Show 0 TRANI c s I L Lt A t notice appears In the Stand bland Examiner ard Examiner ard-Examiner informing the veteran vet veteran et- et etI I eran tran firemen that they are to mec meca I a At their rooms In tho city h ill a at atS S 8 30 on the morning of ot the to participate In tho rho parado parade The veteran firemen In the s d dv when hen Ogden was tas in the making were ere a 0 big Us part of ot eve every I y of JuI Juli parade Their leather hats als bright red shirts and sho showy y belt bells made ronde them an outstanding part pirt of of any public unction function In io which the It was wag In 1813 1373 when hen they wen ere organized and ond soon Coon oon after the they pur pur- purchased purchased chased the bell which will sill III be seen in the parade A tower toner was as built on City Cily bell aas be before foro the square and placed In la position a Jap Jay was This hanged to the scaffolding last contribution to I Ogden's was as mob violence and at ot the time limo the firemen men f felt lt their to tower er had hod been more or less desecrated The bell br brings back ack memories In the tho Its clanging to as startled ear ot of night aroused manyan many manyan ofa ofa of an early resident to the danger a tire fire Poe had hod the old volunteer fire departments In mind when hon he be wrote rote his poem Tho Bells BeHs Bella bells bells- bells Hear fear the loud alarum Brazen bells What a tale of oC o terror now theirs their turbulence tellS s n the startled ear oar dt bf C their scream out Ho How they affright Too much horror to speak They can only shriek I shriek out of oC tune tunc In III a clamorous appealing to The mercy of ot the fire Ure the tho In a mad expostulation with deal deaf and frantic tire fire Leaping higher higher higher no How they clang liang and and roar In the tho jangling And the v Inthe clamor and the clangor of oC oCI othe I the bells b ll The Tho old Fourth ol of July How IIo tow the tho malor of the day did twist the theion's theIon's ions ion's Ions Ion's tall aCt after r the tho reading of oC the Declaration of Independence I It Is a long time since GeOrge GeOrgeI I II Inflicted his wrongs on the I Colonials The England of oC that day dy has disappeared and the he N New w England Ingland of that day also has gone I Great Gret transformations have bae b been en wrought rought The old International hatreds have been be n obliterated rated and anda anda anda a new world has baa ba been born Now we are aro not concerned oer o'er the tho dead past bu bu- bu are wondering what that the Europe which h Is s emergIng emerging emerging ing from Crom the war ar of destruction u will 11 be We oe art tt Ing to rl r and reconstruct a ehatt shattered red chill chill- ch l Ilon and so on tho the coming I our thoughts will turn to toan toan toon an America big and powerful on which the nations nation l lean on In the hour of tribulation p J ly J The Tho oIl ola Yo Fourth was aas as a glorious and II a sad time for 1 loung toung oung Am Amer America r- r lea ica The firecracker and the thc toy pistol appealed to the imagination of the bo So Many a II UP M nt at the sunrise salute kas s put tobed Int bed with lIh bandaged head and nd counted among the o of the da In Ia tact fact the ha havoc oc wrought by bomb and pistol became so great Ory e city In the United States n J ad ad to legislate tora fora sane fourth oC of July t t took much of C the color out of or C the day but ea saved cd thousands of boa bo s- s I Ogden has haa its cigar drar factories which w It relying on amok amok- smokers ers us would not be bl In existence I llo How a miny cigars are arc smoked In Ogden Oden each dayl day The was put to a manufacturer and ho he replied 1 I knot kno a man he ho said who ho smokes moke as high as ae 18 cigars aday a 1 day 1 i y i Or Of 0 the tho cigars consumed II a the month month month month- the the- local factories sell lell not more moro than thon 30 1 00 and In or- or ord order or-d or d der r to operate must g get gel t their busi bust business ness mess from the outside r One factory employs 28 men and inA gIrls but It If Jt t depended on Og Ogden I den alone would be no not nomore moro more than one on one cigar maker I The I he Ogden made cigars are equal lUat I to the tho best In the United but the tho lack of the spirit of pa- pa patronage patronage pa patronage ot of home ome Industry has haa ha eu cau ed ed th them m to be b discriminated against r rIt It may be b Iii n the tho salesmanship although the th Ogden factories are ro i m meeting with a 0 big and growing l f patronage on the to outside Ogdena Ogden Ogden- e a mad ode cigars cl arr Undine finding an n enlarging market In the Intel mountain coun coun- On Oa l ge T Two Teo o t I II I NEWS AND VIEWS 1 t frou Page Pac One try and gaining a a popularity In the northwest The Th statement has been made nade that If Ogden Ogdon 0 was waa loyal to all Its III industries 00 more mor men mn and wo- wo women wo-mn wo men could find employment In la this ell Let Lt u ua us try It It 0 5 On lower Twenty fifth street are area area ara a number of ot fruit stands tandl Travel Travel- Travelers era ers era off ft the lh O e trains hurry to 10 the th at- at attractive attractive at displays display make mako mak their pur- pur purchases pur ohe chases and depart Tuesday a group had gathered t at George Murphy Murphys stand and ono one or of the th party InquIred as al a to the th source of oC th the thi beautiful luscious lu cherries George Georgo Gor said eald JL they thy wore Ogden den grown rown rown rownA A young woman oman evidently from CAlifornia shouted d Don t sa sal a that You know they ar are Cill Call Call- o forna cherries You are aNi ar robbing California of her hr glor ilor I And the th woman really thought Utah was as wa advertising under false colors Ae A a matter of tact fact act Utah does not get ret halt belt the th credit due du the products ot of t this tate Much of the higher r grade frad ot of f catsup bot- bot bottled bot bottled tied In the th east I la Is from Utah Peas Pea canned In Utah are given riven givena a California label Some of I Utah I conned condensed milk goes out under a foreIgn brand S 0 S 0 Dr E B W tV McCollum In his ad- ad address dreis d-dreis dress drus ered to an audIence at atthe atthe the Hermitage H said ild that In the th next few fw years yar there ther would ouid be b a arreater greater s-reater consumption of ot dairy prod prod- products products vets prod because of ot theIr food value Dr McCollum I Is an all authorIty on on nutrition and his hla hi prediction I Is backed by his hi knowledge of ot the health properties of milk Looking forward to that ox- ox X pending market markt Weber W b r county should push puh pu h ahead with its lis It plane plan to 10 Increase the tho th importance of tho dairy ry In thi this regIon 00 op |