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Show WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 9, 1978 meat: Mdrilvn Bennett got started in the Cub Scout Program hen her oldest son Robert became a Cub Scout and many arrows in Cub Scouting She had outstand.ng den meet mgs, activities, f.eid trips and an overall good program for the bovs At one time she had 12 to 16 boys in her den and continued a full schedule with the help of an assistant den leader and den chief U hiie she was a Den Leader Coach she was instrumental m making sure the Cubs had a complete Cub program and activities Each pack she was has been a N HILL Marilyn was the Stake Cubbing Dirtc tor lor almost three years her stake Was the only one n the district to have eveiy unit teceive all awards possible for the packs to receive over hose years One year each pack received the Blue Print for Quality Award with the gold seal, and that was all eleven units in her stake This was due to the hard work and Cc t C ( i s I s i V t t r hoc r t 'ti jc o tuts ! P ri lb rui k Sjir Fits a 'ivt rs m t vie r f ie w Mar I it hr x si i"s s hex f r in. r dt'd ''I rt l f iur pf lc (i lx Sait dke ou i tw ,ih s t " r, d m t x 0 " Ml- g x w She a c T Tl gdsdl'l tr kmc . C, in ti ird UtiJ ' te N r - i t S's 'll 1 td'J It d v ( d , N I have V r Is L H n r O r t a pr I ii , s s ' v j. diet A i I M h tw l a,, L id I 6 i t tt He ret t n tl , v t r D do r t i I t suit Hi nrt el A H era ' I ( Mr dig it w hr, Dis- -- tc is i men t r ot the In juri'din Appal kjsu Horse St i , CEd and the Northeastern Neva !a Horse Association wonted on the Gulden Live Ndt'onal h is She S' xt vf X tors and also taught several Den Leader Coach Seminars SHE ATTENDED the tram lpg at the Philmont Training Center in 1974 and furthered her training in the Cub Scout program She was selected by the National BSA to teach the Den Leader Coach Seminar at the National Training Center at Philmont in August 1975 This was a very rewarding experience for her and an honor smee she was the first lady from our council to be selected to the staff SHE HAS worked for the in Cub Scouting on many committees, having been on the Scout-Rama Committee for past eleven years on count il level She has also worked on the Show and Do Show No matter what ht r other jobs hate bt t n she has continued to support tmr local unit and is sm! serving as a committee member She is aiso a or (ommtssiontr in the L rant is Peak Distnct In July of 1977 she was selected by special invitation to attend the first Cub Scout Vkotid Badge Course to be held in the Western Region There were 46 people selected from 71 councils all over the Wes tern Region She attended the CLINTON The city noun ul has decided to increase its police patrol and crack down on speeding motorists within the city City Manager Larry Smith was instructed by the council to have the police patrols increased around 2300 North and at various sites where residents have complained of speedtrs MOST OF the complaints have come from the northeast section of town especially West and the Cm (at . f H rnrm parts srsncii Cl KmI u:rx fat!' ir.f STEAfiS Iwkid FHUto MluJ ParM r - Fvrp Roast l 5 H A bone U he e ere lM Fnik fteito A r S5 P h n Round Kocst Brv Tcp Rcund Recjt ii'l' Fried Chicken V ' ' Is St ;-- c I r,. J2 lb BfrfL rrs $r ! r ilk y x w natk IhH a tnal ,1 1 Tcngues Testy Beef Oxtcliskr Dcnela Cocked Ksm Banda Ham & Cheese Baida 21 V L - . Eef Ju SirWIa r ! ' ' 79 Fish Sticks e Kippered Salmon Turbot Sticks 1 Si p p S12 $ 1 I ted Fresh SI 'Salt mm Tlt Vrwl Paysaa Swwk EFFECTIVE Left mi twin, NWr Oty railroad tracks where the limit is reduced from 30 miles per hour when children