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Show I ! L.1AP?..VVEEKLY REFLEX THIS! Y Lov.iy 2 btaroTdUTT-- f $Lpr Kovsvlll. locotlon Lor family room, private BQtl0 aen space. tof of .forooe, car petino, tirooet, rorport Com 32' ''nlnB or ekeni I LAYTON HM 'oTT7iJ7iIi!r7 home m u r n i sh ed GTTSmVaccess a Q schools S8i tor to ond s,0, month See mot nines or see sends Clgr;ij 7H4XJX rs 00 lii WO by owner LAYTON APLEX New luxury 2 B R wnn carpets 625 9234 bard responsible, 5 FRUIT HEIGHTS Barm on 3 acre, completely tin'shed lanascoped, central air Many extras Beautiful family home Coll Smnev 8e7 5330 for uooomtment to see Ail Seasons Heoity i Inc So7 5011 or 3e3 5ui) JLI Contact at 378-1- 1 S3 Sheffield x 242 West South 1st xovsvilie 376 2864. R5 i taking for rent whne your home being finished for a few "Onms Coll 376 56u3 or 8o7 274a ,5 00 for 3 bedroom mobile nine R 5 CLEARFIELD I ec utiv 3 bedroom home in t eauliful 3 setting huge oedrooms fenced yard w patio 1, h garage 1235 pets OK Umted k et tois 3vV 9e2? R 5 o' oe almost ne 3 bedroom nt ne tor lease Double go age d many other neat features none ne ynoorhoud near H A F 0 3ss0or 320 64j4 evenings R5 Dcbiex 225 E Wn1 Street Boon ful 1 bedroom full bsmt yard drapes range No 2 children 1,65 00 2VS Se70 I s ' - 5 x u sy e duplex 2 tollable immertiately , bedrooms 3e2 E 1U0 mo ,0 R 200 5 5 5s b"r plus utilities Home win fenced lot See at 503 Church Coll after 5pm Layton 9vo75 RS most exclusive area love this custom kitchen & You Km LISTING SYRACUSE Four Bnck Fireoidce room-u- p for only $35 900 1 290 sq ft area plus a 2 car garage Newly painted Good location in Layton Conventional financing We have the key and Will be happy to show you this home anytime & family room-dow- n game room, 2 fcaths up and one down Two car door garage w th Auto Fenced opener landscaped Best of cing You and finan- love this home II KCfE LOTS OF WAREHOUSE SALES and DISPLAY EUElDUva LOTS ii and mom floor sewing room Lois of extra formal ammo main floor family room over 5)00 su ft Priced of 5)10 000 ond only J years oa Call Steve ?95 03e5or Gordor ve5H Rea'ty Worid Shatter Assocates 2v 541 R5 Laytorv We have a tew building lots ready for you to build upon this Spring Pnc-e- d from $10 000 to $22 000 Come into our office to chec k the Plats and locations ot the lots the warehouse area fit fjli wOIu neil Oir ter A r ;i "iir 'fr 1764544. R46 BARLOW REALTY, REALTORS 377 No. Main, Layton 7 LAYTON this custom built tombler is reody to move in to Located m reautitul Oak Forest Easy ac to Hill iss 57 5J30 or -- 667 501 'H AFB Call Shirley ot or R5 Westmont like new call vjod location in Loyton 4 x 70 6 656. R 5 376-423- 4, j i i ucn r r office space, 704 square feet, in Layton Professional Building adFort Lane joining Center Shopping Call for 376-422- 1 MANAGEMENT TRAINEES KINGS FRUIT HEIGHTS VIEW $60500 baths 2 (replaces vew cf lake and rr u' Fenced yard Call Don 773 5404 376 5901 R hoi 2 r h r n training Apply KINGS No'll' Uiytud UMrlieM Ol uyoei. FAIRFIELD FARMS You con still smell the newness n this beouMul brown bnck rambler Over 1500 square feet of qualify living spoce featuring a super lorge master bedroom sute with its own with prrvote both huge livtng room elegant fireplace nicely arranged 2 more kitchen wdh built ms bedrooms Full bathroom and full in with basement roughed ftreploce All this plus a 2 cor at at Offered toched gorage $65 000 Call Bobbie at 292 1335 or off'ce yf ) firUttsr T. tin c I NATIONAL . hoj Know What Your Home is Really Worh on Today's Market? Gail for a Free T' V;1" f Evaluation. l it F t't 1 ss e A s ,V