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Show WEEKLY REFLEX NEVS JO uNal MAGCwg 1973 DAVIS unerdl services were held Thursday, March 2, 198 in the Kavswlle Lindquist Mortuary' Chapel at 10 JO a m for Richard Barber, 51, of 1471 BrooKland Circle, Salt Lake City, formerly of Kavsulie, who died Sunday, Feb 26, 19S in the St Mark's Huspi tal of a stroke By NORM Vm Jith Snip Hj I ,irtd f.im v u s' e lilted ri 1 i r R t K ht r (,f ( r :i ( fir an , t ast 1 k I g v it 1 lit vt p ti- r Id .1 k Mr, - i t ir drill ( M d - B p PM n M M dl f .1 iJ 1 . i h ut n vi s t is 1 1 iS-- i c cl t . . if ' . il . t 'n t "id W' t I r's v t 1 1 i In' t V De,.n glavt KTtXf poll , 1 1 '( 1 C ' )n k J t P. - f 0 Margaret Glennie i.iugl t Ht S Tuesday, Feb 2H, 1978 in the Davis North Medical (utter ( . e t m stroke I p! ) h s ( t . k MRS. JENSEN was hmn eb 15, 1895 in Ogdon a daughter of Samuel James and Lva Hardman Som s She was married to Ru'rh leRov Jensen on July 22, H, in 1 tna, Ayo The mair .1,1 was later solemnized m me ogan 1 DS Temple on Juiv 6 !41b He died Dec 10, 14- - 4 ' H R St vs u Si s ' t d , v g- - nd r it V 1, v ts 1 it 0 a r e 1 tnt ID met i ' , 1, ( i I ( ' II. earf lir l' M 'O bndher Silvia Hertu 1 Bo k id an V ha pel w Ph lohn rdfit idim, Burial was ,r Avo ( em if rv 5 1 I I v y . 5 it r-- j He $1.49 OFFER EXPIRES. APRIL 30. 1978 i. ibrj,ing t v t mptoii ivemt fust plialt ( uu umnuslv F AMU prayer was Melnise Burgess, pt u and postlude, Sarah Mit n'-- i afc3ESKeW5iM'!.-W'- ' j S MS or of A.'l The in a half r storage (I ted The -- p,i ,a length mt proposals of purt d a s AL k ' to cl THE COLNCIL i 2 Taco Burgers $1.29 Oher Good Only r - divisions n IF t t 1st nstruc led X i r h un v r x . .ng the on land Fe city ti-- e - - o J - i in ' ' iu, i - s g to get the Layton ns bilities rm sewer o service tV v.m I'm' renter Other s P robin 'h t been hold to-b- e K Quick Drying Insured Always Prompt Courteous Gervce Steam Method The Gentle Method" Safe for all types of ENJOY FRESH Mr. Ca-p- et N CL Experienced All work guaranteed CARPETS Free estimates -- owner-manag- er miirriwmTriTiTmtHwfwniirnriiiuiiiit mtmmmmm nrc ( a Mm non of the r ' d'M worked i' TH t ( 01 N( !L ( kr bir a nor 'In c t ,i rr " issued a permit to ill operate i' ra ppry shop v IS! i XJI CS 9 U El IS El OFFER EXPIRES. APRIL 30 1978 p 0 O E3 B OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30, 1978 I i ts 0 S3 0 62 et IS 63 E3 13 0 11 IS 0 33This 13coupon entitles bearer to: 2 Tostados $1.29 EX $ Offer Good Only At. Layton Taco Time 392 North Mam Cieartieid Taco Time 50 South Stae -- OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30, 1978 g K 0 0 ES E3 s 0Thissi ta S3 cnentities ea ea 3to: S3 d3 bearer coupon 2 Taco Burgers $1 .29 1 sag i -- R Cieartieid Taco Time 50 South State 1 g S This coupon entitles OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30, 1978 bearer to: 4 Crisp Bean Burritos Otter Good Only At. Layton Taco Time 392 North Mam Cieartieid Taco Time 50 South State $1.00 OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30, 1978 iaBBBBBBBBEBEQ to: This coupon entities bearer 2 Tostados SI .29 Otter Good Only At. Layton Taco Time 392 North Main Cieartieid Taco Time 50 South State B i 1 -- OFFER EXPIRES: APRIL 30, 1978 s s 392 North Main This coupon entitles - $1.49 OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30, 1978 Otter Good Only At Layton Taco Time 0 bearer 0 IIto:ES 0 83 1! 