are present AUo cited as trouble spots for speeders have been 970 spt-e- to 20 kest between 2300 and iimm SPAM Ltixnicy MEAT CVX171D WCIAT EKAD SAeW k Mr Stack Wrtpkfft-Saerfw- a m 24 m mmi caio:eis OIACKEHS tacetw CMc i.i k r!t ICE MILK SCU? mOlEi la tl Cokwifti lava Rmm vMfty Brwi - (Hy VtY lal EIAU 'll BAC&J SALTIRE J 10 n a tmn - DISSECT to Bmn Mrs De Hortin, volunteer services coordinator, said the most pressing need is for receptionists to answer phones and greet clients, but that there are also openings in other areas Pt Food Sklppy .ij, tw. ,,EJ 2530 and on 610 West between 1300 and 2.100 North where the speed limit is 25 miles per hour North, SiV TRAFFIC will be violators also required to appear before Clearfield City Judge Cornell Jensen rather than posting bail, the city manager noted grb CREEK CIAIIT BIG G CKIEIU3S CEREAL Start WHk CTQ Iff VN HmcktU HeUyu! K13LITS CCPJI VUi Karaal iillw BraaMart Um4 hid Jfflv n'Ji I t. A Auirtftl Cam 12 FWvart at caai A SSOiB99 BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES - Layar MIih tli n ((1 Alamo $ fir twi! TT Fet Fet y?ctt Fwfijcd ym Skfpitxg List! Purina Dog Moal t Pcnttrs Bisptrs Nytiae Style SEgX Wsyariiki M cant plif S25;n volunteer will be asked to work one shift a EACH week, from three to five hours per shift She said most volunteer vacancies are in the evening No typing is required For further information, contact Mrs Hortin at or the Layton Mental Health Office. grb Efs AA ! of volunteers Prc, RicfefMHrf St 2 dire Volunteers Community Mental Health Center office here is in need Otft Gaorja, Ct4or City, Ingham Ctty, Uftyoi, Fork TraatantMi 'IHarrvy i vt lownttM, KKftvett Ora, 99 I oony 4 SHE HAS also been selec ted to be on the Wood Badge Staff of W CS-to he held in uienlsf !!ealt!i Confer Davis Countys Pork Side G ranyw, Crfy SITf I tt Silted Cdiaes Liver PRICES STEAKS ! Scusce Ear-- S pkg 1 89 pk n I Mi NMfeM Cccv:. 5 S229 I InoI - ItmI Fkvr TWtk SAUSAGE Pbru TImmI ,t , 7V Chopped Ha.n TV pr,r 4 aft Frank hlesty Beef HeortSc'" tl so Sfscksv. s.., STEAKS 25, 1978 at the Mountain West Area Meeting at Ikeber College She is the first lady scouter in the Lake Bonneville Council and on the Wasatch Front to receive the Wood Badge beads $iI dual Fork Stecks Ccncless Perk Ste&ks Shoulder - beads on Feb rhoc' USC1A BorwieiR Rcurtd Sleeks Boiie as Esneless Pork Roost Srr ICJ1 lcrf Steffed Turkeys T'cVY Training Center outside of Los Angeles, Calif She received her Wood Badge vsTCvs? .&. Lonj liSsnd Duck - 1m I try Sfryte V. k eis koast $ O LEAN FOAIt ROAST tm it course held at the Firestone Clinton City Cracks 0 ovii On Speeders LAYTON Award id Mdrilvn has alwavs gone extra milt tc further ht i 'tlowk-cVe .n the e'even stars k sne has been asaixiated with Cub StOdtirg Program - enables her tj assist all and keep "it older leaJi-rn fc rn ed of 1' t wel1 i'iti c bint, 2 J h f.ra'Tl flliili OKC ore I f the Vxt f it It . .i f. I uf Slou's ,n tht t i Jt lit twin. pre 'v e sc i l ineiitd pdfs r i) i a in ,mc s i A 1 1 brotherhood m the O A ana worked on the ceremorv teams m the O A , has been vie chief of he chapter and nas also earned his Dutv to i CDs m Mur ras Tram The outstanding Iramet Course for insfut many hours of Cub Scouting sne put n over and above her job with eac h unit Marilyn has been on the training staff on the district It vel and the council level and during the many years has been involved in teacher training She has mstruetc d over 925 leaders in the distru t and council Coeds is ntn in m Lav ton has worked on several f -1 for one vear He e'su has his Du'v to God award HAL J. has received his Sunday School (oord rator, bundav School teacher. Sun