Show WHAT JAPAN IS THINKING With the going coing Into effect of ol the I new immigration law which ex ox excludes eludes Japanese from tho United Slates an Unknown Japanese pull pull- pulled pulled ed do down don n tho Stars and Stripes over the American embassy at Tokio and cut the flag to pieces Immediately the government took look measures to apprehend the offend offender offender er and messages of or explanation were 11 e forwarded to lo the United States tates The event in Itself is not so Im Important except as proving pro Ing how bow in- in intense in intense I tense is la the feeling in Japan pAn p An Irresponsible offered the in suit iu-suit i lt and the Japanese government to to escape any possibility of a mis mis- misunderstanding understanding disavowed owed S with the acty act it y Japans Japan's leading men are seeking to Lo avoid an open bleach but the of or the people have hate ha e been made bitterly anti American t C July 1 saw demonstrations throughout Japan with mass pra prayer er meetings at all the national shinto Imploring the ancient dl to avenge the Insults offer td d by America The telegraph and telephone I Poles oles ot of Tokio were ere placarded Ith be following I Japanese must never forget torget July I I 1 I when hen America inflicted an into Intel labie S-i S able Insult on Japan AJ Ahas as asI I the date Prepare for Such huch steps as are demanded b I the he honor honO of or the fatherland when the Ule occasion comes Every Eiery E ery Jap nese 1 uese must remember the follow follo log Ing rules I Alter Alter voul out OUI mode o of living ing so as as to impress the date lastingly upon Your youl mind mindI I American but Hate Hale eve everything thing remain kind to the American I I I Deny all luxury I lie Nei et CI forget forset national honor for or private ate gain e Cr enter a church support support- supported supported ed or guided gullIed by American orI or Jailed States Stal s missionaries I I I I This national sentiment should j be w warning to 10 America that the dayto day is to not tar far ar distant when hen the pentI pent r up hatred hatrell will ft iii explode America I I t should cease to be a country un n epal ed for tor all eventualities 1 which may loom large larse on our west est urn orn shores |