Show OUR mercantile MARINE TIER total tonnage of the pacific coast lias increased 35 per cent during the decade THE iron and steel steam tonnage of new york state has increased from tons in 1884 to tons in 1894 DURING the last decade the number of the vessels of the united states decreased by while the gross tonnage increased tons TUB average size of merchant vessels has increased from tons in to tons in five ships and steamers are over 2500 tons each VESSELS registered for foreign trade number of gross tons compared with 2127 of gross tons in the decrease in sailing vessels being ss of 41 axons increase of steam vessels 58 of gross tons IN the growth of the merchant marine of the great lakes is to be found the main feature of the maritime development of the country during the decade the total tonnage of the lake ports increased tons or nearly doubled during the decade iron and steel steam tonnage on the lakes has increased from tons in to tons in 1 documented merchant marine of the united states on june 30 comprised vessels of gross tons of which vessels of tons were credited to the atlantic and gulf coasts 1520 vessels of tons to the pacific coast vessels of gros tons to the northern lakes and 1257 vessels of 32 gros gro s tons to the western rivers IN the steam tonnage of the ounfra oun fry vessel of lag boft pros pro s tons was one third of the merchant marine while in 1 it comprises vessels of algo io crosb tons or nearly one half of the kutal considering the great f tonnage the carrying power of alie reckoned at fi rohs tons for may be put at gross tons for IN maine which imposes the hig hast taxes on noted in any state or country registered for trade has decreased two thirds tons a decrease of three fifth i tons kennyl vania over one third tons new york one tons cali his ej one sixth 2 ans and washington more than doubled tons |