Show TRUSTEES SALE whereas richard D antton and lizzie his wife of the oi utah and territory of utah executed and delivered to jamer H bacon as trustee tiu stee of the 01 salt like and territory ot utah certain deed of trust bealine date the first day of may A D and in tha recorders office of bain county on the day of slav A D w liichi SA a ot fiust inen to 10 D buu G lin tin indebtedness ahert m to auf ne principal rd ii prunia earv nut or he ii ii if il ar rii e girat dav af my A D ni t tle reou it tho rat f from dita tb tto mini nad na d t an i tm t m 1 iii evidenced bv ten i arr the BUTO pach in l aich were atta chert to hail cipal bond or iipp au i opre day alile on the fira iny may and novem ber in each ear rou nd aber alx of p id pui i a ond or note and until the xuHa till jl five from its daff all of att londs or not s werf of dato wit rt id depal n ana were all hv faid kichard D m ami azzi fatten i as haaker thereof and aie ft 1 lo 10 the order of paid addino IT aad aard principal bond 0 note provides that if adv part othe principal or imite est id not paid at it ahall bear interest thereafter at the rate of twelve per cent payable aemi annually and that if any interest remains unpaid thirty davs principal shall become adne and collectible at once notice at the option of tha aril all of said boies are avahlea ava blea macomb illinois both principal and interest in united sta ts gold co n or its w alth current raad ui exchange on new Y r K cita slid df ed ot is ou the premises situate in the county of utah and territory of utah to wit acm nien rine forta 0 O rode auth of the northeast corner of the northeast quarter X of section 13 township S ruth R uth of ranee 1 east of rait lik in ribian nin thelca west ono hundred and roda thence arnth one hundred ud twenty rods thence ogi rods thence north one hundred twenty rods to the place of bedini in to will all tenement hereditaments privileges and appun cea thereunto belonging together with al water right owned by said uran tors in said deed of arnat or any or catbe of them or belonging to or with or used on paid premi pea or any part thereof and whereas it ie among other things provided in said principal bond or note that if any interest remains unpaid thirty days after due the principal shall become due and collectible at once without notice at the option 0 the holder and in said trust it is provided among other things in substance and to effect that in case default ebell be mada in the payment of either of the said bond notes indebtedness debt edness or moneys bv said deed of brustor trustor tru stor atie taxes or assessments therein mentioned or in cabe of the brea h of any of the cove nants therein contained to he kept and by said makers of said deed of trust then the said trustee or bis in trust shall sell and dia pise of said premi es or any pare thereof and all alie right title benefit and equity of redemption of the said makers of said deed of trust their heirs and assigns therein forever at public auction at the front door of the court house in the of utah and in the tor of utah or on said premises or any oart thereof as may be specified in the notice of such sale for the highest and baft price the same will bring in cash thirty daya previous notice of such sale having been eiven by publication in adv newspaper published in said county of utah or if no paper is published in such county then in the nearest newspaper published in the territory of utah and whereas it is also provided in said arnat that in case of the absence from eaid utah county inability or refusal to act of the said jaroma H bacon then harvey M bacon shall be and is by said trust deed appointed and made successor in trust to said james H bacon with like powers and authority and said premises shall thereupon become vested in such successor in for the uses and purposes aforesaid and whereas said james H bacon is absent from paid utah county and unable to act in the premises and whereas eaid richard D sutton and lizzie button have each and all made default in the payment of said interest notes due and payable on the first day of november A D for the sum of and on the first dav of may for the sum of and on the first day of november A D 1894 for the sum of 75 00 and whereas said damon G the legal owner and holder of said principal bond or note and of all of interest notes that have not been paid has by virtue of the power and authority in him vested in and by said principal bend or bote and in and by eaid trust deed elected to and hag de dared the whole of said principal bond or nota to be now immediately due and parable and has requested the said successor in trust to advertise and sell said premises and water rights pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust and for the uses and purposes therein mentioned now therefore public notice ie hero by given that 1 harvey M bacon successor in as aforesaid wilt on thursday th dav of february A D 1895 at 10 9 n of said day at the front door being the north door ot the county court house in the city of provo in the gaid counte of utah sell at public auction to the best bidder for cach the said premises hereinbefore in described with the tenement hereditament a privileges and appart penances thereto belonging and any aad all water rights by the granfors grantors gran tors in said deed of trust or either of them or belonging to or with or used on said premises or any part thereof which eaid rights are more particularly ticul arly an follows cowit 20 shares in the spanish fork west irrigation company now known bv abo name and etyle of the lake shore arri aati n compana com panf together with all the right title benefit and equity of re demp tinn of the said granfors grantors gran tors in said deed of trust their heirs and in and to aid premises and in end to all the highs and privileges hereinbefore and in said ded de d of trust mentioned foreve r for the purpose of paying said principal bond or note and paid interest j notes ice and payable on the eaid first days of november 1893 may 1894 and respectively each being for the sum of and all interest earned on said indebtedness up to the day of eale ahira at hat time will in all amount to seventeen hundred and forty four dollars and fifty cents and for any axes or assessments that may have been paid at that time by the holder of eaid indebtedness on said pree fees and the costs of eaid trust aej execute acknowledge and deliver to the purchaser or at said sale a good aad sufficient deed of conveyance therbor ther eor and will also assign and transfer to the purchaser or purchasers water rights belonging to or with or used on said premises prem isea dated this day of january A D 1805 HARVEY M BACON successor in trust as afore saH if the purchaser desires to do so he can borrow part of alio purchase pur chaee price for said prem iRps of the holder of the indebtedness or witti additional security can borrow all on one to five years time H SALT CITY UTAH |