Show CHIEf EF JUSTICE FULLER IS DEAD Heart Disease Robs Country of Noted Jurist at His Summer SummerHome SummerHome SummerHome Home Early This Morning INTERMENT AT CHICAGO hIntI nt Bay liny nn Miles oW ihle lit iii if liar lItt Harbor 78 Old lId Ur liar Harbor lIe Jit Jul JU 4 1 chief Jus JUI Justin JUIt JostieS tin tieS t Melville W of ot the thit Stets Stel supreme court died nf ot lie heart art lIure at itt hI IH summer homo home In lu Sor Hor Horrom rom lout at lit 6 G thIs morning The Th death of nt the chief was entirely nil reI unexpected II as he had been beau In Rood h health alth lately und there thero hail had hen lioen no run premonitory Irem yn nf of any an kind of ot trouble Yesterday lie lio attended church as its usual antI and when wh n ho Ito hut host kl 1 night lie he wan Wit to 10 nil till slice In III lube hla customary health l euth came carn aitu about 6 o lurk this Ihl morning hue H daughter Mr Mrs leI Jel Id Franc In Rot Hev no James Jamen K hi Krco latIn who was wa u us II fit of f Justice Km 1111 UT r at ut lid his Horr nto Mainstay iveno fero with WillI the Ito Jurist jurl when ho he diNt died Tho The funeral tu I servIette will l lie bo o held at Sorrento end the hiss Ih Interment t will bo lie ut at Chicago Thin The date ditte for fiat this the th hats hall not lIot yet et been fixed Chief Justice Fuller Culler win In lii hi lila Stil or many year cana r tin the chief Justice pont hi his lit at H at sum summer mer uner colony located louled on out flay lilt He live mile ashIest tram from ruin liar lur Harbor OLD OID EHNTS TH His III death today recalls hi his hla on such went events nt Rt the hi cutten nary of nr tho th court 10 Jj years ears ago Judges will wll IK bus 10 ulI Raid ald he and RIll will PH IA away One fl generation BUix ed d another But who I tvr eSer 11 come collies H and amid whoever r goes gous IIO tint tho curt ourt remain keeping alive through tautly many we ve shall not nol see coo tho the light highut that lust burnt with a 1 constant con radi radl radiance ance 1 on out th tit high bIght altar of American constitutional Justice Chief Fuller left leh an Rn Indell blo stump on un ui the th laws hates of tit the time Among AmonI hi his must mush ruinous were the tho following Th rIte tax decision In 11 It which lh the law w WI wise held to 10 be l iii iI The lists he hut hot It In Iii inch lither hither union were held huld to tu it mm liable tu to tho Iho antitrust lau Ill rime Tho Union corn com company pany vi se the tho Commonwealth of ot 11 In which tho lie slate satis wits was denied Ihl to 10 0 telegraph ex es except when whan hon The bank brink of at v VII vs Hume In which the thai of iii I thin thu wife and children In ii tho II lit life lit of th the father un was n n ed ua distinguIshed from till the n uk I cred creel Item Inman v ta south I s sniP uia a ain Ian In the railroad wis waH drilled th v Doe p to exempt fioti II hili for lor It its e In th thu of goods 00 1 Moore vu rr v In which tied d women were we held hII to 10 I hear such buch MB as a thoM hose growing out of cut the fraud fraudulent suit sale of land us as it sib ell a iii the tho legit night v ta In which the wa teas denied right aCer original ages of liquor In interstate commerce an opinion which led hod to tho ho KiB ag of the lie Wilson liquor law Mutes July 4 President Taft left his for hs Hv rett ant tind Boston cc e before the lie news of if Chief Jut Juu tics lice fullers WAS HAS received Washington July 1 To Ju JUsto ti o Fuller fell hut tho humor honor ot of third rank for length of service HH as presiding Justice lr lu the his hIghest tribunal of the lit A merit an Kir X 3 years yearn he lie wan chief chIc justice of tat the thu supreme court of hi United Staica but Mar presided over the court 4 yours yeum amid anil Chief Justice fir i With the lie future rests lie tho I termination of his rank i ii eight chief justices of history for uP Ity and accomplishment Before drover Cleveland int sitt n name canto