Show HE RIDES IN HIS CARRIAGE the young inn who saw a elianic to get ahead in the world A few years ago circumstances opened up a lucky chance to a young man who was citing out a poor and unpleasant existence on a scrubby farm in the piscataquis Pisca backwoods even this poor bit of earth was not all his own ays the lewiston me journal lie was remote from neighbors and so far from a sawmill that the buildings were left to tumble down for want of lumber to repair them in this state of things the canadian pacific railway was located around the side of the mountain just above his valley and hundreds of italians and other laborers were put to work it required two years to build this part of the road working winters as well as in warm weather the humble farmer saw his chance he went to the settlements and secured a cupply of clothing and knick knacks to sell on commission and soon rose ros e to the dignity of having goods of his own he docs not live in the backwoods any more for as soon as the road was built aud the laborers departed he folded his tent also and went forth bought one of the best farms in piscataquis Pisca paying cash down and now lives in comfort rides in his carriage sends his children to the best schools and all that his case is one of those which show the advantage of promptly catching hold of fortune even if bhe is found in an unexpected place |