Show Ir lrI THE TiE The J Great Jj d 1 SEMI 1 Country J r WEEKLY lITE tY L Y Paper Paret of the tl n West NEWS YV I I I 4 J 1 I Mondays Mo days and arid Thursdays Lj f ft and CO All U the thc Cream of r 4 1 l the Daily and Saturday News Nes Nest NesA t 1 I h A l f Trust t Co acl A B general trait business bulno and andr I r 15 4 per cent Interest on on saving it I eoll Joseph Josph F Smith president nl I Anthon II H Lund vice presIdents president O 0 C cashIer I I o COAL cor CO 47 n i SO to O MAIN I All l kind kinds of ot coal well wel screened d and andI I promptly delivered In nUITS CHANCES Cn s I M 11 Taylor TYlor Co successor to K 35 Taylor Talor undertakers and Ind same amo addrel I South Sou th t I Mr Mc Frank P 1 Early Karly wishes to In an nn announce flounce to In t his hi friends that he Is ha an Rn In Independent dependent candidate alc for tr sheriff of ot guit lk county subject to the vote ole of ot the people Ile nest fleet t summer tonic Is bathing at r The Th Greatest L of ot All 1 begins Tuesday Suit July JUl It M Is 1 Walkers alker Anniversary Clearance Sale Rale Prices not printers Ink are back fr If f Walkers ulker Anniversary Clear Clearance Clearance ance alice lle are rp nil all ni surplus stocks lock all al broken lines linen In all 11 odds iund suds ends nil all RI oiled unit und merchandise to together together gether With practically nil al summer t M For Immediate clearance nil all al liaise hese goods lure lire lre marked at ft reduction from tron rota former prices The Tho savings are lre 40 per cent 80 tO per eni nl 60 10 per liAr cent celli even 11 more inure full lae In ml nd on In e S gives ho the of or this Ihl greatest of ot all ni hearing 1 1 Try Tn our delicious Ice ie cream sodas S t cents nt MARSHALLS KANDY O Shubert Rhubert Theater building of ot city cl lots hots mining claims lands Iii utile Irrigation systems city subdivisions power owr plants clo etc Irritation and Electrical Power a n co orders now R b M rut Lyman Jr r 31 31 1 Hooper City CI cOlm MUSIC O 0 Pianos PlanoR Organs 23 W jet 1st So St Knit It Lake Leke Photo Co finishing framing 14 Main Street every ery form torm of ot amuse amusement ment for lub Ih roil rOH I RI S IU I ESTATE I W I nI Ii ll I T r Ir oom cottage near r Rio Granule Grande shops Pantry lr elitIsts closets e room for forbath t bath I rh water and d electric je lights In iii Inhouse house cement walks walk Lot hot feet t el Terms Term tDA A bargain A tine modern cottage ceiling I west First I South Street I near fleer An ih West Vest 1 das baa In house good goodbarn goodbarn barn harn tine no shrubbery large lot lotT T Terms tiro ivo o cash balance 0 per vr month A beautiful modern pressed brick cottage on nn 3rd East I ChAn II Je cement cellar IRr cement walks stalks large larK front porch cren porch noreh lot Zal f tel St t to 10 alley Aley Terms S JJ cash euh M l per month monthA llnA A fine modern brick cottage east 11 of ot Liberty Park Pak with lb set t to two Ino rooms roonA nr beautiful mantel chandeliers cement cellar cement walks walk open plumbing till full tul front porch buck back k porch large a lot Terms Tn p p cash balance binnee Po Poper P per month pr ow rom modern pressed NUM brick cottage with wih stairway set sl for tor 2 I roms rome upstairs mantel manlel chande chandeliers liers hera leu cement cellar lar cement walk walks open en plumbing front porch back ak porch Lot Tt feet feeL t l all Terms reruns Tu cash and Ind balance S tIer per mouth month We Write Fire Fro Insurance I l I o oc c W lad 2nd Street Both Bolh Phones ii 1 C Suit Sell Lakes oust progressive builders bulder of ot otA ofA A 1 Modern I I I ric Priced I J I Y 1 a 11 you own a I lot tot or cur I can eln made a I small mal teCh cash ch payment and with wish wih to 10 build huld a home we e will wil build It I for tor you and anti ou 01 can canmore move more mo Into II Il us as lB soon as a It I la is s completed d and pay lay for tor It on n a our Easy ey Payment Plan The same IRme as