Show HAS NO COUNTRY COUNTRYMan Man linn With Ill Cannot Prove Irosa Ills New York July Jul 4 Alfred Amundsen said mid Id to 10 bo be a II relative of ot Amundsen tho the Norwegian arctic explorer Is H II man without n II country To make matters mattura worse Amundsen A 1111 I e 11 who In is I a II II allo 1 Is suffering from berl t berl end ond tho the gallon gutlon officers of or Great rat Britain unit und too Ino United have been shunting him himba hark bark ba k and forth between this port and 1 01 s A special 1111 board of or in inquiry Inquiry will alit now take up UI his vitae CUMI Amundsen Bays tays tR ho was burn born In thou BOH ton Ion In ISH 1177 but them thero Is II no record of ot It and his hili punts took look him to Norway when he was 3 years arll old He lie tI lived 11 d 1 there thero until ho wa was 14 11 whan ho ran rail away awny to 10 sea soa Ha lIa contracted berl on In shipboard and wax waa W JI taken to 10 a hos hospital ho pital In There Thero It was learn learned ed fd that thai he ha was wan a citizen of ot this UtI and hi M waa vaa sent rent to New York Ho Its Hora reached ra thin port on May Ma 23 21 and wn Willi taken to In Kills t lIs lIis Island But lint ho could not prove his hla birth l In Boston DO so 0 ho howall was wall taken hack to Barbadoes There Thra he ha was wall told he must either ther pay hU hie hi hiway way or nr go hack back to New NI York Sn So B ho lie carne camo hack back He tie Is III willing wilting to In JO go back bucit hll l to Norway but perhaps Norway also would not let him land Ilind |