0 B OW g 4 Crisp Tacos $1.00 I aIIa I tACO B Lw Good 3 Only Al. Larton Taco Time -392 North Mam Ciearheid Taco Time 53 South State from the Stake met 1 ia i city Ml ii g W ?2 B bearer Offer Good Only At. Layton Taco Time 392 North Main Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State Layton T aco T ime - 50 South State Cieartieid Taco Time 50 South State r bearer to: 4 Crisp Tacos $1.00 bearer coup-o- E Supremes coupon st 3 si a si es 3 o iis 63 uentitles to: ! a OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 30, 1978 gSI3BIraS23IEaQE2S!EmE23l3s1 This entities to: OFFER EXPIRES. APRIL 30. 1978 ! $1.49 50 South State Layton T aco T ime -392 North Mam Clearfield Taco Time 60 Soulh Slate S ES Offer Good Only At Layton Taco Time -392 North Mam Clearfield Taco Time - 4 Crisp Tacos $1.00 Otter Good Only At T D This coupon entitles Supremes coupon entitles bearer r 50 So. Stoic 2 Soft Flour 2?lf233e?C3ni3e5$3Kl3SaCil3l3&SQtgr Tnis to: . G tiJ h la ss s sa ft ei fa o is ej ss as ri 1 r 3 n u zxzssttssz o es ts ft s a k This coupon entitles bearer to: This BILL LILES - s.s OFFER EXPIRES. APRIL 30, 1978 Offer Good Only At LayUm Taco Time 392 North Mam Cieartieid Taco Time 50 South State t 1 j 7 DM0 Offer Good Only At. Laylon Taco Time 392 North Mam Clearfield Taco Time 50 South State $1.49 Clearfietc Taco Tune 50 South Stale 2 Soft Flour c FLNERAl si iv ' ht Id I rda. a ! a " K a v sv ' e htl II ( n ci s ' I " m y M s. Mai k Stones and J ihi both of Pota't llo Id md Mrs Sandv t surviving ate and twi ?:. High Da Id grande hildrt ard grandt hddri n . Barnes li.rma ( ar SURVIVING tiuhters Mrs ! (Hazel) Blood Kavsv Donald Mrs n J M Vidian at-- r Mam for two iriph ting his 1 Stevens, ' Manx the - ( honored by ( i OHef Good Only At Lay'on TauO Tima -332 North Mam highest hev ement a a i M i-- $3IJ3I3StSE2E33!53iSS3S3l3EI3tI3EIEIISEBIiOICSi3BSHBSlHKJKIISKIESOiaiiaiiSIEiESr' a This coupon ent.tles hearer to: This coupon entities bearer to: g 2 Beef Enchilada Superemes 2 Beef Enchilada Superemes G 27 of thi , 2, ( 392 11. fitaln was the 1 1 I I . t mass was M d tv - 'V iduaitd on r.f Cvpress ir, knence Mt xi uiii ' il ' 1 Clearfield VI Man ' ht C0UP0I1S VN h h r si rs t r I r I Sinr it ' r t mdt it-- Mil Gradual Of lortuarv it ith Layton f i"'IMMi I, D'h Pr - , Terminals Sor t. armed offices have not s , f IV ING u , V11 " A, it Mi , 1 SHE HAD lived most lift in Star V al It v Avo moved to Kaysville e IT i ar- - ago She wa1- a n, ember f F avsvilit lNh 1 DS A ar f 1) lugntt r ltah Im' t C -- f rVfI t k V 1 changed 1 F0n OOP VALUABLE . r KMC I w i , ... But the lowest ost al five was to put has . computer," Dr Owen v The basic program wil, developed in about two w t but will need to be refine d o vj" ( 1 of 215 Aest lsl South, Kaysville, died Davis County Compu'ei ai into the large c puters at Weber Stum ( up, . t I and the Universi'v were also consider d ting n ' . THREE other altc rut n renting time, adding psychotherapy Feeding this information into the computer will result in better management of staff time, Dr. Owen said s : dl Mas MARGARET JENSEN . ; activity including psychological evaluation, and testing, group 2 1. 'Ms ( til e to Dr Owe purchase of the comput- - necessary due to the cent growth of the nr health service over the G year A management ions-- , tant after conducting a su N recommended the pu-- il is, of the computer t v t,rf S vices According her . Ti 11 m r p t(. t 0 r mrg Satu' up a t. V. . 1 and Mrs Hazen tw, N nd in M mdsi n, born Fi r t ij I wtdding opi o tiouse of Rolx-- t w it h t h f Sw receivable and pavab e also be placed cn the c puter At the present n -- r secretary spends a. her t billing to keep trd- k paper work on 1! e clients that are reitu o g of WATCH t' tun inis me! drfophtei Mrs Stevtp lit lot d 1 h i J i tit n B It are spending a wet r. Ditgo, ( a if wih thi H PA ta 1 01 ir ard Mrs M ,n A a 1 IN addition, fiscal options such as dit programmed to show how the staff can more productively .pend their time Print-ou- t heets are available to show what