to the hue senate on April 30 10 ItS IKS for confirmation an us chief justice justIe ho hue n i practIcally unknown t I mt u it hers jers of the legal WAS AS IN MAIN MUNi In Maine where h tie WAS t i u a a Feb 11 Ii tU he ho had been beau a aI it I well behaved rather iti lie hud huid gene to 0 And amid Lucre secured our d most if r lh tin tur ur He Ii had hod gone gune d ul du c tv u the inn law school for om on i i he ha blossomed forth na as a t I tn n fledged i lawyer soul n 1 politician of n us In hut 1 mil In 9 his hita native city eit Augusta He lie an au sI tor tui on iS a Democratic paper called Time ARC Age about the same came lime wise ui ev Kd of the tho tutU lund tho to city solicitor Soon he ite left Mauls Maine for the greater o pai of af life In Chicago ISM H G to ISIS he lie lived 1 ri ui a 05 but attracted little attention mit na Immediate circles of friend timid as tie at the bar until h lii niMi r o othe the defence of BIshop Hefty on n a charge of y HI ills f history send and j ii those who condu Ml lii hn case anti hi of the he c use 4 the bishop b the he supreme n cf f Illinois Is referred to still as i a f r ren en lr effort seldom If ever sunS ed in ii that court He list wee a delegate t th conT of this the in ty in hi 1141 1871 1876 and anul IUS The Maine boy who had gone w iv sr ci accomplished mui mu h however n standing hi quirt quiet life He Ii had bath lull the foundations foundation for a deep understand understanding ing of the laws f the country ansi and clang this line he lie had per performed performed formed service for client that tuna nn estimated to have netted him nn on an air annual flush nual Income of pf These mom led the tho cone nenn tots tors from Illinois to I tinge nn sit the ha Demo president the of ut Mr Fuller an as the tho successor of us Jus Justice ice tice CONTEST The nomination of Mr Puller fuller then S years sors of net age was ass followed by a contest In the senate The Tho commute with its Ita mi rut nin to 0 which the nomination I CC i set nt April 30 held up the thu Appoint until July I 10 Then Its Continued on Oil page paco two a i CHIEF JUSTICE FULLER IS DEAD 1 1 temp P g ori Jg J tee t reported it II to tn Ii the th senate without recommendation Ion For lor three hours that body hody debated In executive eXl session whether to 10 confirm or reject the tho nomination The rho attack ullock on Mr III Fuller was led by b Senators Senator Kd Ed I d munds I Heno tors trl Cullom and him The reports that he had been bron a 1 Cop Col Copperhead during the th Civil war and that ho lie did not possess tho the requisite ability ns nit n a f lawyer lawer were wl re gone over oer Finally by a vole ole of or 41 U to 20 0 his nom nomination nomInAtion was wits confirmed Since that dAY the entire court ns as It then existed has pissed passed away with the tho single exception of ot Justice Harlan Of Ot those prominent In the th light over oer his hla confirmation only ani Senator Cullom re remains reo mains and President Cleveland Cleoland who hits thUM honored d the tho Illinois lawyer has likewise gone one to his grave The service of ot Chief Justice Fuller was noted for tor the time dignity with which he filled the tho position lie He preserved that munner manner whether on the tho bench or oroff oft off of nt It Although small of ot stature lature not more mora than lIve five feet seven Ivon Inches hits his wealth of ot silvery hair anti classic features made him a commanding liS liSure ure wherever ho appeared Probably Mark Twain resembled the chief Justice In physical appearance a than any other man In recent years eara LIKE Lun tAnK MARK TWAIN Frequently tho humorist wan TaA mistaken en on for tor tho the Jurist One Olle da lay day a young woman Mark Twain on J 1 street and with an apology that she hud had seen time the duet chief Justice before asked for or his hili autograph The author wrote vJ J iu Ii be b full tull It Il U is UI I It isI t FU I 1 am ain cordially yours W v JUL En The