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Show r WEEKLY REFLEX i i DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 9, 1978 State Juvenile Court To Construct New Building In Farmington Area FARMINGTON A meet in private with his client, is being planned house. The Farmington juvenile court is the first to be built by the state, although By ROSELYN KIRK juvenle court building will be constructed in Farmington to serve Davis County residents, according to Deloy Archibald, operations chief of the Davis County Juvenile Court. About $257, (X)0 has been allocated by the 1977 Utah State Legislature to construct the building The erection of the juvenile court has been set as the 14th priority m a list of buildings for state agencies, which will be funded through a $29 million bond issue passed by the legislature JUVENILE court administrators had placed a permanent location for the juvenile court in Davis County at the top of a list of priorities Mr. Archibald said the Utah State Building Board is presently looking for a site within a two or three block area of the county courthouse After the land is purchased, an architectural plan, which will include a courtroom, judges chambers, offices for intake probation officers, for the assistant county attorney and the court psychologist are MR. ARCHIBALD said the footage size was estimated based on the projection of the needs of the court. He is hopeful the building will be completed in at least a year The Davis County court is in Utah's First Juvenile Court District which includes Davis, Box Elder, Cache, Morgan, Rich and Weber Counties Four regional offices provide courtrooms in that district in Logan, Brigham City, Ogden and Farmington Salt Lake County Court building in the Second District is being purchased by the state court system THE Farmington Court has been renting the present site since July 1967 The expansion of the building will allow the court to hire additional intake and probation officers if funds are available, Mr Archibald said In addition to offices, a law library and a conference room, where an attorney can PETERSQfJ BROS. fillLL a CABIflET, iriC. WATCH FOR THE GRAND OPENING OF OUR NEW DISPLAY SHOWROOM : ' it" i & planned. Nagy. By GARY R. BLODGETT 1600 from - LAYTON It may be necessary to take a second look, but it's the Internal fact a Revenue Service is offering free tax assistance i its know hard to believe, laughed one fulltime But there are IRS employee, several of us who are doing this work free to the public -- at and the convenience " THEN HE added publics And you cant imagine what red tape we had to go through to offer his service It was wrose than being audited by the IRS The service is countywide with clinics being conducted at six sites as follows SOUTH Davis Branch of the Davis County Library, 725 South Main, Bountiful, Wedp m ; Davis nesdays from County Main Library, 38 S. 100 Last, Farmington, Mondays 6-- from p m Layton High School, 440East 6-- Wasatch Drive, Wednesdays from p rr.; Vae View Elementary School, 1750 West 6-- 9 but we are available to give assistance Strange as it may seem, we want to aid not harrass - the taxpayer and North, Layton, Thursdays m NORTH Davis Blanch of the Davis County Library, 56 2 South 1000 East, Clearfield, p m ; and Sunset City office, 85 West 1800 North, Sunset, p m. Tuesdays from IRS personnel have been wanting to do this for a long this is the best way we know of to help, he said. 6-- ap- Bv ROSELYN KIRK - FARMINGTON Officials of the Utah Department of 1 ransportation (UDOT) told Davis County Commissioners that $550 tXK) has been allotted to improve SR 106 from (Hovers Lane to Shepards ane m Farmington According to James Deaton, UDOT District One BUT SINCE the service must be volunteer, there tan be no compensation whatsoever to the employees They must do it on their own time, the spokesman explained The program is aimed 1 e, nglish speaking taxpayers, it was explained But anyone with a problem ora simple tax return may attend the clinic for assistance WE DONT E intend Superintendent, the state hopes to complete the 5.8 mile stretch as far as Farmington Junction if the money holds out The work is scheduled to Mart in mid April and plans are to finish the construction bv fall to do everyone's tax job for them. UDOT officials pointed to two other sources from which money may be forthcoming to Davis County. The pedestrian safety program will make available $118,000 to $119,000, previously approved by the Utah State Legislature to build sidewalks along state roads According to Blaina Ka, District Two supervisor, tie county and cities must submit requests for specific projects in their areas ONLY county-Nor- th two cities in the Salt Lake and Centerville--hav- e received money so far to complete the sidewalk project Mr Kay will explain how the funding will be allocated to mayors at the Davis County Council of Governments meeting Golden. Opportunity Savings Accounts reference. IN THIS program, at least, the good guys wearing the white hafs are from the Inter- nal Revenue Service Says Highway Funds Available To Davis County peared to be some problems, but apparently any conflicts there might have been hae been worked out and 1R5 employees finally were per muted to do this service primarily at helping elderly and non-- to UD0T 4--7 time but at first there Taxpayers are urged bring their tax forms, 1977 W 2 forms, and all necessary information to complete their tax forms Last years return can also be of benefit