Show u EV It If iou ou want rant th the final decision on any baseball dIspute ly Bil ly ans E M-A M Service 1200 V tV d street Cleveland 0 0 QUESTIONS rIO S 1 I team scores acore five runs stith Ith no one out In the tb fIrst lint In- In Inning inning nini In-nini ning Relief Relict pitcher stop the scoring during the rest of ot the th In In- In Innings In The Th final result of ot the game I li is 9 i to 8 t In hor h or of the th 1 stat stat- tors 1 tors At no time during the game dId the tir home horn team get on eten en e terms with Ith the th l by the score Which Is chat chal ed g- g ged g ed with a Ith th the defeat defeat I I M 21 P 2 Last half halt of ot th the ninth the score Is la 0 to 0 when horn home team gets two tao men on with n no on one out Visiting manager r sends In relief I r BaUer Batter hits hIt safely lus acor- acor lug tir winning run Who Vho Is charged with the th defeat deat I IM 1 r P 3 Batsman Batman hila 1115 hll ball back at pitcher It is IN 1 do d off his glove striking the th umpire but ut 10 I Isi H covered by the th second cond baseman n In time tim li to retire the th batman at first t What Is tile tir correct decision B B D Li Vs 1 PIl her who permitted visit visit- IHK I tm to score core five tiT runs rux In first Inning I la Is charted with defeat even though final score IN Is 9 to S 8 I Had the home team tam tied th the score at any ony time during f the Kam game nd then lo lot lost t 9 to 1 8 relief 1 f pitcher would hae har ha e been beon charged with de de- de teat f at 2 Pitcher r who ho put th the two runners un i-un on on bases c making for winning run to be scored on a biso hll hit hll Is Ij charged ch with the th do- do def 1 f foat S Runner Is 1 I out oit ut at tint first even en though sail ball struck the thi umpire m Once the lh pitcher made mad a play on the the th fact that hat It IL later lat r struck the e Is gives IT no DO con con- Un the lh b haU In Im play |