Show REAL ESTATE TRAM FER The following real estate trans trans- transfers transfers transfer fers fer were reported today by Mile Mao Miler MaE r fl Bram Bram county recorder recorder- Sybella W Clayton and Law Law- Law 7 Ii rence renee Clayton to K W Clayton Claton tit II of lots A B C and D of East Park addition to Ogden Oed n Utah 81 1 1 Carrie E BIchsel to Graco Crac Cot CoI Una Col-Una line a part of lot i 23 24 25 and 26 In Bichsels Bichsel s a Subdivision of the east cast u of block 22 plat C C Og- Og Ogden Ogden 0 den den City survey suney 50 00 Walter R Judge and wife Ife lt Em Em- Emma Emma Emma ma to Arthur J Sewell and wife Mary a 0 part of sw w 14 tl of section 31 township 7 north range 1 west Salt Lake meridian 00 La Lawrence Laurence rence E Doyle Boyle Boyl and alto Ifo Salla Boyle to J Francis Fowles all of lots 12 and la H 1 In Maguires Maguire's of block 23 plat C Ogden City suney surrey 1000 00 Hyrum Hokanson and wife wito Irene Hokanson to J S Kroft Krott part of se 1 I rt of ot section 17 to 6 north range race 1 seat Salt Lake L meridian 1000 00 Geo G o W Vogel Voiel to Geo M Wheelwright lots 28 21 to 27 In block 3 2 and parts of block 8 9 12 13 19 1 and 23 In University Place addi- addi addition addi addition tion to Ogden City survey suney 1100 1600 |