bedroom bungalow w th garage family room, bath and J. covered patio ar sprinkling conditioning ceilings VA FHA42 500 rj f jt t KQZIAR HILLS SOUTH WEBER V1 7te 8,k.l,l9 and 3 bedroom with double garage bath and A . acre lot, and zoned tor from FHA VA animals 49 900 2 $63 660 3 Bdrm 2h baths Clarion Call Elaine Cook 376-514- 4 room large family KING CLARION home on beautiful oak lot patios Elaine 773 9220 Walkout 3 Bdrm $67,000 basement, 2 drapes has bedrooms 2 36 rf fjt tt r f - 376-420- REALTY WORLD WESTERN 766 1281 825 151? COLONIAL PARK bedioom brick and frame bi level on a nicely landscaped corner lot Th s excellent home is c eon ond well mamta ried w th 2 Fomiiv 'ocm f'repioces Pa 3 situated 175 South Main - 766-123- 3 7 773-540- 4 bas SALT LAKE double carport or d spanking ssem plus on eira parkirg slob for youf boat Or cam per GMefed at $49 9C3 includ ng and a shwasher refnger for Shown by opiXDmtment Call Fronk Sondes at 376 5484 or office redwood deck 2219 S. 7th E. 486-580- 8 PROFESSIONAL 'ft ' LEGAL SERVICES s 300 - costs 300 - (Cists Corporations .300 . Individual Wills ... costs MO Office Consultations Fee For Other Legal Services Available Upon Request 1 5 . Terry 376-953- 3 . J) EAST BENCH double garage 2700 sq ft Eieqantly designed sm month old finished Has unique large master bedroom with tour other bedrooms three bathrooms fam.ly room dmmg room den fruit room mud room storage room Two car garage back yard tenced front yard landscaped Extra cement tor parking and storage of vehicles Daylight winarea dows in lower level-gre- CALL 376-999- 292-637- 7 376-481- 2 295-089- 5 3 766-126- ) SOUTH DAVIS REALTY 2130 So. Orch. Dr., Bountiful 292-044- 4 Sometimes a house can seem like a peach. . . and go sour on you after i t i i ERAS Home Buyers Protection Plan can sweeten the proposition of buying a home considerably. It eliminates the risk of costly repairs or replacements by covering most working components for a full year after you buy your home. (Modest applicable deductible) Start your home ownership with this great 5 bedroom all brick full basement beauty $41,900 00 This older home is one great buy Can serve as a 3 bedroom single family home or a duplex with one bedroom each look $42,900 00 unit-inves- Oh you II ly room-sp- tors one cared tor home 4 finished basement farm and span $42 900 00 say" This bedrooms is full mostly ic Phone us on this new listing with a magnificent view 4 bedroom, full basement fireplace, 2'z years young See you II love it at bedrooms fireplace, 3 baths, great fenced Over in Grand Oaks everything is new1 Kaysvilie area's finest new homes Several ready to start two ready to go Stop look prices $59 900 00 FRUIT HEIGHTS , outsto Unique ond spac ous f im y dug 28u squa'C foot to oHms someth ng hone eve' yo e Any won O' w n, cl Lve k let- Pit w h bull his for 05 Mic n wave Ix'a fu Oven cob nets hv.y6 walk in (ifi'I'y I n shaiv-ytcvk bai ino'mai d j area plus a laye for no d nine, room Open fenm ce In g m tt f the unrun living room enhances firepace Mom floor fcim ly ro.m w th si d g glr ss docs oi1 c ck'h Inige p'lvoe po o f oakbr j$h c wpied lo w Mam fioor iou'diy entuiesrii u in desk ond lets of cot) nets n H countei SfKiLe Otter feou es " Look at this lovely brick rambler with double garage, full mostly finished basement, total 4 yard $53 900 00 b6 1?B1 A GUARANTEED Plan For Your Employees Home-Purchas- e Out of space? Then see this King Clarion two story home with space galore Two floors and a full basement, double garage and big oak covered lot $79,900 00 Kind of nice1 Country atmosphere, pine trees and big "horse" lot, pasture under pressure irrigation Large brick ranch home, garage, horse barn Yes it's in Kaysvilie $79,900 00 If you re a corporate personnel executive It can make find out about transfers a lot easier for your employees RELO-TransActio- n offer to purchase a transferred employee s home at its appraised market value We II also offer your employee 5 of his equity in cash immediaiely. and the balance at the closing We II REALTY 319 ?) fj '' We re your us today for the details RELO-TransActio- rara Main 4 Sold! you buy it. Unbelievable view ot city 4 bedrooms 3 baths completely finished loads of storage formal dining good location with central air & oversize master bedroom basement KAYSVILLE k Schoss Real EstateRealty USA 1 Browns Park beauty overlooking Great Sait Laxe When entering first view is oak stairway leading up to three con- spacious bedrooms IV. baths mam floor otters venient laundry room family room with study or lib'a'y living room formal dining and spacious kitchen Located on quiet KAYSVILLE HOB HILL with home Two Professionally personality story decorated four months old Four bedrooms 3 bathrooms Mam floor has family room dining room utilities and bathroom Build your own equity by finishing the full base ment and landscaping Two car garage 1800 sq ft finished Priced to sell It $51,900 00 f 1512 STEPHEN I. ODA Layton, Utah 6404 Consider 392-551- 399-102- 3 sy Please Call For Appointment scon W. HOLT SCHOSS 376-377- WESTERN Business Incorporations (Partnerships) - 250 costs Phone Bill 8 . . . (Simple Individual) When You List With CO. REALTY WORLD B, 6 Bankruptcy c 773-36- A Ar . . . (Uncontested) uj, , , uu. a ,i c In 'S, werx adatiun ot this home 4 bedrooms one upstairs measuri3 bed'ooms on the mam ng 15 X 29 paneied J cts 3 Spacious p ii and kitchen area une car garage cable TV TV ana u.b antenna stay Air conditioned loca'ed in a quiet Ogden A remarkable value for subdivision just $46 900 Don t wait call Fenm Sthnss today' BOUNTIFUL CAPE COD KAYSVILLE 1095 N Main 773-922- 0 CLEARFIELD 394-666- 5 SMALL PRICE a of a small riuiue V A k 3 773-021- 0 LAYTON OGDEN j J Brett 1 Leslie Jack ? 1942 W. 5600 S 2 -- heat-o-lat- ESTATE t jT ROY OGDEN LARGE HOME e OAK FOREST 4 bedroom home has over 2100 sq ft finished plus un- finished basement highlight I ed by a Cathedral ceiling j which covers the livingroom and formal dining room Home also has kitchen eat-mg area and separate family room All located on the apmam Other level pointments include 3 baths fcepiace with 2 double garage large turnaces, and oak brush $82 900 Call today 621 6614 ask for Brent REAL 3 3065 Washington B'vd 4 PLEX LOT 9464 or office W 333 773-922- 0 ardiey Corporation o Heal Estate & Investments 1 lovely d rung ond fenced yord wih go den afeo ord aog run $42 900 Cali Dale 2 family room private 6 Bdrm upstairs formal with livingroom room and modern kitchen with eat at KAYS 372 E. CRESTWOOD RD And m waikmg distance to Port Lane Shopping Center This bi level mg area Possible stud o apartment in basement Beaut ful lanascafied 1317 N. 1225 E EAST LAYTON $63 150 4 Br 2 Vi bath, 7 months old , custom 773-922- 0 extra nice carpets Call Andy 376-420- 7 $120 000 4000 ft Rambler 1 Acre Charles 376-420- 7 NICE LAYTON NEIGHBORHOOD hirg 773-922- 0 TODAY 376-120- KAYSVILLE 3 WESTERN 1021 E. CAMBRIDGE ROAD s Main, Kaysvilie F.0Y PROPERTY REALTY WORLD ly t Sui'abie as a commercia1 lot measures 125 X 1b3 locates j' me c rr er of A A,e a cl Ccviol Call Fenm Schuss a! bt cuss cea Es a'e C 3 nei ' USA V V N M x h Pamper yourself in this d stinctive!y diherent white bnck home 4 bedrooms and 3 . baths