Show WILL BE NO NOTEN MORE MODE TEN DOLLAR HOGS Ogden Armour Says Time of High Prices Has Passed For Present Year SOUTH AMERICAN SUPPLY III ro I II ua is Cheap And Amt Can lie be II Much Cheaper r Chicago July 4 J 3 Ogden Armour the returned yesterday ye froma from it a I two Iwo months month trip to 10 Europe does doeH not believe helle Unit tint this country will ace oe JIO SIO 10 hogs hoga S again li of oC meat meal prices ho he mid said If It the west went reports good corn wheat and oat crops thin hits year we may muy horn hope for tor lower prices s Tho The crop crol problem will have ha a n big effect erred on the tho price of ot meats beats If It tho the crop cron of ot grain IH is short the supply of ot cattle and lungs will M ho short I 1 han haVa hll been away awny for Cor eight weoka and know kno nothing concerning crop conditions conditIon or the present cattle and lung hog supply except from the tho general genera view I J have gained from tho the news now newspaper newspapers papers paper I J dont believe the country will see ncr e SID JIO 10 lungs hog again Such prices are aro po possible however logs Hogs normal normally ly I should range around 19 79 9 If Ir the tha supply p IK Is good U it Is le they should l be tie priced 11 under that figure of nC meat mea t from Crom the thc United Slates to and Europa Iuro IH is d dead ad continued Mr Ir Armour South Amer America America ica 1111 IH Is furnishing tho the meat Ineat that Europe consumes consume The United States cannot compete to advantage with tho the coun country country try Ir south Mouth of ot the equator Cattle coma condi conditions there are lire as they were rl In the west 25 years ago Cattle Cuttle cnn can be bo rats rain rained ed cut d cheaper and the transportation costs but little If It any more than from the States they can bo be market markel marketed ed out nt at a II much lower price An As n a 1 cattle producer South America I le 18 rapidly outdistancing th United Slates The class cIA of cattle Is U not ns as Allgood asgood good but the tho meat Is fA food tood and that Ihal Is la what Europe wants |