Show Q LETTER l TO S LLY S LLY Sometimes Sally bally deal deai I think you are the most sympathetic O eo- wo woman man on earth and then again YOU say something which makes me mc think you are hard liard as liS naIls One thing I will eili III say tor for sou ou how how- howe how er e eer eer- eer er- er ago ago age carnot cannot wither either nor cus- cus custom cus custom tom torn stale your Infinite I wonder If It hain to earn ones one's living liing has anything to do with making one hard If It it does I II I think perhaps that famed tar far economic Independence of ot which ne e hear hoar and read so much about does not make for tho the greatest happiness of ot a woman I think Sally dear we wo will have to live many man many centuries be- be before be before fore tore we no e get that peculiar now is purely masculine ot of dismissing hurts burts joys love and saying sa Ing that I for tor torone forone forone one do not want to ge over that peculiarly sensitive feeling that belongs to women Id I'd rather J e a lot than be Incapable of Gf In tact fact I think one ono of ot the greatest sorrows I ever eVA had 1 nas as ashen hen ehen I thought I waa nas not being sorry and more because Dick had left me You say aay 3 lou iou au v were re not at all happy with nith Sam and in one of at Inti- Inti Intimated intimated Inti Intimated our letters you more than mated that you were glad that he l as out of oUi life lite Have Hale you been an any happier without him Sally dear Id I'd like to know You had a good deal to say MY about Dick my dear when you my letter Jetter etter but you iou OU did not ans answer er mv my question as does a woman e over oer er regain trust In a man after she has once been disillusioned Person Person- Personally Personally hasI I ally after this episode with Dick DickI I have come to the conclusion that something goe goes out of ones one's iI life v Uh every every IllusIon ol th that t Is I shattered ana a In which while It may make toe tor Independence of o thought and ac- ac action action ac action tion never makes tor for great great happiness I shall be bt over to see eee s y ou how how- however however however ever Sally dear very soon boon I am amery I ery anxious to some kame om because I want to tell you face tace to face what I shall think ot of QU It you bam barn bamboozle bamboozle Leslie's husband Into be- be becoming becoming be becoming coming Interested In you If It he Were anybody but Leslie Lealie s a husband I wouldn't mind sO 80 much but Leslie a as you say eay Is one of ef the s sweetest t girls I have ver vcr known and I know she ehe cares very much for tor that good looking husband of at athers others hers In my heart I 1 am quite sur sure Burt him much al at although she has hils forgiven intimation Intimation I though there has been no tion Ion ot of It to and me me and because some of at her Illusions In regard to her husband have I am amnot amnot amnot not sure but buP that somo some of o that sadness that one sometimes sees In her taco face has hall come Into their place Iaco But Dut I am afraid she would not forgive him a second time eo 80 don t shatter any more ot of o her heZ Illusions I 1 met Sydney Carton at the wed wed- wedding wedding ding and nd I liked him very much Ho lIe Is Iq not as good look look- lookIng look looking ing lag as Jack sack Prescott and I don t He egotistical HeI think he hes s a as liS I to admire Leslie I ery seemed much even then but I think he ho a 5 athe I It if Ithe the kind of ot n a man that even he cared eared for his wife would keep It to himself a I perfectly foolish for tor you you I How I I and me to AA go on YH conjecturing things like this From a that Leslie has hs been writing meshe me roe she seems very happ happy but we ne e wilt will talk It over when I see Bee you 1 hichI I hope nih will be very soon Boon Affectionately DIE BEE Copyright 1924 1934 NEA Service S Inc mc TOMORROW Letter r from from Ruth to Walter r BUlke Buike 00 Ninety per cent of ot what hilt r mr- mir ned men leave behind nt them hem I Is life money I |