Show Teething children havo more or lees Ics diarrhoea which cull can bo he controlled bv by II giving Chamberlain Colic Coli Cholera and Diarrhoea All 11 that Is I In n elry U le I to give the prescribed a dose cia each operation of ot the th howl bowels morn moro than hurl and 1111 then castor oil to 10 cleanse the tho system 8 It ItI Itle le I safe pure IlIr Sold hy by h nil all dealers Excellent train service Henle Ample Amp equipment Jul Jill fourth J I tK I IOel let Get away A from that dally grind Ie Permanent Camp lamo offer niter comfortable comfort able bin comprehensive outing curs through for tor Indies and anil gentlemen Others Other are going Why hy dont ont you ou 7 A folder f free tren Office 31 Main Iain strict street lath I phone 81 the th place pIa co to 10 spend pend the IhA Glorious Fourth The Tho Congress Cafeteria affords the heat bat est moderate price meal mal New tern Everything the tho bent OPt let nc ac a I r tips not mint permitted 2 25 6 Kant East First South Hooper flock Hertford end I i MOTHERS FRIEND FRIENDA c cA A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE t Baby coming will wUl b be a time of rejoicing and not of or ap apprehension 11 lq and fear tou if it Mothers Mother Friend is used by the tha expel expectant e j I tant mother in preparation of or the event This is not a 1 modi medi t tI I cine else to be bo taken Internally but a liniment to be bo applied to the tho I body to assist nature in la the tho necessary ary physical changes of the tho system Moth Mothers I ers or eis Friend is composed of ot one oils and medicines which prepare preparo tho the muscles and tendons for tor tho the strain render the ligaments supple and elastic aids in Int I t I the expanding of at tho the akin skin and lest flesh fibres and strengthens all the tho membranes I I and tissues It lessens the tho pain and danger at tho the crisis and assures future health to the tha mother Mothers Friend is sold at drug tores stores Write for tor our tree free book containing valuable information for expectant Mothers 1 THE BRADFIELD CO COs ATLANTA GA GAS 0 I II If You Have a Stomach jj and Know now It I I 1 You Yon Miss It By Not Always Having On Hand Band BandI H I I I I I ITHE 1 l I V THE T E G GREAT DYSPEPSIA 1 1 REMEDY C o l IU t Cut P r red nj ltd era Dr An Act rt 4 JOll 1 15 I lil It will make you forget that there ther are such uch thing u se Dyspepsia a indigestion or Other Stomach Troubles It Isi Is I a reliable remedy and effective Contain Contains no artificial no alcohol no opium no strychnine or any ony po pa pol poi poisonous I or deleterious dru drugs drut It is I Absolutely Free from all oil Nar Narcotics I C li Is put pal up Into Inlo capsules for or convenience In carry I leg In and amid In powder J O der for home borne use ue PER BOX Soc PER BOTTLE I i Carried in stock and end for sale cIo 10 by I ZIONS COOP MERCANTILE INSTITUTION I W A NELDEN CO Salt L Lake ke City SMITH DRUG CO Retailer 11 Ca Can Order of Wh Wholesale Druggists Salt Lake Uke City I I Nour p Remedy Y Co I 1 A Monroe 5 Street Chicago i 11 I Spend the Glorious FOURTH at atc SALT c A AIR A SALT LAKES PREMIER RESORT The one resort that offers every attraction and andis is large enough to accommodate the crowds Bathing finest in the world Dancing unexcelled Big Bis Band Boating H fr f Bowling Ct Inferno iw Shooting 2 r 35 fl Gallery Gall r ry w t Ping Fang Pong 44 Automatic Base Ball Game Fish Pond Pilgrims Progress Old Mill Milf Roller Rolle R n Coaster Skating Rink Automat Skee Ball Gee Whiz Photo Gallery Gan ry Etc Eta Excellent train service ample equipment Trains every 45 minutes Fare 25 Cents For recreation and pleasure go to SALTAIR Peeling bad sit at l HAST I ST 1 JI r X ti Bin Itlo 1111 Tn 1 i t C s J Pueblo Pun 22 BO BOTo To Omaha and Kansas Kansas a City To St Rt Louie 49 00 J 1 To and an Bt St Paul To Chicago 00 Low Jow rates to many other points Selling dates datos Juno 27 37 and July 7 good goolt returning until Oct 31 City CIl ticket omco Main Street Pure Drugs Drags and Prescriptions our specialty Drug Company u lery 11 Sunday to Provo and an return via Salt Halt Luke Monte Ji ID round ronnel trill Train leaves Union Station S Sa a m III Connecting at al Provo with bues of ot Utah Lake Jako Navigation Co Bathing at nt Saltair makes make the sink ulek well nell and makes tho the well ell feel tol better I PST EAST Via AIa Short orl To or Dene and anti rn ro turn U UTo st i iTo To Colorado Color do Springs or Pueblo and return JI s sTo 5 To Omaha or Kansas J City and iinO return t D 00 To St Rt and return S I 9 00 To St RI Paul or Minneapolis and return 