILY MONDAY JANUARY ts 1895 JOHM 0 GRAHAM manager tan Talen hone number is 27 local mention in anis column 30 centa par line each insertion and changes anat be antto office not later than 10 a m to secure idaer on same dav awarded highest honors worlds fair MOST PERFECT MADE ft pure grape cream of tartar powder free from ammonia alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD dr prices cream baking powder worlds fair highest award the U S goat reports show royal baking powder superior to alt others the worlds fair tests showed no baking powder so pure or so great in leav enoff power as the royal hows tins we offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured by halla catarrh cure F J CHENEY CO props toledo 0 we the undersigner undersigned under signed have known F J cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all ansac tiona and able to cairy out any obligation maje by their firm west A truax wholesale toledo 0 walding kinnan marvin wholesale Whale sale druggists toledo 0 halls catarrh cure is taken internally actina internally apon the blood and docous surfaces of the system price per bottle sold by all bats testimonials free CROUP grandmothers ADVICE nine my only m boy for C elds and croup wa onion arup it alj iut a to aay s it was forty year KO wow aay talan ih annna onion byar I 1 already prepared olid mow to ih sold biano baulf 3 olta theres M bows sold by fyne maiben YOUNG GIRLS AN interesting SKETCH nothing appeals so strongly to a mothers affection as her daughter just budding into womanhood following is an our daughter blanche now 15 years of age had been terribly afflicted with nervousness and had lost the entire use of her right arm bo was in such a condition that we had to beep her from school and abandon her music lessons in fact we feared st vitus dance and are positive but for an invaluable remedy gho would have had that terrible affliction wo had employed physicians but she received no benefit from them the first of last august sta weighed but 75 pounds and although she has taken only three of hervine she now weighs pounds her nervousness and symptoms of st avitua dance are entirely gone cha attends school regularly and studies with comfort and ease she has recovered complete usa of her arm her appetite la splendid and no money could procure for our daughter the health dr miles has brought her when my brother recommended the remedy I 1 bad no faich in patent medicines and would not listen to him but as a last resort ho sent m a bottle we began giving it to blanche and the effect waa almost immediate mrs K K bullock brighton N Y dr miles restorative la sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee or sent direct by the dr miles medical co euwart lad receipt of price 1 per bottle six bottles lor 85 on express prepaid pre paid it is positively free horn opiates or dangerous druga sold by all druggists but both men and women talk about our from 7 5 c upwards come while they last s 8 sm i en oa A U SMOOT prop successor to provo milling co manufacturers and dealers in CHOICE BRANDS OF FLOUR AND FEED wheat on deposit custom grinding a specialty cash paid for wheat mill opposite union pacific depot D ac DELIVERY AND CORN SHELLER THE SENATE MEAT MARKET keeps constantly on hand N peris N silipa perls sais FAT CALVES AND DRESSED HOGS WANTED free delivery to any part of the city centre sl prove third door east of cosmopolitan t oSEt OSOr aror the lucky numbers drawn are as follows ast 1st prize no 94 and 2nd prize no 15 ard 3rd prize ath prize if the above numbers are not in by january 15 95 the following E umbers will take the prizes 86 1404 OF nothing carried over all must go to make room for our spring stock you you yes we mean you and everybody take addan tage of this sale nr JM amt TT r 4 ti ai IT abbl SL JB ill L 7 T AT COST it will pay you to buy clothing for Next da y fe s s |