Show PIONEER fIDDLER FIDDLED DIES OF OLD AGE Hop llop render Known 1101 ii by IJ All 11 arty I Corners lo lu to Hopkins C fender ago lIe U 66 years ar lh the pioneer of Utah who In his liU younger days delighted to 10 help hell music In the Ule old hull while the thu Ih pioneers Ione r tripped the light fantastic died of or old uld age uge Saturday afternoon ato at al west rest South Temple where ha ho had bad lived ten lei years 11 Tho IIo bo be beheld held at the house afternoon and the th bur burial bu bual ial dal al will take place In ht city cemetery Hop Pander fender ail U he win was affectionate ly Iy 1 was rt at Tenn 1 i ISH 1St He lie Joh 1 tho thu In III Illinois In III and anti liU hll property was burned boned l by II too tile nubs mobs at lit atam em am thill He Ire moved to Iowa where C lie Ill out met and iii Sin ed Miss Mies I 1 mk With hi his wife ho moved to L Utah In lu lib J w und and hn he hats lius resided rel lcd hero since that time limp living for tor ninny many years CUIA In the wool lie He spell of f his hla hi time linn Lh at al 1 Hl and und In various Church I and for fur years III ut tit Ih Ihu hu Sunday lIndA afternoon tabernacle services li 11 he tailed d tn to I occupy a R seat neat on the tho bench Inell to tn the loft lift of tho the aisle dl r In front of It the Lh stand Next to him Ida and UA us regular an as r t Ce were three thle old odd ladle Mary IIII A I tang ong age ag TO iO years Mrs N age lie 70 iO and Mrs 1118 ICI ICer show atm ns 18 IS years The ol al 1 l pi 11 n ir 1 r fiddler line has been ben dy Iy ing for u la month moth NIx HI days 1111 before his death the tilo of tottering old woman vl Hi led tho thu feeble men man In his hIli little room tm on tho the second floor They worn wore as eager Ager to hear something favorable In his condition ns os If it th they y haul had 1 been Jeen youths youth of or 20 30 Inquiring after one of similar age ng With tears In thair eyes le they th B RI the bedside the dying man lay IllY In n II half halt stupor Planner Pioneer Vender fender WOK was nn en extremely man iliac Four years ago II U he hung up his ancient fiddle and has han hR never touched It since When hn naked asked to 10 play pili he h would my say II laughingly I 1 broke brok my 10 finger r and nn I cint Int play any anymore anymore more The rho real reason seemed to b be behia his hia falling ns as n Jae JI had hod found hi h was n unable longer to tt tuna tuno his hili faith faithful faithful ful tul old nil on account of ot hia hI hII I h and to H tempt to play pin with hN hi fiddle out nut nf nt tune and his hia hl be he being heIng ing undue unable to tn detert dt lt It and ali I thereby per Ier Imps himself to criticism or derision decision would hove hon broker broken hIs good ole oln 01 heart In the Ih olden days ID he ho h was nil closely ns as n anointed with Foster Hilly niter Uter niterS R S Olson Dan Dnn Olson Olon and Hilly Jilly When asked n a I wt week k before hit hIs death If a n certain old all pioneer was WR a friend of or his hi he h quickly replied All the good were my m friends In the th early days 1111 In Utah he endured man mart of ot the Lh trials trial of ot the th pioneers passing through the cricket ex x perlen es living on roots and no living through trials with tho the Indians Indiana At Atone Aton AtOne one on time limn ho lee h was W R sheriff of ot Vebor Cron county lv Ono One of his hl most trying experiences drown dawn it at Loa Ioa I os Vegas Nev Nos OP where he h had ha born been sent nent nt by h Young Voting with a 1 company of ot settlers The Th party l v ra 0 met by h i q I hand band of nt ferocious In Indians nn nil 1 nil all the property provert was a stolen or 01 horned burned Even 1 en their clothing wa was stripped from their barks bACks They were several days In tn the sun lun un without clothing and little to eat eRt but hut finally found a n suit stilt of ot dirty dirt old un which to them seemed worth more than a R gob Tir ree e of ot them divided l this lip imp Sad and father Cather tool took tho the sox jinx said Mrs ITI Grott his hla hI daughter who had come from Idaho to 10 he be lit at the bedside hecl I at nt the thA end Ill When hen they Ihn reached 1 time the th outskirts of ot one onn of tho lion pioneer settlements one on of ot the three donned the th entire outfit nil tnt nothing but hilt old underwear mind you making tanking ns nil respectable an on appearance na as pas and anI gingerly 11 n lIr I approached the town The Inhabitants thought n II scare scarecrow crow was coming Hut But when the tha people frond found who they th were 1 and their con cnn condition the pUce place possessed nothing too good gooel for tor nr th them m The Ihl deceased In is I survived bv by children nn na follows Mrs II no Melissa Groot of or Idaho Taho Falls 1011 Mrs Emma Delaney 1 of ot Pan Inn Francisco Phil Tender render of ot Stock Hock Stockton ton Cal and LaSella I C Tender Ponder of ot Salmon City elt tile loin granddaughters as 1 follows follow Mrs Helen Langford l of oC Salt Lake Inke Mrs 11 Ruby nuh Flaherty of ot Ogden and Mrs Mra Jeanetta tta Davidson of ot Montello Mont Nev Oe For the tho past pant ro t five years arl the tho pioneer fiddler made his hi home with Mr tr and Mrs Ir Edward at 13 west South Temple who were very cr kind to 10 him fully Cull appreciating the sterling tollIng sterlingworth sterlingworth worth of ot the old man |