Tho late iato chief justice nil a 0 far tar as au known never noer expressed his hla hl opinion of ot othaL what haL he ho thought of ot Twain for Cor playing this little Joko jko on him Chief Justice Fuller reflected re to a great extent his research Into Inlo literature by I y the tho style tylo of ot his OpinionS and ad od addresses dresses drell es In the tho curlier days day after atter go Ira going log ing on the tho bench he lie wrote teatime name poetry und and now flOW and then lapsed Into poetical In III hla Imla hI O from the bunch bench Ono Otie of ot tho the best beat Illustrations Illustration of or this was wu tho the opinion ho handed down In tho the case ase of ot hammond v Sit IA Hopkins Ho Ito concluded ed d his lila opinion by saying In nil all cases ClU el where actual fraud Is ts not made mad out hilt but the Imputation rests on conjecture there thoro the thA raal of at death has haa closed dosed the tho Mr lips of ot those these whose hOllo char character actor acter In III Involved and lapse of at Ume time has hM Impaired the recollection of ot trans transactions actions and obscured ob their details the thu welfare elt ro of ot demands the rigid enforcement of ot the rule rulo of ot diligence The hourglass must supply the ll ravages ravage of ot the scythe Mid and nd those who ho havo have slept on their rights must roust ba be b remitted to Lo tho repose repos from Crom which they should not have beon bean aroused tX 1 FOR Ort K TUB TilE PLACE Somerville Mass las July 4 Tho president dent later ILler lit In tho thu day spoke at greater l length on the death of or Chief Justice Fuller Ho Ito said ald I 1 learn leant of ot Just Jui tice Fullers death with great regret He Ito was wan on tin old friend and u II great judge I had known him for tor 20 years yearn whon when I Ia wall a solicitor general antI and our relations were ere always those tholo of ot Intimate friends I 1 Iud hud bud the th highest respect fur tor er his ht legal ability and his hIli death Is IA a great shock Although tho the president would not dU dist C II tho question of ot a 0 successor there titers Is IA It u strong Impression among those close clotiA to the tho executive that 00 by Hughes of ot New York will be the next presiding pre justice of It tho thu supreme court of at tho the United States As An erich each vacancy has occurred recent recently ly hy I strong trong pressure has boon ben brought to bear on tho the president to elevate to the supreme bench some Judge on the cir clr circuit cult court bench Among tho the judges In tho the circuit are Hook Rook and Sanborn It lifts lias b been baen en argued however that as al alth these th Ae Judges have hare hoI passed on the Stand Rland Standard ard Oil case cose which Is la to be reconsidered ered by tho the supreme court of the tho United States this fall fail they might be regarded as Ineligible At one President Taft said that he did dl not consider this a n bar br to tho the supreme court SolicItor Cm On Cm who has hils been ben mentioned In connection with each pach re recent recent recent cent vacancy on nn the supreme court bench hench and Frank n TI Kellogg of It Minne Minneapolis apolis Apoll former chief trust truL buster of ot otthA the thA administration also allO have been men mentioned tInned for tor th the thA supreme court vacancy alley Justice of ot the supreme court courtot of ot New w Jersey Is IA looked on a all as one of the th most likely candidates President Taft Tatt will make mAkA no selection until after litter Congress RA meets for tor Jie tines does dot not nol believe that federal Judges should huhl take lake their places on no tho bench until confirmed by bytho bytho bythe tho the senate enate O TO TALK TALE Beverly Mass iasa July Associate Justice Oliver Holmes who Is III at hl his hb summer homo at ol Prides Cross CrossIng Ing inc won was greatly shocked hocked to hear of ot the tho death of ot Justice Fuller but Mid ho did not nOl care to make a statement |