Show I F TO JO INVESTIGATE NEGRO L LYNCHING Governor Hadley Asks Attorney To Probe Circumstances Surrounding Deaths MEN DIE AT MOBS HANDS HANDSOm I Om Hume III In Court Cit ii Yard 1111 I ilk Other It I H i Ig Irot rII nt ut 1 iii lUll tun Jil Mo Charleston Iule loll Mo iIo Io July Jul JuI 4 An In III us Ihl negro lI gro 1 ut IB I In i following the tte p double lynching of or yesterday I WhAn Robert Kobert unil Barn Slun If ld were wet hanged by br an in Infuriated mob for the IhA murder of Dr Fox n a 1 farmer An n of or the IhA lb at al the re tIU ii at of ot Gov 00 y b hiI he mall by b the prosecuting hey ney today luda Cull Culp end his h d hom ht hastily In It after ater r the lynching threats WOre were were ere against the Iho thi crowd which attacked the jail I No 0 shot were ere on either cither r side In Ii the Ih crowd which packed the Iba court houi yard In front of ut the lie Jail jull were many litany women and children and the Ihn ho of or officers fleer oared feared to 10 shoot hoot un ull that account On lie tho outskirts of or tine the crowd croud wore were tov ev i eral cral automobiles thin the stand standIng I InK Ing hii on the thu Benin the tho letter belter to 10 watch l the attack on tin Ih jail 1 Seemingly thin the mob Iob waited only for a alender I aI I lender The yells of ot thin the to give I tip 11 thin thu became louder and more i Insistent Then without naming about 1 t In lii the tho afternoon a man i to 10 take ninth tIn thin crowd crown surel forward A concerted rush rock woe was menie on the Iho jolt jail and ann In III a II moment the tout fence rence of or the tho Ih yard Arll was woe trampled 4 down I Tine The fh sheriff and ud tile his mono men vainly beg begging I eR g ging ging ing thin the Ih men In lii tine tho van 1111 to disperse c were ere brushed aside There Thor wan wag WI no noi i turning bank back then Ihn even eIn had lien the tho lead ItaO era IIII cc been hellI no eo Inclined fur tur or the Iho la I In tn n tho Iho rear More wro pushing forward for the Iho liveN live of Dr the negroes USI 11 S SA A railroad tie win Will shoved d forward ns as asa n a 1 battering rant ram With men It Iton on n each ellch side eid and pushing In the tho rear the nUll mm anon swung again t thin the vy j front frunt door of the Ih Jail Jull tho the mob J with rage ruge the tho door I WO ay mud and the tho crowd poured Into Inlo i the IIII building Another door woo wain 18 In the 1 11 This Thie was vas smashed In n a second 4 tho thio crowd surged up UI stairs to In the Iho I floor loor where hero the tho two to negroes were confined Those ThuR In the tho yard the women and ann e children could hoar hear the Iho sounds of ot a 1 sledge as no n the tho lock Inck w was ui knocked off urr the Ih cell door In a I tow few minutes a 1 ar r Announced that the Iho lock had been belli 4 broken t wine was dragged forth and lynched III hi tho the Jail yard while the tho crowd cheered A man mun climbed up u a 1 tre and put ono oie nd of or the I hI rope ropo over nCr overn i n a limb The Tho negro woe wae Jerked up and 1 soon swung clear of or tine the crowd i While dangled II another body 1 1 of or men ninn rushed from the thc jail Jull drugging dragging r I pulling thin tho other negro Sam Sam SamL L Fields A rope o wan wall placed pieced around his hll p neck and ami the tho mob flint shouting started 1 J along alon Court street N 11 wnm is t fhe The negro said he ho would show the themen thet t own men where ho and auth had hall hidden fl U tIn the revolver they hud had used In III 1 I ci Vax Vox the Iho man whoso whose death the Iho crowd 14 avenged The men Inca In charge charKo after a short purify parley decided to 10 take lako thin the negro t 10 to hInd find the Iha revolver TIne The rope still about his neck and amid drawn tightly tight by his hili captors Fields was Into Inlo a aran ran earnings I age 1 by 11 the tue Ih crowd on toot foot In carriages and automobiles the th ear car carriage i Tinge nOKe containing Fled Fields started to 10 the Iho Hone tanno of or the thin shooting half a I mile from train town After going part miTt of or the tho way WIY the negro told the tho captors ho he guessed UP SN utter nil alt he could CHII not nol rind the tho pistol pistolA A stop idol was wall then thon made mAlle and Fulds was UI Jerked out of ot the carriage Without j any 1111 preliminaries thin tho ropo rojin was as tossed toss over or the tho limb of or n II tree Ir anti and Fields woe was 1 J jerked up Ul Ills body bod wan still swinging tItle this i morning Hundreds from froni thin the city and county visited thin the plum and gated t 1 curiously at lit thin tho tree Ir amid the Iho body Tho thin b bod of ot the Ih othmar negro lIe ro was anN allowed t to 10 swing ening until 6 G when It was wag wagI i j I i tut Ut ul down by b several persons who wha ent enton I if ed on 11 piNs pieces of rope rare ax as 1 souvenirs For or orI i I nomo saute time afterwards time the body hd lay Iny on f the Iho ground I 1 j Tho rho crime which n a mob moh avenged 11 by If I t lynch law la wee 1 committed commit ted about boul 10 1 clook ChOk Sunday night William Fox n it i i farmer ot of Mississippi county aunly was sag driving I lag ing toward loard his hie home four miles south I I of cit Charleston This The negroes were ivero walk walking I t ing IlIg along Die Ihl road and asked for n a ride Fox Jox ox told thorn to 10 get In No 0 i f J sooner wert tore this II two In the Ih wagon than i thy they tile attacked Kux hox and sni demanded his hint hinti jj i Fox tried to defend himself J anti was Willi shunt idiot down The Tho Th negroes I e pill If t Though e by 11 tho the los 1014 in nt n tI 4 blood Fox managed to te hive hits his tram to Iu A n neighbors house where inhere he ho h told r them Ih m what whal had hod happened The Thc news new 1 telephoned to 10 Charleston anti and bloodhounds bloo wern vern put ul on the trail Ii With ilith the Hid aid of ot the thin thin the Ih Iwo two t WON ore arr ted and put pul ul In the tho thet fl t county Jail wore weri hurried away nII I to 10 0 thin the house where Fox lay Iny wounded t and he ht Identified IIII nil them Ihm |