Show PLOTS TO LAY CRIME ON PAL CHICAGO July Nathan 2 2 Nathan Leo Leo- Leopold Leo Leopold Jr Tr who with Richard Loeb Is now awaiting trial for tor the tho kid kid kid- naping and murdering of oC oung Rob Robert rt Franks Franl had to have the finger of ot suspicion poInt a clos close friend and fellow ornithologist when th the crime wa aas discovered ered the th friend George Le Lenis 10 told assistant a slat at- at at attorney torney torne s Tuesday heaLs Dew Is declared that he h and Leopold had hd In 1922 1 22 jointly or- or organized organized or organized a 0 a ciao class In bird lore lor and had often visited the th spot near ncr here the th Franks Frank boys boy's bod body was found He H related that on May 22 Leopold tailed him by tele- tele telephone telephone phone and asked that ho h that day conduct the th bird for tor Leo Leo- Leopold Leo Lo Leopold Lewis assented lie he h said and when hen the dai da 5 0 work as completed he again aln communicated ed with Ith ci Ith Leopold to report the progress mad made by th the class clus but Leopold appeared to lack lad Interest It was as on May ray 22 tha tita the kid kid kid- naping and murder ere acre discos discos- discovered ered eral days day later according to Lewis Leopold again called clIed hint him and asked If It he h had hall lost his glasses or It if he h had more than Ihan one pair r His glasses Lewis saId were almost almot exactly Ike k those worn by Leopold Leopold s a glasses found near Frank Frnnk a body led Id to the tho th latter s 0 arrest Lewis L declare that Leopold said sal ho h had ben been qu questioned by a police pollee cap cap- captain cap captain tain tam and that h he had given riven n the officer Leak Le I nam name as an n owner ot of a pair of glasses lasics which a fitted the description of ot th the ones one found near th the bod |