Show j IO r Into w Sport Ih I J Ji i tAl W den I rOST OST Little and antI Iman Wit man are YOST y football s of the first I order writes rites Tommy Fitzpatrick director of o athletics athletic at nl the lint lint- of ot Utah who ho Is attend attendIng j Ing I the coaching school az a Ann Ar- Ar Arbor Ar Arbor bor Michigan He lIe sass sa sn s In part partI I lIt If lou ou could on see this Indoor field h use e you could see ju just t bins ho ho they turn opt out oit onder athletes at Michigan Clarko Clarke ot of Princeton certain knows hii hi stuff in baseball Mote than coaches from all parts paris of the tho thoI are In attendance I FItzpatrIcK also writes rites 11 tl it t he hae ha ha e a chat with on hIs return trip home There is a that Reagan the new newline newline newline line coach for tor Utah tanh will III accompany pan pany the Irishman hman on the jaunt est ost has a world orld of praise for tor Ducke Jones former O Ogden third no now nO with Ith Do- Do Detroit De Detroit troit lie He loo looks just jut as its good as aser er er 85 sa So s 5 Ducke Jones Jons as a fee fee- tea tuie tume tUle of o the Detroit Tues ds IS He lie coll collected two tiO doubles and 1 two to 0 singles in four tour steps to tha platter Last Monday he out two 10 hit hits In four trips to the plate Ills fielding arid hitting hilling have hae aided th the ligers m ma I tell lIv tel In their pennant climb Ra na Jacobs Jacobi rm mr Gunner who the sea sea- season sea season son at third for Cor Los Loi Lo Angeles and ho placed at short In the series ith Salt Lake la last t a e 01 will ill III no doubt the seasOn at th the Jacobs Jacob kicked 1 10 0 Tuesday but should de dc lop Into a star at short after a few fw ds I orl on In that position Long Beach Blach Is the tho city that scribes belle believe will 11 nih secure foat he Salt SaIt Lake franchise The resort resort re- re large larga to sort UIL city v I Ii n plenty i mj ua support such a II venture the tho critics elle e Some definite action on the tho Bee situation Is expected l aith Ith- Ith In n the next week eek Tommy Fitzpatrick writes that mote mOIl e than then coaches from all parts ot or the country ate aio attending i the coaching school at Ann Am- Am boi Ai-boi hot bOI MIch Hurry Iturry Up Upost ost m ost vet vet- veteran vet veteran eran coach is the Hie tt o Instructor OLD TIME TUIE OL IO To T Evo Ee Connoll It Is not the Intention of o the chronicler of these lines to dl- dl dis disparage the standing or of o the pres pres- pres- pres present present ent tnt champion gate crasher Mr One Eye We will mere mere- mer merely II 1 ly say that he Is a terrible burr bum burrand and let It go at tha tha There Thero has been one gate tato crusher crasher who was as I ellI entitled to 10 recognition and nd that gentleman mv nW dear friends was as Mr Two Eye Connolly The present One E EIB e ConnollY may be reasonably gifted as mod mod- modern modem modern em ern gale gate crash crasher rs go but T Two 0 The Eve e Thea e was as a ob obviously t twice tIce Ice as good In Inthe Inthe the tho old das da s the trick of ot crashing the gate at the big sportive and social e events was as a genuine art mare lire courage anda and which a new finesse Inesse For mostly there were no gates to crash Take the tiO Sul fight Ight out In the trie 10 low swamp lands or of r o MississipPI as an example stadium no fence tence no rio enclosure of ot who hap hap- happened happened any ny kind Any to bo be drifting along might I pause and witness the Iha tol h but but- buttie bat battle tie tle Was Tn Two 0 e Eie e Connolly Connoll null null- non nonplussed Was Vas he ie even en nOn nOn- non d Be T Two 0 0 brought his own on gate alon alone und crashed that T Two 0 Eye was as not content v It 1 merely a local record It wa was his boast that he lie Ie hs had 1 gates all alt over the world orl l and mind you ItI It I vias as not easy casy to Induce Two Evo Eo to hOlt My My prison d for tor It- It itself It Itself Two Eye b be became self he would say came the International gate gato crash crash- co crashing h- h hIng ing tog champion at all weights In London In 1845 18 S he ho the gates 01 o 0 Il te The Tho circumstances lere rather sin sin- singular singular sin singular gular It e eros that Two Eye Dye hd the ai III resting o the fin 1 1 hid no Idea of ot nce 11 t 1 to a PI de penal loll ion Do I you ly ly Iy questioned the officer In tn ex- ex excellent excellent cockney Two Eye Eyo ma made le averY avery a verY discourteous 11 i retort Ho He HA solid said A A fig t for 01 y n i ian It seems that the wj not t d tn t figs In- In Indeed Indeed In Indeed deed th the nel e mention ot oft tile the wor word IS i Rs ge a was a as like hikO 0 vat it 1 t i 1 ic eJ cJ bull In the face tace c c a flag t It O rh I rh i cL n in 03 hu hI picket TIC ey ryd up iiiI the full tull length of ot the the- the street By rare chance Two lIe ee E e collided with the palace gates head bead for foremost most A borrowing sound of ot cra el and falling failing d debris rent the tho murky atmosphere re But why s g gon J Jon on The A A A U records cords show that Two Tao T 0 Eye aaS tHe waa-tHe as tile life only man who ever f to tro roal ro gates and ft It was due directly to his triumph in vent tat t the th Stars and Stripes 0 oft off the lh Olympic honors that year yf r It may bu bs of Interest to tn the reader to know irow OW I that Two 1 set set- dom dom did any training e een In for tor s hi-s international contests tini Oid-tini Old experts used to say aay he be wi IS just juxta justa a natural born horn champion ampton |