paying aying rent In u Items Home Rent Iteal n 11 tale Is Insurance Loans Leans Lano III Fell Sule 34 1 Phones Phone 3 Wa ifo f 3 3 12 acres of ot very sery ry choice land near nur mNO for far 11 per acre of good hanoi In suitable for chick chicken en cui ll S 73 1 East Iut of ot New ra modern brick high lIon cellar 2 1 closets eloI complete mod modern modera ton mo ern era plumbing screened porch nerd 34 31 feet frontage near nr ear car Rr In In Forest VAle lisle VAler wills south front Corner lot O This Is a r t l das claSs 1 lh house bouse rA price Irlee J for a short time I li 0 cacti euh balance monthly pay pa men is m brick furnace anti and modern plumbing H s acre n of ot ground good barn dl water no cement c sidewalk IS 1 mm ut Ila This ride ri from city cly and Ind county building ments mente 3 aJA gin J cash cah balance halane monthly pay payments pa 50 20 2 acres of or thus the heat best es farming and Ind fruit fruitland land lun In the Ihl heart hearl of or Cottonwood I cn R RIon tion Ion the best h Worth J 30 o 1 per acre If It molten nt at II once nce will 1 take 4 10 sen senIS C I IS 1 East Elst South Temple Street W I FOR FOn OUR oun PLAT OF 09 BUILDING LOTS Lols FOR OR GOOD HOMES In lit the meantime come In and nd buy the lest but sites lu for the le lesl least st money of ot any nn on Iho ho m hn u lom 61 Templeton Building Phone Bell Del 87 97 6 axI XI C CENTRE STREET and Ind Second North 00 h west nest front Splendid r site terms for U 0 only and n on thin tho easiest TUB Tit TI 11 ALLIANCE INVESTMENT CO 93 5 MaIn In Bt St Phones HIS MODERN BUFF DUT PUP brick and Ind shingle residence 2410 rods rodt rO south front between S Sand and T l I St No lIE 11 1 tad 2nd Ave Avo AVi lad Ind Ild Phone ZIS LIST YOuth YOUR 1 Ively with lh u us W e will 1 sell ael It II at once once A N HUMPHRIES S W nd Zd So 80 St SI COTTAGE 31 U 1 ENQUIRE MO U Eat Ea South lieu Bell 11 phone 4 Mk SEE HOUSTON TUB TIlE Til JOUSER ul 1 South Sou Ih Main Ilan Ind In 37 n nI al I LOTS NORTH NOll MAIN NEAR CAP Itol Itoh Grounds for fcc sale all cheap 33 2 Boston or Phones Bell k Ind 1 IK Del FOR HEAL tAT NEEti RITER A k t TARPEY IJ Newhouse Hide Bell lel Ind md 1 3 Jon FOR RENT Apartment In beautiful exclusive sh ie ECea U and 2nd tad Ave Avo Roof foun toun fountain lain tain haute telephone laundry oun ry vacuum und unit other ether modern conveniences Ina house houte hou In city cly Large Largs Irr building for tor wholesale bouse In heart of ot buln S center long IM lease PAM j Ino office 1111 for far r rent rentIe nt ntA A Ailt Ie us u about It I IOl 1 FOR FOIl Ol SALE SALIl SA 11 10 1 tin lois loin In III Evans n h r Grove Imose hiTS n and up We terms Iem Modern room brick corner Aye Ave nl 1 I sis Sta SI f 93 terms residence rolde ce on oi 11 East Ind 2nd South Reception hall bali parlor library tIming dining teem loom kitchen klch n 7 I bed hd room moms rm bath halh closets basement furnace sic etc Corner lot sot C 6 rods ro by 7 1 rods r Two Urge large corner homes home on Ind nd Ave One the Ibe other each acl a i bargain TO Modern room brick screened ned porch basement gsa gas lf electric lights Lot Lt 43 U tl lEaI ft f to alley nley Lawn flowers garden arden etc elc Will Wll trade Irad for t small farm near ne r city ely House Houte and lot on East Esat Third South Lot 31 rods r by r i rods r Will VI trade for fil and outside chickens property properly suitable for tor raising flab fh FARMS Small farm tam In hear Bear lea River Valle Val Utah 1 P I I acres In June nod Jonathan apple opple that Ihal will wi produce 23 bushels this Ihl or 7 1 acre arres of ot alfalfa 9 I acres barley balley 10 acres unbroken land suitable for or orchard chard d Full rO water watertight right h A bargain n orchard Brigham City Utah Ulah 2 acres seres peaches 1 I acre prunes prune Will 1 pay vet per cent on Investment An tuu n Al tl 1 terra farm tam 75 3 miles north of ot Sail Hull fil Lake bake kp with wih a full tul water right and nil ni under cultivation to 0 grain