15 On Tc and return JS Hr 00 Proportionately low rates to 10 other points Tickets on wile July Jul and K ah ahu th AUK Aug u Ith aril and September and a rd Limit October Slut For Joor or further par see co agent CITY TICKET TIGI T OFFICE J Main lain StIf Bt St BtU V U C T Provo July Sll One fare tare for round trip via IR Halt 1 Parke Route Houte at Rt never better bellr 1000 To los 1011 Angeles Anle and return via vin In Salt SnIt Lake Laka Houte Route July Jill 2nd nd to 10 Inclusive Milk Make your our reservations nt at once City Ticket J 69 Main Street Most MOlt nod finest t equipped barber shop ho In Salt BaIt Lake now open at 41 South Main C O G pro proprietor Excellent train service erle Ample equipment Saltair July Jul Fourth Optical Co SIB 18 The Big White Store The Big White Store P I 1 A President J I J 1 II ko 1 I 1 on n 10 J STORE coo co r I 10 IM on BsH sr M Its the tIDo constant roll staler nt r Tint ears n n I this lie Its Easy to pay UN 11 the 1111 lulu tl The fhe I IXL Hint adds furniture ii rid to tin till way J OUR O UR STORAGE WAREHOUSE is the largest argest and best equipped storage building in the entire V west Our magnificent new building with its spacious floors automatic sprinkling system and freight elevator with its lifting capa city offers you the best and safest storage in the city and we guarantee that upon figuring with us you will wilI find our prices by far the lowest Special steam heated piano room moth proof vault for furs individual stalls for automobiles in fact every improvement known in modern mo dern storage If you are going away for any length of I time its the safest insurance to store your piano your furs your auto or any uny other valuable por l 1 property with us J 1 r r Indian Splint i u Furniture 1 11 I d 11 V i 4 d For the cot bungalow or the dl cummer Rummer home the kind our grand hrand grandfathers f s r r rs fathers used made to last a life lifetime j time constructed of oli 1 oak oakl l t thoroughly hill boxed 1 acks and scats scafa a braced with steel slats to prevent I u sagging the line included the most I artistic designs in screens chairs t rockers tables and settees all pieces l r v s rt finished in fumed ante ef of effect cot Vc quote two special prices Iy t to introduce the line fine 1 NAP CHAIR Just such a one as you your s r would want on the 8 y porch or Cott CottI I s j corner very special specials F t this week at only SET SETTEE SETTI SETt TI TEE TTE one of our best t lishan splint pieces large and roomy o v s worth much more but 1520 we offer it to you this week st cek at only J Willow I Rockers Rocker Carload of handsome willow rock rockers oc Ili ers era just j u t received including all alt styles from the diminutive c style stylo for the little mis miss up aP to the largest roots room Test chair for father All r tu constructed and of tic the be bc beat t mate materials K J G rials specials quoted to inter f cat cst cat you J y ONE SPLENDID ROCKER I and anti roomy rolled edges and anti arms anus arn s 10 comfort COlli fort in every line worth much 5 tA more than the tho price asked this week special ANOTHER SPLENDID LARGE ROCKER Could not be he duplicated in the city at 5 we offer to you at atthe t 0 the tIle introductory price only Our Barbers Supply Department R Ri a glen mill cord women lIlIen arc t o n I that the Ih I X li r I supply department can m furnish li h them 1111 1 5 y i Ill In Ilio thu line lino of ot toilet waters 01 errant cream um soups soPS 0 clr nt nl way wa ay belme time drug store or ori 1110 u n quote a n fuw OW today tiKI II to prove 1100 the I lt i and toilet soon fonn 3 a 1 I Is a 1101 W Wc are ar nr of ot aS cakes for Tor ic r w splendid I III l double 1 all bl e strop II t ro Im hn Imported m I J X It L J s I 1 I I I 1 teeing our 1 Cn o bouquet soup soni i razor hone lione worth 81 RI of 50 5 n 1110 or SOU 0 n a box hox ported leather M ltd cJ hook RII i this Ihl tuck Ik C toilet water tine lIc u a 1 bottle hOlt I well worth north 2 till this week k I iio in Colitis los dOo n a hOlth only toilet venter w H a Ie jours our nt sit u t t STORES 1 CO sr le no ScaT S M I Watch and Wait for the Big Sensational Clearing Sale I of o the Season Full Fall announcements in tomorrows papers It will bring tidings of great joy to the people of Salt Lake and vicinity v Rowe RONe Kelly Co South Main Street 1 s row 1st Ire I w d Y Your Close work at cr er Of ot our 1 t you of ot Its II super UP r l of ot r cry rry cot detail cd f I IThen be I p ha has d b bin I Then Theil your our r nd J In tn BO u II larger VA TEn It 11 gives fabri fabric TROY Yr or Dr n 1 U It Alts U 1 troth Phone Phon |