as a on March 15 UDOT officials said the proposed construction of four j ramps at the Syracuse In- has reached terchange at the hearing stage THAT project, which is on the Wasatch Front Regional Council Short Range plan, is waiting for the completion of an environmental impact statement According to Dr Deaton, if the hearing, scheduled for should show that few residents in the area are opposed to the project, it should move rapidly through mid-Apri- l, JFfeart- - the environmental ttStSLi process study COMMISSIONER Glen Flint asked highway officials to let the county know the names of residents express- - mg opposition to the project so the commission could try to shift the opinion Mr. Deaton said opposition had been voiced by people adjacent to the road who would be affected by the noise Additional opposition has also been registered since there are two schools in the proposed area of the interchange, he said ACCORDING to Commis- sioner Flint, traffic patterns make the construction of the interchange a necessity Mr Kay said he is hopeful that, if opposition is expressed, that federal w'lil not require a Category I environmental impact statement, which would slow the project further UDOT officials explained f cent increase in gasoline tax will also make $H(KI,0O0 to $900,000 available to Davis County to resurface SR 196 from North Salt Lake to North Bountiful, placing a signal at 450 North and Main that the one-hal- Street Bids on this project will be let May 1, with the hojre that construction can begin on July 1 COMMISSIONER Flint questioned UDOT officials to why SR 106 between 200 North in Kaysville and the Layton interchange had been taken off the state system and asked if any funds would be available to repair the road According to Mr Deaton, and road collector funds can be applied for con struction only B C THE proposal is to construct a 5,000 square foot building. According to Mr. Archibald, the completion date for the structure has not been set, although crowded conditions at the present sue, located at 88 South Highway 106, make a move necessary as quickly as possible At present the court is housed in a leased building with 1900 square feet of space. When court is held two to three days a week, the waiting room is so crowded that attorneys must go outside the building to confer with clients, Mr Archibald said The number of juvenile dimes that are brought to trial is increasing Choose from a large selection of styles colors and designs to add value and beauty to your hone with custom designed cabinets AS THE county continues to grow, the total cases referred to the juvenile court increases In 1978, 35.19 cases were referred to the juvenile court as compared to 3461 in 1977 The number has increased even though runaways and ungovernable cases are handled by the Division of Family Services and are no longer the respon- sibility of the court Total delinquency referrals have risen from 2093 in 1976 to 2,264 in 1977 Mr. Archibald said the referrals will continue to rise y JUVENILE court officials had earlier conferred with Davis County Commissioners to see if room for the juvenile court could be made available in the courthouse addition The 1977 Utah State Legisla ture had made $15,000 in funds available last year to help provide an area for the court But county commissioners decided there would not be room in the remodeled court i Mantes desgr.ed to compliment the style of your home and add the taste of luxury to that room COMMISSIONER Hint said he had received several I I i from calls telephone residents complaining about the condition of the stretch of t I J f V road The county is responsible for only 200 to 3 0 yards of the road while the remainder is within Kaysville and Lav ton city limits According to UDOT of 1- finals, the three government entities receive differing amounts from B and collector road funds with C 1 I u allocations set for Lavton at Davis Countv $45,000 and Kaysville at $18 00(1 $41,000 ir A Certain things come straight from the heart Br.ng back the luxury and magnificence ol wood with a beautiful wood baluster chosen from a variety ot styles available if FREE handled services where these specially named ones come from To use any or all you only have to come into the bank with the heart of gold To be specific, there s something unique about our popular banking services For savi lgs, checking auto financing mortgage and personal loan customers we make these services special Because we aim these services directly at our customers' convenience and benefit. That's why these popular services have special names Please remember that there are many other uniquely ESTIMA TES CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen Cabinets Vanities Wooden Fireplace Hutches Desks, etc Appliances We have just acquired the exclusive dealership for "Dupont Corian" Counter Tops GREAT MEXICAN FOOD! 101 N. Fort Lane SEE US NOW FOR DISCOUNTED (Across from Albertson's) r COUPON i 1 SECOND NATIONAL BANK 376-125- 1 Layton, Utah Member FDIC Helping you and your money in every way n 00 A 1 PETERSON BROS. MILL & CABINET, INC. Our New Showroom Is Now Open At. 461 West 500 HARD SHELL FOR Phone COUPON 1 Ye accept our competitors Coupons DRIVE UP WINDOW SERVICE PRICES CUSTOM BUILT WOOD PRODUCTS ARE OUR SPECIALTIES SPECIAL RUNS THROUGHOUT MARCH FIRST NATIONAL BANK 376-424- I lc l I 5 . . South, Bountiful 290-246- 6 BRING IN THIS COUPON FOR GUARAn7eTd"""""T CONTRACTORS PRICES. WATCH FOR OUR 1 GRAND OPENING ! APRIL 1978 I |