Show DOUGLAS OflUS PARK LATEST ADDITION IN MARKET nf uC 1111 iii State Imd ill I ill 11 I S lit Il h I In i In InI I ii park pRk tire tho Ih located beaten of or land to tho 1110 south of or the Ih tale state will be he II Improved un on n a joule comparable with that ot or Federal Heights If Ir the Ih plans of ot the l tko Investment lIt company as a formulated 1 on Saturday are era carried out and tire the Ih mutter Indicates also Rho a it alively 1 lively lIely Interest In Halt realty by hy unIte and mid other oIlier larK large cities dUe of or the thc neighboring Dougla Park pak hn hll baa heretofore been tn un oh under unde tier der de tim control of or the th Hubbard Invest Insect Investment In t ment company but through the tire efforts of ot Mr 11 capitalists from Butte were Interested and a II greater Improve Improvement merit ment of or tho tim subdivision KII thun Ih tim UIO Hub blob bald banI Cl III 1 01 II Intended to 10 make ninke ne it uld suled Mr l Is IA one ono of or the III dl II of or the Ih Lake ment which flied filed articles on oh Saturday The Ill oval Involved n a ron con of mr mung the tue Butte men muon who are arc In are Ar Patrick McCarthy Her Herman milan man Henry J IlI and an Samuel Hamuel flintier Binder Three Thew are Re among the tho I a retail meat lAIr dealers of nt the Montana city II find and are Ae an lie a of r the loading leading btu hus 1 11 of or Dutto They Th recently spent considerable Im III time limo looking locking over oser oserthe the Ihn for tor good goon ro Investments In tiia coast cities hint but finally fIlially decided on Salt Luke loll ke Grading streets and the general beautifying of or Doughm 1 park Iak will nIlI corn com commence mence e at lit once |