dav School set retarv , Relic f Society teat tier, member cf ne Relief Suiietv Stake tub s ul Dire tm end a menibc i ' tne Stake Primary Board Mr , n is n,a rr d i Marc w i v sals act ve ii, v c et 21 v ci r x ui ng w n ha s be n a room !i gh Sc ho g 1 1 c ,t the S in the LDS Church, holding pus to ns as Yourg Vc Jr line's MIA sec active or far fuar w App k MUHIN tic ! S' O'ocy L mother scveid! years ufile ner sons wtre irl tlemcntaiv si hum xhr has been It t program cha, i man for t1 F A at Ce' ul Divis Jr fit and Nit iod Badge 'W BLMDL husband was selected to serve as the Francis Peak Cub Scout Chairman over he dis tnct She served in this capacity until the end of 1ST6 She was also on the council level daring part of the same time Ovei the past two years she has served as co chairman of the Council Cub Scouting Training Committee On the council level she has put on an 1 770 now ht r D w let Award of w trict and Stake Roundtable Commissioner for Beveral years In 1975 she and her lav ton between D St c O fTf NJ7 n HP ho sc st( t e' as sec rt urv an ai sec mary t Use at nouritU 'ii'r.i,i aKi me r ommi'-miss unei Arrc and their work on ceremony and dance teams for the Order of the Arrow MARIL s 'I i- -t complete their Indian costumes for their ceremonies Den Leader Coach of, teceived ever award p sm tie each ear for a ptr.od of over six years She even as a u tried the duties of the Cub master of one pac k fur a period of over vx months in order to hold tfe pack together Gi L d ceremonies and the past two years instructed the Den Leader Coach Seminar She has been cha rman of the Na tsonal Cub Scout Physical Fitness Program for two vears on council level She has worked on the Tram the Trainer Course with her husband Marv for several courses Lor the past five years she has supported the Order of the Arrow and has helped nine yourg men make and r i P r at d Oeg ,n on J u v it ru. s x ti nT Mar ivu ha1-- rtci c-ft Dtn Lcadt r Tidinig Award Dtn Leader Coach Iiaii it Award Scouier s ke in Cub Scouting Scouter s kev over presentations, fzs ?v 7 over five years, helped on the Soar Project each year, been involved in the Pow Wow on the staff, either on the theme MARILYN served several ears as lai Den Leader of F'atk 158 and also 154 seeing that all bos received every rank possible ti jr J py lij MH CUUtRNt Sup& Saixu Ctietywid 'c' 99 O Frosting Q Coke Mix Bn Q Gold Medsl Flour 5H Q Sliced Bread Dck'L Frtbi 93 roJ or i k $ ng A O ft 7 Z'49' Tkee Sm 0a Fatum UaEuee! r Jo Jo Donuts V, .99 Q Marshmallows kT Varshw Kipolite Creme Q Mixed Vegetobiese Q Clcnt Chowder Q Mushrooms S'.T, i Snows B'Oht) Now fcng ana r 37 89 59 T r' low oop ng ..... Orcng Jules a torto rt irVad mzh Large Btcude! EVERY ITEM ... 55 49 WILL SAVE SIM YOU MGKEYI CARNIVAL OF SAVINGS OV MARCH PRKC9I rrrt eufferin AUTO GLASS $40 SPECIALISTS UfTHRmS STRENGTH SUFHRIk excedrin (EgorM EXCEDRIN P.M: Met 500 GOOD USED ViUUS WINDSHIELDS Screens FAST INSURANCE CLAIM SERVICE GUARANTEED AGAINST LEAKAGE Texas Ruby Enjoy tbo Rd I 50 1 iafgrel Sweat Flavor Z3 Russet Pototoes tilt .19 Golden Carrots 2d. 39 59 Crisp Spinach v..., Red Cabbage r.u. .19 Pitted Prunes r. ir 79 Seedless Raisins c: 99 RAN BASIC r Grope Ivyic.'AT. PAX Potting an AflK'SOl ANTi PfOSPtRANt SPOAV 25 OFF r4 swrrwwv M j, & bm I I 1 in uu SjOft ULTRA BAK U r r f MtH PfSPAN 7) I. EFfoctfv 9, 10,11.1978 DATRIL 500 sroifs itacofOAT fam I essi Stct. $29 Sfl I 1 I UUl DATRIl Soil.r1 Wt U'ebwts conrticMT X $154 Bna Pncat e t $ 1 19 I M March i S VITAUStruuB F0 JSrlL Quality Glass BAN Ca,C 7,1 HOUSE GLASS Storm Doors Picture Windows Thermo Windows Patio Doors sl5 Mg ROLL ON DEODORANT 4WRYnasalsrray rK .s 1 . h $109 |