Show STATESMANSHIP p Cleveland Plain Dealer A gentleman from Santiago eliot hol at nt a 1 gentleman from froni Vinier del Rio Ulo In the Iho aLien of or representatives True Tru to 10 the tho lie traditions of Spanish mark lark bullet hull went weil wild but Caine Vei ory 01 near perforating another honorable gentleman who was wa busy enacting the thu role rolt of ff Innocent The Tho Th gentleman from del fin nio who abc was wn shot at al In III a I journalist HI Ills limit newspaper had liati printed comment 1 ivIes n H ot agreeable to the gentleman from rm With true truo I Latin In Instinct for the picturesque and Mil cal time Ih gentleman selected retorted t tIme the chamber of ot legislation ox as the tho most pia for murder Such fuch timings thing as 18 this thill they th tin nia not so M In Infrequent frequent tent tend to shock the Iho American ld i of what n It republic should bo be 1 Hut But Americans who will have I tomm one 01 to tn Cuba ulea uhn nod observed the tho Cu Cubans u ml bans bROA ore are Ir not 1101 at nt all The Th l bt beat est however Is 11 that Cuba ubA should worry worn orl slang along with wih its It I revolutions liens assassinations nn as Oi best bent It may ia ma maIt It IH IA I flit all n Irritating little neighbor hut an nM ana mena a port part rl of oC the tIme great groat t republic It I would be he If an un Intolerable nuisance for genera lions IA to come pome At tho the brand of n with Its I graft and the Its I guru Is to I about ns ale 11 good an net the hf he Cuban elan deseno Irro |