Show SENATOR REED REEDS REEDe S e RAPS MADOO M AD 00 Rockwell Returns Fire of Missouri Solon NEW YORK July The 2 2 Th ment of o Senator R Rel oll of ot MIA Mis Missouri from hl his sick bed In Kim Kan Kansas aims sas City that It if a certain daf candi- candi candidate candidate date were nominated by the tho Democratic n conventIon the Democratic patty pal ty might be to conduct condu t Its campaign In in some somo federal court room drew fire fir from McAdoo leaders W We do not take tak seriously any any- anything I thing that come cornel comes from from Senator Reed said Bald ld Ladd Rock ell manager manai r for tor Mr MC- MC MCAdOo Mc McAdoo Adoo In a formal The Tn I Senator preferred charges charge against Mr McAdoo that cere ere found upon Investigation to hi be bL absolute absolute- absolutely ab ly I ly Iy without foundation In n addi addi- addition addi- addi addition addition tion not being satisfied with that the senator persisted In continuIng continUing continuing ing his attacks on Mr McAdoo In Inthe Inthe Inthe the state late tat of ot Missouri HI Ills charges were weighed by th the i electorate of ot his hll home borne te Ith aith tho result that h he was nas so NO completely t ly that h ho was en drien fr from t th pr presidential tIa race rac J f It If Mr Reed 5 statements statement ento lire are arthen gh gien en so 00 o little credence by the electorate ot of o hi home homo state and anel he M ass W L In normal health hy should we e now pa Ia heed or attention to hi his hll remark remarks that como come n fron a sick alck room In all nil charl- charl charli li charl-li H i I feel teel that Senator Reed hould not be bo provoked Into a discussion but should be b per per- per permitted d to mend mond hI his hll shattered health TI Te e need needs a 0 long rest and so 0 far tar as a I J am concerned ho he h can canh O hl r It Th The 36 if votes from Mis Mis- Missouri Missouri voted persistently for 20 ballots for tor William G 0 McAdoO and In my judgment will 11 again as-aln to lot ote for Mr Sir McAdoo 00 0 |