and an alfalfa House granary chicken coop sheds hed otc etc This Is I n a 1 good lod buy but bU bUhale bute We e have hale orchard farming grazing inda n and ranches In Utah Idaho and In Nevada NeIla If It I you have property for tale sole or wl h to in purchase see us We se also handle rentals NEEL UtTER RITER t o 1002 10 Bide DId LESS IES MONEY I ON In WILL VILL nUT BUY J JEE lO I r l Lots than ilian others of ot equal value 1150 S to 10 1 lIce IMO ShotS cah and ano per pe month 10 23 per rr cent discount for tor cash eI u W 9 MiO ci SO MAIN Both Phones Phone Ihn Ind 4 neIl Rell nel M MA ti tin tiA ru ruA n A BItANt NEW FRAMe COTTAGE with wih pantry cloet clozet and electric lights Located on 01 the east eat side aide Terms IliO 1110 cah Monthly payments IW fit m Real nel Estate Insurance Loans Lone Phones Phone 4 No Xo I Main 51 St Ar G 64 6 acres on lath South J J 12 i acres Herts house houe good water wlter SE SI 94 per acre 1 I 14 iI acres ucro house Ih K II pert cash CA K H 1 Uh South all al Improved CO Brooks rooks II Arcade A e Ind 2nd r 37 7 froom room modern mo ern house near neu tIT 45 I 4 feet tet south front on Fourth South tit St Kra sC Terms Term arranged 40 4 feet ft tet lot lul near nea East Kaat and South G o o I l Real Iteal Estate falato Broker No o 3 1 Main St at Phones l WI l LOAN IAN tf 4 kRUST TRUST Co Real Itsal lal Estate I 3 Main 81 SI ll Farms Farm Fn and Bu Business lne i property of ot all al and description prices rIce SALT LAKE REAL RAI ESTATE St TITLE CO 3 36 14 W 2nd So 50 Phones Phone m WE ARE Ane PUSHING a ACREAGE Fruit and nd Farm Fam Lends Ld and Ind especially lly Dry Farm Lands Land In tn Salt Sat Lake Valley and an solicit listings loUn on same lame IF YOU WANT A SEE I gp US tg IF IF I YOU TOT MEAN UAN BUSINESS SEE flEE US IF IF YOU TOll HAVE HAE A SEE SI E US DANLEY St JOHNSON 90 Pt 8 W IV V 3rd South Phones 44 IU an ft tl frontage o on E Ind South fine location Street paving parIng sewer e er and Sr I pail paid 11 tn r ft frontage rJ on 01 M ft frontage on o State St 81 r 11 a l ft it f frontage on Stale Ht 1 ft frontage near nar Ih South IdOO M 10 lr ft f front fronts n west ut WO Eio s r 4 oom f pr brick Lot 11 i 41 Ibl ft tl to toP I P lP 1 1100 0 cauli ItS lS a month nI la o K G West Wet Sri Sr South Street FOR FOR BARGAINS IN tN REAL EAL ESTATE ESTAT CO Kt 7 south State St SI WHY WILY PAY PAT IA Y RENT When hen you ou can buy bu a brand new nt brick house noue on the west wet side aid for only 3 i per pr month Apply to Owner 40 Tern Tein Ter WILL WIL SELl BELL YOU AT A BARGAIN vacant lot IoU iota a cottage cot or a model moll house houM housein hou In tn any port part par of ot the th city James K Shaw A St I Co Suite Sula D V I F Walker Bid Dd SEE SEt LB LS lS for Homes HOln Building Lou Lot Ll Firs Fire ft Insurance INVESTMENT COMPANY 96 t W V 3rd Ird South BY liv I OWNER mUCK BRICK MOD MODern MODon MODem ern on em southeast cash h or terms term Address HI 4 E 39 nh South Bell i Us ax WE BELL SEL REAL ESTATE THAT S al JU 31 Tuttle TulUo Bros Co IM 1 Mein Jn Bt St 81 FOR FOIl SALE ESTATE E T TA A Wal Wa W tf IT ONLY JO FOR This arm brick hull bali h l bath ath pantry clo cellar cement walk good lo lR lalo Lot to 10 alley alsy thu reel real snap Just think what WhAI r re gutting getting tot for naJ the Itie price pice Lo LQ Location Location cation cRIOn 0 let Itt South St 51 ut lt See flee fl us ua for tor homes homp In all al parts of ot the city eI We also alio write Fire Insurance HOME AGENCY CO Cortwright I St Agents Both Phones t Commercial ilk Blk Jk n L WANTED HOARDERS Ion FOR ItY BY Mrs Mr W V Bite Il IJ lull ll I RIIa 1 M Irr yi STUAt EAST J 1 21 fh th South at al Horse Horo Collar Colar Factory InU 15 9 TO KG i rn FOR Fan OUT OU territory r New tw herbs h rh without talking Call Anthony Fisher V 7 Judge Dd 1 1 r TO ro BUY A S Mi ON EAf terms term near fleer city Address IM 1319 lu care of ot 1 New Newt 8 HOOFS i boneno no less lu than Ihan 10 10 lb lbs Ibe lots at al Tan Tall Tannery