Show SALT LAKE LOSES GAME ALREADY WON Ogden Oden July Juh 4 In a batting hatting rally In the Iho eighth Inning Ogden scored cored n R run which won on HIM tha Ihl game ame from tram Salt Sal Lake after the Orphans had the game Iame well vel In land hand tt It I wise was a snappy game gama R the tho score was wan waslo wanto lo to 4 Salt rr Lake k started out o In the lead I Hummel batted out OUI n a home run rn In the sixth Inning Costello to lello m made de n 1 three bac gee ger and nd throe three runs rune were ere chalked up to 10 nothing Tie The h Lobsters braced up ill illin In the sixth Ilni got 01 two Iwo runs rUn In the seventh O n tied ter the tha score ore aDd and then put but U I the tite winning run over In the eighth Unit Silt l lake fk ke was wa blanked In the last throe three Innings The third game gome gae of ot th the series will wil bt be h this afternoon at 01 tile II grounds round Toner will W I pitch c for Ogden g and Moser ITI will W be In tile the r box for Salt rt Lake The lineup and sod score core by b Innings follows Suit Salt S t Lake Lk Ogden Stewart rf r t Taylor Talor Jb lb Wesler Veler MacAndrews Mao Andre ss Stroll cf hood Sh lb Dillon Dilon Hock flock lf hf Tolles lt Ib niu Tol Costello e Humm P 1 Murphy Salt Lake WJ 1 10 Ogden W WS o 11 21 |