percentage of staff time is spent in each of the 18 types Mr at ' Ison of r Ill r r S .VI a1 it rii i of mandate from federal and state g'n? ments which fund most ' mental health services Mill it U Si Ins Umpleby was assisting hostess Twenty guests at a a program, DR. OWEN said the com- Amy Beckstrom, of Mr and Mrs Kent Beckstrom participated in the gymnastic meet at (bund Junction, Colo and also at Idaho Falls, Ida Amy took third place in all around, second place in floor and beam balance, third place in bar and vault at Grand Junction in honor of Miss Nola Mitchell who will be married April 21 to Jeff Fillin Mrs the effectiveness puter is presently being Miss .1 h information daughter -- h. much it costs to provide h much change in a spec ' client Collection of ir'orr ton will allow the department to evan management time, case management and research sion can see tin e t pt of 1 Nt Flder Blair Barton who has been studying at the Language Training Mission in Provo the past two months left Tuesday by plane fur his mission to San Jose, Costa Rica LDS Mission He is the son of Mr. and Mrs Robert M Barton Mr. and Mrs Glen Stuart have been visiting in Denver, Colo the past week with their daughter and family, Mr and Mrs Richard Forsythe department n Mrs Frank A alters entertained at dinner Tuesday evening in honor of her parents, Mr and Mrs James Duckworth of Fruit Heights prior to them leaving to enter the LDS Mission Home in Salt Lake City on Atdnesday, March 2 The Duckworths have been called to serve an 18 month mission to the Arizona Tempe Mis- d servit-provide- HE SAID that terminals in the three mental health offices in Bountiful, Farming-toand Layton will allow personnel to feed information into the central computer by telephone. This data can be entered or retr.eved at the terminal sites, but will be stored in the data bank at the central computer in Farmington Nick Perucca, a part-tim- e programmer is designing a program which will ultimately provide information in fiscal areas, as well as staff a t v f !' a ri tii B M itt st her the Killians Mr and Haw 10, in v isiu d ail ht t , ! t "t A t jn accompanied parents, Mr and Mrs Arvel Stevens of Salt Lake City to Garland on Saturday evening to attend their cousins wed ding reception, that of Kim Perry and Cindy Scott George Todd of Cheyenne, A'yo visited at The home of Mr and Mrs Eugene Perkins and family last wetk Visitors of Mr and Mrs Rulon Killian were Rodney Keller and his fiance Rodney was a missionary at the Mission with Georgia-Atlant- THE COMPUTER will s be programmed to prove, basic information abi clients as well as the and the therap performed The third battery of inC mation will allow cost here- ratios to be computed so 1 m MM from t side Mis A an J on from a 10 d . a- : r.s )i Vi t N wen! Community Mental Health Center in Farmington will aid administrators in allocating the time of the staff, as well as showing which mental health services provide the best results at the least cost According to Dr. Wayne Owen, assistant d.rector, the computer is now being programmed to provide information in four areas five day vacation Mr and Mrs Monte Burn- On Fa t h f u 4 is a Til n ,V ' r in t r one vim-' Was ' all t" of A S S t. ,! 