Show LIGHTING IS S BIG BIG FEATURE Credit Goes to Ogden Electric SUpply Company Proper lighting or of o I a theater Is Isone Orbe olle of or the Important tasks task In pre Pre I pr paying any such auditorium and auditorium when hen that structure is h as largo large M as 1 the Peery Egyptian theater thea er It lio I is or of even greater Importance as ae a well we wella as 8 Increased difficulty The Th Ogden Electric Supply company has hAd the contract for tor the tho lighting ot of the new theater and with the th opening ot of the th has bas accomplished this phase of ot the building work I Prom Irom the tho beautiful be Egyptian sky that top tops the tha theatre dome to the dimly lighted consolo con ol ot or the th organ and the other lights of or the th theatre pit there Is a vast array of lights ll ht Some ot of these are ar for Indirect lighting others other for tor semi direct and for direct The proper for these the tho proper placing of ot te- te ic ot or globes and ot or fixtures has meant avast t last as amount of work along the th lines line of or electrical build build- building build Ing In addition with so much ot of oth the modern theatre electrically handled the th wIring for the electric equipment has hai also been ot or Im- Im Importance Importance The Tho a e of or the th theatre the th stores tho the have hav all had Im- Im Important Important Im Important phases ot or electrical wOrk to handle All or of o this has ha been taken care of or by the Ogden Electric Supply company and Its corps corp corps of exports Is 1 who ho have hav handled a large lar percentage of or the th large laree electrical Improvements In Ogden |