Show Ii 4 I FUNERALS 1 t I- I 4 e Funeral services for tor I Mrs Mr I ues u 1 Dennington Bennington Ire wit ot of o William lien lien- B en fn wr were held Tuesday at 8 3 o'clock In the tho th Warren Warrn meeting meetinghouse house with BIshop Bl hop Samuel presiding Herbert Herbort East ESst r sang n A P rt ot DaY Dy I lIol t ralo Man to t and Jessie Jale song al an Sister Thou Wait ut Mild antI and Lovely Jessie JI l sang nc Beyond Byo Today A trio irto sang ani Quid Guld Mb l-h N to Thee Th The speaker Wore were W D Waymont Arthur Uber lieber U 13 Hawks Hawk S 8 V F and Bishop Knight Th US opening op prayer wee was ad made road bt by Ib t tn e Nathan n Hawks H wk and the th tion pronounced by Thon Thomas Par Bar Da rows row row Interment Int was wu made mad In the tn c Warren and aDd the h grave grav I by b l Frank rank Barrow Barrows |