Show NATIONAL LEAGUE W v U I Pet Pct Chicago 40 4 U 6 New York 8 87 Z l 7 Net g 3 3 JJ i gj W Cincinnati M 3 JJ 31 6 a I I 23 M az MSt m St iii I louie r M 46 L 21 U 41 18 runs WIN WJ IN J MUD 1 VI St Louis July 1 Chicago won the final Ht game gante Lul from St Louis LOuia LuIs today loda In n a driz drizzling IdlER rain 6 8 to 10 3 3 Only one game gam woe wn played Ilard because of ot bad conditions of ot the tho Ih grounds ground Scon n It n II E Eft ESt St Louis 3 J 8 6 J I 0 Chicago Chicag ft 6 S P 9 1 J Lush and Bresnahan Colo Coi ota and s nd Kiln Umpires end and n 1 nm rI lle nUCH HITS Cincinnati July bunched hits hi hit with Cincinnati errors error error today taI and andron won van 10 to 10 i 2 Secret UH 1 Ii U 8 B n 1114 W 10 JJ U 14 J 1 mail 2 12 1 6 5 Hatterle and Gasper and McLean on and Kane SHUTS our OCT Boston July J Brown pitched winning hall bali today tOdy And Boston Dolon shut nul out Philadel Philadelphia tIbia phia Ihla S 6 J to 10 0 O OScor Score n It II n E It Philadelphia l hla 0 2 1 Huston I 6 8 S i Jolln Stack and Ind Moron Moran oron Drown Uron MId and lud Graham Orham Umpires ODay and nuns mUS BEAT July Jul 2 Cincinnati today loda de IC defeated fOAled of better beter hitting 5 S to 10 1 Score H It II n U 1 t 1 I 4 3 Cincinnati S 5 9 0 Powell Philippi and Gibson Obon Hums Burns and Ind McLean Umpires Klem and Kane Ian n LUCK LUCKNow LUCKNow Now Nov York Vork July Jul Z After Atter losing five ne straight games amu to New ew York won today loday 6 to 10 t 8 Score U n H n K 13 t 6 9 1 New Nw York 3 1 10 20 3 Hell and Ames Amt and Ind or Umpires Johnstons and Moran |