o'fer maximum privacy and convenience Eeautitui family room fireplace radiates w'h hospi'ality em re home is handsomely carpeted and draped Large back yard baicony will lead you into the fun tilled rec room LUra modern kitchen has all the built, ns 2 car garage with eec dcor opener all tor only $76 000 Dor t miss out on rh,s beautiful home call Ferrm Schoss Bill Brown s As y j ' INDIVIDUALITY rnr it if SHAPE P home Has Enpy tianquiiiy m ths nice 3 bedroom carpe's and diaies k tehee has built m stove a shwasher and disposal Fenced yard just $38 900 Values like this seii fast so c a.l vem Schoss Now1 Do s lk.h'i iliiW3 fctww. c 6 CLINTON COUNTRY LIFE .ISTIuSS DEEDED n 867-504- 1 Exceptionally clean and well taken care ot Split Leve hortie ConM'uctPd of main'enance tree brick a p aluminum siding 3 bedrooms l . baths carpets and a d'apes Cooking is joy in this Dean and eft.Cieot kitchen has built in stove oven and disposal v, basement 2 car gaiage and the fenced back ya'd is great tor kids and pets1 Locoied in a comrortaD e quiet neighborhood ust $46 900 FhA VA or Conventional terms make this home rea y drsaDe Ca'i Feu n Schoss TODAY' 376-873- 7 t xjf y it r TIP-TO- REALTY Layton Davu Ogden 394-163- t 1 jt i N LAYTON $45 000 Super location for HAFB 4 Br 2 : butt s tarn R 977 1 room Call Ed at or 773-922- 0 is g. ICAYSILLE t ? We Can Handle All Your Buying Or Selling Nc-J- UsaKy Salt Lake Va.iey Financing arranged $37 900 I REALTORS 7 I fl ( j r $t 1480 W. 1750 '50 No. North Main Kaysvilie 376-120- 1 WESTERN CCIC, 1t? -- c Kaysvilie Ogden 376-340- 7 625-973- 8 REL s REALTY WORLD 497 No. Main, Kaysvilie broker Call n a r. i a a mi, BILL BROWN REALTY 1 WESTERN 1 A 376-126- ATTORNEYS AT LAW REALTY WORLD I 5 SCKOSS cal Estate Co. full fuepiae basement urge double garage atd lets more Two homes now ready for custom selection of card's cabinet tops and interior colors Wonderful vew ot Great Salt Laxe easy commute to 8uyng rr J 1 s 1350 N. CELIA, LAYTON Br , 1 bath home with washer rtiyi-- r refrigerator Call Andy 773 9220 or 376 4207 R 9n9 3 Divorce VARIETY DEPT. STORES & i.'f I. r - y I it - $r0 000 spacious living ruom farrn'y room wi'h a 1 773 9220 R 933 firepiace Call Ed BR 1 1 com ottw permanent position ex prenensive framing program in advancement client oeneMs and who Store manager to individuals are career oriented and have these qualifications High School Graduate Ages 22 to 35 Some Retail Background desired taoei to advance in rerati me'cnan Otse ttekj and nave leaoersn p and executive potential Applicant must be willing 10 relocate in Idaho or aftr initial J in- All real estate adIn this vertised newspaper Is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes It illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or an Intention to make such preference, limitation, or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising tor real estate which Is In violation of the law. Our readers ars hereby Informed that all dwellings advertised lr are this newspaper available on an equal opportunity baste. utrment - CO s $47 600 Manj now Aertun Village under construction and ted for sa'es See tl e 3 - -- v r c If formation Utah i (in1 4 Br fn r 8 1440 SHADY LANE FRUIT HEIGHTS Attractive J n ie e $75 500 Contemporary modern The builders own home Executive living Watty 773-922- 0 FOR RENT Tc-- 295-455- SCJTH SLOPE CN A'ta Prcte5Sional KAYSVILLE uiOfdlcy corporation Seasons Realty All C vY WESTERN '2 t)b FW FARMINGTON R REAL ESTATE or 295-S41- 8 362 So. Main, Bountiful BE SURE DEAL WITH SECURE FARF.sGTCN APPRAISALS REALTY WORLD 832 N. HILL BLVD,, LAYTON beautiful