0 ,l,ip 1 I any Km edv H - t stone v FARMINGTON The $30,000 computer located at the Davis Ccmnty Family and Mr and Mrs. Verl Aalker of Kaysville, Mr and Mrs Jim Lavell of California recently attended the national Potato Chip convention at Miami, Fla After attending the convention the group went to Mexico City, Mexico for a ed uening By ROSELYN KIRK Mr and Mrs Bob Sanders, Mr. and Mrs Wendell Max-fiel- Mr. and Mrs Randall Buwrtng entertained at a family dinner party Saturday at their home in honor of their nephew Steve Bonnemort and his fiance Miss Shelley Lett rsen. Mr and Mrs Kent Betks-troMr. and Mrs. Gary Anderson accompanied Mr and Mrs Ben Holbrook in their plane to Arizona recently where they attended the I niversity of Utah basketball games at Tucson and Phoenix Mrs Aanda Naylor, Mrs Connie Ahicker and Miss Tt rrie Naylor entertained at a miscellaneous bridal shower at the Naylor home Saturday in honor of Miss Nancy Gerber. Forty guests attend- and ?J rs and fam , s.Hiwmo'v k New Computer Aids Officials At Center tended dali Mrs Francis Stewart c at a kitchen bridal shower at her home Tuesday I . - 1 J 'ow v ( 'I' t n t it uti ( 1 a- d r h , iit'J ntert ret 1 ) oftonwood ( f ia a F. Adams in Layton on Saturday The Kaysville 1st. 6th and 16 h A'ard study group met 5unday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs Noble San- - Aatkins Rick', empes In ( a'H pdi d ic r t a ' d ..lid t gr'-d- st ph kip 1, ti I . Mu 'rrle, w,io was rap' u d tv, Mrct da jehtt r 'l' ' s CM uu,g I Ir. ir PU 1 , s,jt- - Th f . iba id Mu M VX 0 tv. s, a Lake ( n .s'-- a , n t' j V I,f5N S M ,!(. i rt sid' 'd of Mv :t uriu nq I ll lug') )f t r k of a ind uii 1 t Pi lyton - ( ! K), h Hl H. HP) arc u n S . s t V I' Hi!. Stones Jensen, la t Mts f Su 1 v ) . . in ' t 11 1 Mrs Vtl - mviH s, ' Saturday a' 1 it- - cf Mrs Norn a or nt v s he occasion e .0 n r M rs Sarah a Services Are V- - n. .tv on 1 ul. ludt J rndnt cf ci n panu ns Km' v no labored in the Penrsvi v art a at om time Spec u! 1 uests in at tc n e i'ni weie f'tesideni and Spt net r A Kimball cadent and Mrs Hugh P.nnoc k t Salt I ake C y I v Jt it finnoi k was tre f m ii leu Jem ov"r that . vv t n ' t v were all - rv a, ' s,, n, tper, did h s f 'ru ul s jf 1 was imo'hv a'tend 1 s ' v Inn, BURIAL c v, aKt 11 S 1 A'taatt spetu. dinner party I it US t c! Son of Mi B iti it mort 1 ts V nda i David Barber, Allen Barhu all of Monticello, Dan B sr1 (rants. New Mexico in c future bride be a d Mrs -t V rerOOPIt kojvn Mrs , 1 Me.e Bot H ( 1 ' a , 1 c st p, l Si -t n- ' , 1 I vu IS 1 Mis fd. Mrs ' , - 1 n. in c . ' 1 t Baiber, los An geles, Calif , Gary Barber v o it d tit iav s tiit'ir! uf- rley Mrs L j h Lew is enter lamed He Katsvijie Kh card i Merest Group at her r ire rMaV evening Nrs tiuward Bonnerrcrt t r'etta at on Saturday at ru h nr at a bridal shjwtr " h it r t f Miss Shtl.ey Fe gieti , Suzanne 1 l 1 IV 1NG Bob ,4? Jj' e 5h-':,- tv former 'Vy is Six.-c.a- V are his w uh w o( Salt lake C tty , three sons and two daughters, Paul Barber, Salt Lake ( itv, Maix Barber, Charles Barbu and Mrs ( ratg (Joan) Hansen a'l of Kaysvtlle, Mis Scott (Mary Ann) Nielso1, I ogan, I I giaridchildien Also surviving are his su p mother, Mrs Clyne Barber Monticello, Ltah, seven brothers, Glen Barbt r Sandy, Dean Barber, 6 1, her graiid J ick,e iit r Una to Cal.farria a 7 hu.k lvev are bo.h attu d ' t B t.1 a m V ourg I n .ers a' kaJ IS thi dauct u r i f v end M's i ant y ,ghvr e I k w mpunied da r Ltah, e a f and M's fadi J and family Ve it v SL R ha- - ( a s m Mr i spIN Nev rtl Brea L HLJ i i uaitwtcr anJ faniily, Mr and Mrs sieve Wil.ey Mrs 1751 v HE HAD resided .n Svracuse 10 years, Kay-vi'lfor 2J years and Sad lak-- ( it v. six years He received his bathe degree from Utah St it I niversity at Logan He was a member of the LDS (hunh and Murray Lraternal Ordi r of agles Post He a i former Rotarian and w veteran of wot Id war II ro'n W MR. BARBFR was born April 12, 1926 in Syracuse, Ltah, a son of Myron and Aurelia kalker Baiber He married Helen 1 pt in June of 194b in SaU Lake 1 i' They were later divorced He was married to Alpha Jean C rum on Oct 2, 1475 in F vu a- FRIUI A 27 J 1 J sjj i e Rites Held fr.'r- - ie -- f 1 J j tilLU o - OFFER EXPIRES. APRIL 30, 1978 i B S |