Show BIG CIRCUS STAGED IN MOVIE STUDIO i iA A big bit one Interior ring one circus 1 set made for tor The SIde Show of LIfe which Herbert Brenon has made for tor Paramount with Ith Ernest Torrence and Anna Q Nilsson In Inthe inthe inthe the featured roles Is the largest eser er built Inside the Famous Play Play- Phen Players Fill Fillers ers en Long studio The Tho set Het was complete in y t e eel el y respect with hanging trape trapeze e attendants attendant full Cull band bund and doors doos to protect the spectators f from om the possible danger of nf o some Home of nf the animals breaking loos loos- loos The scaling capacity was WIS en- en ender un under der 1500 1600 The Tho construction of ot the set ot occupied oc- oc occupied oc occupied three days das with mini many of the 40 carpenters or In over r overtime overtime time to finish It In time for fr Director tor tor Brenon Brenton to continue work on schedule Over 1000 s seats scats ct of ot the kind used In motion picture thea thea- I were rented an and 1 placed on the set for tor the extras In the ec scone ne The set Itself was wa In the form ot of a It 1 1 irge cIrcle with the tho ling zing In the center Here a complete perform perform- performance an ance ce 08 wo staged with ery e ese e ery ry con cono conceivable con conceivable kind of a circus act act ct from the trained seals to the wild lid ant ani aal- aal animals mals male produce being used In order to Iro I pro pro- pro duce duee a realistic effect I |