Show weekly excursions lo 10 chicago aul mew york A epenial pullman excursion tourist sleeping car will be attached to rio grande western railway train leaving ogden 0 m and sat lake p m every friday running through to chicago via D R G B M and second class tickets accepted on this car close mede at chicago with all lines FOB DOUBLE price and intermediate points to omaha 3 00 orden price and intermediate points to 4 00 it will be in charge of a salaried representative of the burlington route and will be accompanied by a pullman porter whose sole anty will be to look after the comfort of ers the cars which will form this through line are constructed on the same general plan as first class sleeping cars being equipped with lavatories for ladies and gentlemen and double lower and upper berths the lower bertha are converted into comfortable seats daring the day the upper berths aro closed they are equipped with curtains mat treasea blankets blan keta sheets pillows pillow case towels combs brushes in fact every requisite for comfort and convenience persons desiring a cheap and convenient means of reaching chicago or the east chaat cannot do better than to arrange to make the trip in this fashion I 1 A BENTON ticket attento G W rv 15 wei we i outa et W F mcmillan benl agent burlington route room 11 over no 10 west 2 abath ft lake city utah |