TanIZ nery IZ Redwood Road South Bouth SCHOOL TEACHERS T WANTING lucrative employment for the summer In Utah and Idaho Idab will wi apply at Ml W Const Con S q L I 1 City OFFICE u 71 SUPPLIER AND LEGAL I OU blanks of or nil all kind kinds at The Duent News Now Book nook Store RION ni MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN AnN nAi BAR her hr trade IrOe cut tul ut for to 30 3 3 days d 1 JiS 1 with IM good tools 14 US 11 p part rt set tet et toots 1001 IM 33 Cell writs write or 01 I phone non I for tor particulars Moler Col College lege P li it I Commercial Street Sire I J BIDS AND ESTIMATES ON JOn JOB printing loose 10 leaf and fluid card cad systems YI etc promptly furnished hy by 1 byThe The Tho Deseret News N NITAH UTAH ITAH JUNK CO HIGHEST PRICE paid for scrap Iron rags rage bottles rubber rI copper brn brass etc tc 31 40 to H South West Wel Phones W STAR LAUNDRY YOUR TOUR ROUGH dry at I So Ic 6 L pound U DJ Forest Foreit lor 87 Ind md 90 m JOB JOn PRINTING BINDING ALL ALIJ kinds of ot ruling etc elo done dona don at The De Des rest eret pr 1 News New SITUATION WANTED WANT FIRST TI CLASS BOOKKEEPER WILL devote dOI one or more evenings each w week ek ekIn k kIn In putting your accounts Into 1110 shape and anil keeping 1 theTa them straight Both Bolh phone m mOn FOR FOn On SALE SALE CHEAP HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Including elegant sideboard Call cal before 11 Ii I Tuesday Tun ay morning lad Phone im 1399 U ISM 13 South Ih lIlt th EH East l Ego RUNABOUT FOR FOIl lon SALE SAL CHEAP CUE E 11 I Ih SOoth FINE BUSINESS CORNER conNE AND oher city el property In Salt Lake City to trade for tor sheep For Fer further particulars particular address aldreu Owner lit 1st Ave ve Salt Bait Sai Lake City Cl ty F CLASH ness nes Adde e PO IO Boy Box r A CAUFMAN n nIng Ing rubber tired full leather top al almost 11 almost ful most moet new nw TJi The rite tre be bel bes J thing made In bug bUl buggies iles gies Ilu will 1 sell 1 cheat cheaD Also good harness harne harn a brand Slew new cost coit CIt Call cl Ind md Ind 2303 1303 or Bell BOhl leu Ir AT T A BARGAIN FIRST FIRT CLASS RA BA BAloon loon Address George Fry Frye e lS St 81 Ogden Utah SHOW SIOW CASE WALL CASE SAFE counters end and CAtE hel a 11 it South Viet Vest t Temple Street 5 PASS TOURING car completely equipped repainted and overhauled a I real rell bargain Apply w 10 Newhouse hid Bid PAIR PAIn OF 0 RUNNING GEARS S 24 Hi arid and nd set et of double harness harnes Apply J J Street phone rhone Ind md 11 LOT WITH HOUSE 2 1 ROOMS AND LT cellar celar and vacant lots lola Enquire Owner 23 Constitution Building U II NESS AUTOMATIC INTERCOM INTERCOMmunicating I l telephones all In first dais class cia al condition Wilt will Wi soil sell all al or I part Ad Address reu reul s sM M 31 l E 11 P 1 carlot care of D we N News w TRAVELERS TRA ELERS TO NEW tW YORK OR Ott Boiton floston ran can nn get gal eel fine hotel hotl accommodations nt at a large discount lacount by communicating with wih W tv V care of ot Deseret Duerel Ne s DONT SELL YOUR TOUR OLD FURNI FURNIture lure ture Have It reupholster d made e new nw again aln lave Phone yen for tor samples and nd estimates B I M 3 i St 8 Mfg Co Ce JOn JOB PRINTING BINDING ALL AIL kinds kInd of ot ruling etc elc done at al The Des Dei Vurl ret Tet rl News Newa OLD OID NEWSPAPERS FOR WRAP WRAPping ping etc elc a pound sold In tn o lb Ib bundle APtly Apply at this Ihl office Lower Lr rate given for tor SO O and V u lbs Ibs lb 1 SUPPLIES AND LEGAL bl n s of ot all 11 kinds kind at The De Verl Deseret er t N Ne News n Tw k Store IUDS BIDS BIS AND ESTIMATES ON UN Jon printing loose 10 leaf lent ana aCil a 1 card cad systems atema finding binding etc pIe promptly furnished by b The TheONE Nf News ONE TON OF OP PAPER IN to 10 suit il buyer buver at itt 10 1 cents ret rr pound rund Call Cal at the Iho Job Dept Des Dei Vurel Deseret eret rel News FOR FR ILENT T STORE MOST DI PART OF 01 0 Main Mn SI St r lease laae can give clo r |