large family home on ,rge lot Plenty of space for o it ge garden Can hove opart rirnt down Coll All Seasons ucolty, ln 87 SOU or ini 50M - t-- r- 182 000 Koysvilie starter home 4 tearooms IN baths 138 900 -- t W BTtolii Dory Nelson 376 6695 Lakewood Realty R4 1 Eldon 6, SECURE REALTY NEW IN v. - -- f- I GEMTUnV 2 TAX SHELTER In Layton, Brick, eor old 2 B R units with many extras wood rental history Management ovailoble iie 'fftrt t rr - - Led CC ti fihl to is c j vVuri t 'ost loi g i $4," 5 Don ot ' roi e 4, TaHi a ix-' foro 71 825-254- 295-941- 292-86S- i F bed uo n oce and rr Topgrade home in the the summer time, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces Cathedral ceilings, 2 car garage AC Must sell by March 1st All otters will be looked at 8 or For more into Call Bob Reed at 3 bearoom home 75 remuaeied iaroe lot with trees cmd aaraen piol Rental Invest enl t.y owne' 86 28x3 for op P nient R56 L 353-812- 1, 'JII hills j BOUNTIFUL secluded in oak brush Must Still 1974 Broodmort MoDiic Home, 3 bedrooms. 2 Toke bo'hs ) 70 unfurnished Over payments ot Si BO mo Ond small eaulty Located Sundown Fork In Cleorfieia Vocont move in rient owoy Call 731 4922 0sr 5 oa Reo eH Will sell or lease Call anyt me for appt to see 2- FA8MiH5TONi3TH76 j 3 bt-- d oom ramb'er QaaMv bu on o 1 iXie iat f oor ceurg w idt w's oei ur ed to wol s save you ceoiurfg oei 3J vdmG e i tf' ot IvFy spvuCe Central Riverdale New 25 500 sq ft building ready tor immed occupancy Twenty five ft high ceilings in Lovor 1175 iq H Porliollv finished bosemen! Large lot beautltuily lonoscooed Fourteen years Old, clean, well kept All brick will sell on contract to r.ont party j? t 1072 cner 5 o m ond weekends R 3- If Located just West ot Grand ' 'r Horn e acre lot m Kavs ZONED FOR ANIMALS or 376 66V5 bedroom house unfurnished xcept stove & frig Cenier of avsvilie No pets Fnone Wayne 4 , E on RS 39Q44 c uttvt .3 draoes, and all appliances fireplace, air condilionlno car ports and storoee 6195 00 Lakewood Bern Located vine working individual to work part time evenings from 5 pm 10 p m Casa De Taco Call from 3 p.m.-- 5 p.m. for an appointment R 5 376- - - In 292 6377 461 2t 9993. South Dovis Realty for a We are looking 4 bedroom bnck family home clean very efficient kitchen wdh kitchen downstairs Famnv etra room Yvith od oming gome room Lorge ooub e cor garage Extra patio parking private covered fenced yard, low 50 s Cad 3?t- -- fT w NIGHT HELP WAHTED bedroom home hr SYBAC USE WOND6H OWNER IN LAYTON Two bedroom home, oaraqe, fenced backyard, pood location R5 75tt 00. Call custom French draperies, attractive lortdscao mo with sprinklers, double car Dirt many extra features 2'j years old, Clinton location ' le Tap ati fn f Y fireplace, eielieot ne.shborhood Nice vara t.o per ect for tomihes Do maies Unifed Renta, 5 3W(,7or T OWNER: KAYSVILLE 100 square feet finished up and aown, format dining room, 5 bedrooms, beautiful corpet A draperies, swamp cooler, '.ocre lot with mature Irult trees, Btooes, berries, parden all for l5Loa 375 1071 R57 Such a deal Extremely clean bite brick bi level, rock R! cedroom 1978 nkrtiiHVeixiitieik PONT Ml F DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, MARCH 9. cTt&nscAction Ouintes Wilson 376-460- Jeanne 376-890- 4 Kearl Mei Larew Nonne Moss Howard Cloward Clair Crookston Ed Stromberg 3 825-307- 1 376-534- 4 .. 376-934- 8 376-856- 9 376-800- 2 Johnnie Lozano Sail Lake City 328-358- 3 Boy Stuart Bob Mitchell 376-166- 2 376-810- 1 Dean Cook Jim Brough Mark Brown Steve Brough Kathleen Clark 376-958- 8 376-830- 4 376-026- 2 376-830- 4 376-843- 9 ..376-582- 4 |