Show GOLD PLACER PlAGER Mil MilON MINING ON OLD e GREEN RIVER DIVER Ono Oin Oil Working m WI flIrt Dirt I I I I rino lIu Old kl Placer mining on at Jensen en Utah Ulah IS I I miles of ot Verbal hns bei be I I on 01 for or four tour years IMP and now the tho Mitchell dredge In Is nt lit work ark ork illg out tho Iho of at old Or 1 r throwing the tho th dirt Into him the tho sluices which furry entry It to the lockers where It In iii I on ii the Uie am ot ut concentration concen The Thu dirt averages front from 60 CO vents cen to 10 tl a Il yard arel but of or It carries mi M high a u an 12 2 to 10 UG 25 tO 10 Dr DrI O f I druggist ILer and an chemist of or o Vernal Vernul who It I Ii at the tho Now Windsor with Mr Mrs Ir t rh rt The This doctor has ha n fit If f th the Orson Oroon concentrates which runs 1600 to 10 the Ih ton Ion torn K 01 of ot Vernal emal I J under l Is now Incorporating a company n t tt tko river over the tha Mitchell Arnold end nn placer properties pm on tile the Thes latter claims claim are nrc four nilI north of nf Jensen Jennen Tho Thu banks honks containing the thir Ih sold gold 1011 are handled in th tile the caving system Tim Tho water vater Is III pumped limped from the river up tip on Oh the hUt hill fin nl I poured d the th sluices makIng th the process cho an Ill there It I I amplo ample water waler rl right ht hl at lit hand Tilt Tile concentrates show Know 45 her ier er cent Iron sand and some coins A surprising thin thing about this Ihl dirt 1 III li the number of nf rubles ruble found In It II Generally they arc aro too sinal for commercial purposes purpose but bul some Mme weigh about half halfa A n carat caral Tho The l Is h si so 11 and flaky nak that thai some annie difficulty UIt hd hll has been found In saving savin S It II and AntI a n neaL tf process may moy lie I h Installed I al lou For three hundred mum miles mil up ho the river prospecting parties hAve hi time anti And again gone In of the ledge INIe which has hM given off t th these rich i deposits deposit found alone th tui river r hut KO so o far tor at without success have hava prospected the from Jensen to toW toom W om log With 1111 the tit one exception e the failure so o far of catching ratchie a sufficiently of lilt tho line flits 11 Ilk of o gold Rold r mining on Oil Green has hns hA been hn Veil successful mid fin presents present an Attractive field nohl for men mn with capitol capital 1911 0 In iii n dirt of ot Mf character saul lOaM the |